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Afzal Guru hanged

Finally the govt showed some guts to take firm steps. IN a way, it should force BJP now to focus on 2014 on clear agenda with issues of national importance minus Guru and Kasab and Mandir-Masjid.

A battle would be worth watch.
if rape threads are to be banned, then this hanging thread also should be banned, not trying to act as a hero here, but, this thread really questions our behavior,morale and ethics. felling of justice served should not be taken over by celebratory tone.Any way, justice prevails.

satya meva jayate.
man people would not have felt so happy if the culprit is from a sikh or hindu community.As this man belongs to a community which has been torturing hindus for hundreds of years,people naturally celebrate it..go and read history of india starting from medieval times..how can any true indian forget the atrocities they have been subjected to..?how can we forget the blood that was spilled by those people as recently as during partition of india when 8000 lakh hindus and sikhs had been raped and killed mercilessly..how can anyone forget 1 crore people sent away from their ancestral home land ?dont try to preach non sense..it is the duty of every human to strive to defeat adharma and taking pride in it.
Yo Afzal !!

Party in hell tonight.. Bro!

With DJ Osama and Belly dances with Kasab and Co.

EnjoY the Party

It's getting hot in here, so hot, so blast off all your bombs
I am, getting so hot, I wanna take my bomb off

Lyrics courtesy -Nelly.
@dravidianhero Control bhai. Don't generalize any religion or community.
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Justice done. He chose the path of violence and killed 7 security people.

Whats sad is that he was kept alive as a symbol of weakness for 7 years. In the meantime a blast happened outside Delhi court demanding his release, that killed 11 more people. This soft attitude towards terror by GOI only backfires.

You CANNOT appease terror supporters. Its not only wrong, its also impossible.
Afzal all your plea letters will be forwarded to ajmal now.
man people would not have felt so happy if the culprit is from a sikh or hindu community.As this man belongs to a community which has been torturing hindus for hundreds of years,people naturally celebrate it..go and read history of india starting from medieval times..how can any true indian forget the atrocities they have been subjected to..?how can we forget the blood that was spilled by those people as recently as during partition of india when 8000 lakh hindus and sikhs had been raped and killed mercilessly..how can anyone forget 1 crore people sent away from their ancestral home land ?dont try to preach non sense..it is the duty of every human to strive to defeat adharma and taking pride in it.

where did you get this figure from?

let me put it this way, there has to be revenge, but that shouldn't mean we should jump up and down for it, that will only make us look like uncivilized. there will be not any difference between us and Arabs if we start celebrating the death of a scum on face of earth. it's not an accomplishment, we served what this scum deserved, and that should end at that.
Expect a wankfest in the TV studios by the self-declared intellectuals, HR champions, leftie liberals for the next two days.

Not to forget a 30,00,000 word essay from Arundati Roy :angel:
Have you noticed how with the advent of inter net and social media the attitude of governments towards hurting the sentiments of hindus changed?now a days no one dares to speak as outrageously as they used to defaming hindus...political parties used to take hindus for a ride..thanks to internet that people have a way to vent out that expression which main stream media in india never provided...people are getting more and more aware of their history as well..the classic example is akbaruddin owaisi..he has been making such speeches for a long time and thought he would go scott free..if it was like 7 or 8 yrs ago he would have been going about freely making such speeches calling himself sher e deccan..but times are changing..ppl are getting to know their history..hindus had enough of these pseudo seculars..one more thing is had it not been for the fear of hindu vote bank ,congress would have not hanged him..this move is only to get votes of hindus..but unfortunately for them it is too late.
Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar says"The Decision to Hang AfzalGuru is sad" ....typical congressi
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