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Agni 3 test fail .

Because it’s a deployed operational missile with a history of failure and shady past.
Now imagine being an operational nuclear missile launched for real during the war with a nuclear war head and ends up falling over Delhi due to a failure......
In Indian case very possible scenario.
all BMs and nukes have precautionary safety systems, if veers off course Firing stations or Vehicles would blast that BMs at higher altitudes, nukes also have disarm safety mechanisms if released in emergency by jet or BMs it can't be detonate, USAF had have few similar kind of events when live warheads in CMs or gravity nuke bombs released in an emergency but didn't detonate in 60s/70s/80s
all BMs and nukes have precautionary safety systems, if veers off course Firing stations or Vehicles would blast that BMs at higher altitudes, nukes also have disarm safety mechanisms if released in emergency by jet or BMs it can't be detonate, USAF had have few similar kind of events when live warheads in CMs or gravity nuke bombs released in an emergency but didn't detonate in 60s/70s/80s

As for USA, if I remember correctly, only few days ago, there was news that few of the USA warheads went missing while they were transported. The whole drama was hushed hushed by Uncle Sam.

When you say that they could be ignited at a higher altitudes, what do you mean!! Which stratosphere are you talking about!!
You don't intend to kill the aliens, do you!! We will have mega problem in that case. We heard they have bases on the other side of the moon. o_O:omghaha:
Failures of inducted missiles are obviously a concern.
But then tests are done for capturing such issues and fix them.

Yes its a setback, but will surely give positive outcomes when the failure findings will come up and the fixes will be applied.

This is probably 1st failure in last 10yrs or so, hopefully learning will be used for constructive purpose.
once again a pandit was called to guide the missile on right path

The real culprits were Mughals. Who wasted time in womanizing and didn't focus on civilizing their population. Sad thing is British were also secular. They also didn't bother.
India can only be saved if they let u rule it for next 1000 years. Otherwise, these pagans will destroy this subcontinent
Well, the foreign invaders managed to civilize you, isn't that enough. Now you people can go around donning suicide vests and stabbing the very same, secular British on their streets.
From 1400 years, there have been NO suicide bombing/attack in Islamic history until we reach 9/11. Muslims/Islam is there for centuries. Terrorism is recent phenomenon. Terrorism is great invention of West. Muslims were stupid who (in hatred of West) make Osama type western projects as their heros. Now, no Muslim Falls for this terrorism shit.

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