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Agni 5 Weight is 23 Tons > PK Senguta

It's sad how people can ignore evidence when trying to boost their own nationalistic fervor.

India's Nuclear Weapons Program - Operation Shakti: 1998

Its only through nationalism lenses that they look at history. So this one is no surprise. Can you imaging if they would admit that the blast was a dud? It mean that they would have to hide under their bed and cry and never show up here again. They other alternative is to reinvent the facts, which they did.
The Hindu : Columns / Siddharth Varadarajan : 'Fizzle' claim for thermonuclear test refuted

1. I am surprised since the moronic way you argued about Thermonuclear weapons is usually associated with chines style.

2. Foreign analyst are wrong due to above reasons... who would know better a person sitting 1000 miles away from the test sites and following seismic data or the one who had equipment measuring right at the tests and dug up evidence to support them... in case of Chines logic its the other way round.

I already proved that Shakti I was successful and upto the mark the person who called it fizzle has been challenged to come up and prove the scientific evidences found from the test and other data wrong.

Now for Chines scientific evidence means nothing[specially the Bot types] since the dimension for which laws of Physics work for rest of the word doesn't apply to Chines according to them... you seem to be arguing about the same.

We first tested in 1974 and second test came in 1998. So after a gap of good 24 years. Its a lot time do all the new research and not to forget even the first attempt was a success. But it doesn't matter what bots say as long as our objectives were met
The Hindu : Columns / Siddharth Varadarajan : 'Fizzle' claim for thermonuclear test refuted

1. I am surprised since the moronic way you argued about Thermonuclear weapons is usually associated with chines style.

2. Foreign analyst are wrong due to above reasons... who would know better a person sitting 1000 miles away from the test sites and following seismic data or the one who had equipment measuring right at the tests and dug up evidence to support them... in case of Chines logic its the other way round.

I already proved that Shakti I was successful and upto the mark the person who called it fizzle has been challenged to come up and prove the scientific evidences found from the test and other data wrong.

Now for Chines scientific evidence means nothing[specially the Bot types] since the dimension for which laws of Physics work for rest of the word doesn't apply to Chines according to them... you seem to be arguing about the same.

What in this you do not understand? Only thing what worked in Shakti I was the primary, and that is the reason why India is not going to manufacture thermonuclear warheads.
On the other hand, there continues to be considerable controversy about the accuracy of this information, particularly regarding the yields of the thermonuclear device, and the second series of sub-kiloton shots. In summary the balance of the evidence indicates that the claimed yields are significantly overstated - particularly regarding the thermonuclear device, and the total yields of both test groups. The available information indicates that Shakti I could not have had a yield larger than 25 kt, but was at least 22 kt (based on Indian drilling data). The evidence offered by the Indian government to date to support the 43 kt yield claim is weak, in fact a plain reading of their own seismic evidence puts the yield at or below 25 kt. Accepting the radiological and photographic evidence for this second group of tests offered by BARC as valid, the complete absence of a seismic signal for theses shots defies explanation at the present time if the stated test time and yields are even is even remotely correct. BARC does not appear to have offered an explanation for this anomaly.
India's Nuclear Weapons Program - Operation Shakti: 1998
What Are the Real Yields of India's Tests?

However, there is some controversy about these claims. Based on seismic data, U.S. government sources and independent experts estimated the yield of the so-called thermonuclear test in the range of 12-25 kilotons, as opposed to the 43-60 kiloton yield claimed by India. This lower yield raised skepticism about India's claims to have detonated a thermonuclear device.

Observers initially suggested that the test could have been a boosted fission device, rather than a true multi-stage thermonuclear device. By late 1998 analysts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory had concluded that the India had attempted to detonate a thermonuclear device, but that the second stage of the two-stage bomb failed to ignite as planned.
Nuclear Weapons - India Nuclear Forces

Do you understand why nuclear weapons are tested? Chinese and French tested their new warhead designs at least six times to be sure that those weapons are safe and work, but you claim that India can manufacture reliable thermonuclear weapons based on one fizzled test? Only realistic conclusion is that India is arming it's missiles with tested 12-20kt fission warheads.

P5 countries have tested their thermonuclear weapons at least six times! You claim that India can reach same level with only one fizzled test? That's a joke... and not even a funny joke.
What in this you do not understand? Only thing what worked in Shakti I was the primary, and that is the reason why India is not going to manufacture thermonuclear warheads.

India's Nuclear Weapons Program - Operation Shakti: 1998
What Are the Real Yields of India's Tests?

Nuclear Weapons - India Nuclear Forces

Do you understand why nuclear weapons are tested? Chinese and French tested their new warhead designs at least six times to be sure that those weapons are safe and work, but you claim that India can manufacture reliable thermonuclear weapons based on one fizzled test? Only realistic conclusion is that India is arming it's missiles with tested 12-20kt fission warheads.

P5 countries have tested their thermonuclear weapons at least six times! You claim that India can reach same level with only one fizzled test? That's a joke... and not even a funny joke.

You have been such an imbecile.. It leaves no doubt that you are a Chinese and are ashamed of yourself to be called as one.

I provided you with proper scientific evidence with the scientists involved in the program showing proofs as to why the test was success and met its objectives... on ground.

Once again I quote from my last post... #49

Dr. Chidambaram wrote that the thermonuclear device tested was “a two-stage device of advanced design, which had a fusion-boosted fission trigger as the first stage and a fusion secondary stage which was compressed by radiation implosion and ignited.” He said the argument that the secondary stage failed to perform is belied by post-shot radioactivity measurements on samples extracted from the test site which showed significant activity of sodium-22 and manganese-54, both by-products of a fusion reaction rather than pure fission. “From a study of this radioactivity and an estimate of the cavity radius, confirmed by drilling operations at positions away from ground zero, the total yield as well as the break-up of the fission and fusion yields could be calculated.” Based on this, he said, BARC scientists worked out a total yield of 50 +/- 10 kt for the thermonuclear device, which was consistent with both the design yield and seismic estimates.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...eight-23-tons-pk-senguta-4.html#ixzz2HwVd8Hqc

“Let someone refute what we have written, then we can look at it,” said Dr. Chidamabaram, adding that he was yet to see a published critique of BARC’s scientific assessment by any laboratory-based scientist abroad

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...eight-23-tons-pk-senguta-4.html#ixzz2HwXZSX7U

The Hindu : Columns / Siddharth Varadarajan : 'Fizzle' claim for thermonuclear test refuted

I thought Chinese living abroad could read and write... but it seems that you are one of those illiterate ones who were smuggled in locked containers.

India is certainly not China and must not be associated with Chinese methods... Is it the fault of Indians that Chinese are dumb or rely on stealing and copying others ?

India already has 200-300KT series thermonuclear weapons mounted on the missile tips.... you cannot conclude any realistic condition since you live in Chibot fantasy world.

You have been such a joke here... Indian thermonuclear warheads are based on latest designs unlike the vintage age old Chinese once and have a lot better weight to yield ratio than any Chinese warhead.

India is working on a 1st world arsenal and not a chicom world 3rd grade waste bombs.
Quite possible, Its size is similar to the SS-11 missile.. which weighed in at some 41 tonnes back then.. however.. materials tech has changed a lot since then.

I suspect India is understating the Range of the Newer Agni by quite a bit in an effort to avoid scrutiny.

OK. you are talking about UR-100 with 41.1 to 42.3 tons weight,16.93 meters Length and 2 M Diameter.

But it was liquid propelled.

Agni V, India's longest range ballastic missile with a range of over 5000 kms being transported to the India Gate for the Republic Day parade in New Delhi. Photo V.V.Krishnan
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