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Aftermath of Removal of Article 35A and Article 370

Economics and uplift of an area are the pathway to integration, suppression and fascism arent.
Exactly my point.. People need to ask the J&K govt why upliftment hasn't happened.
Exactly my point.. People need to ask the J&K govt why upliftment hasn't happened.
If a local government has failed, that doesn’t give free pass to the state to scorch cries of protest. Most want better and peaceful lives which the state could intervene and provide through economic packages and direct rule rather than military occupation.
If a local government has failed, that doesn’t give free pass to the state to scorch cries of protest. Most want better and peaceful lives which the state could intervene and provide through economic packages and direct rule rather than military occupation.
Military is there to prevent groups like HM, LeT from taking over the state as the state leaders never raised any voice against their followers.

Regarding economic packages, its been getting the largest share ie 10% of central funds with just 1% of population. This is over a period of 2000-2016. Its getting the largest share, even larger than UP which as highest population, and has nothing to show for it.
Exactly my point.. People need to ask the J&K govt why upliftment hasn't happened.
you indian take a safroni pill of stupidity or something every morninf!! india itself is a shithole for poor but you morons dont question the great modi g!
you indian take a safroni pill of stupidity or something every morninf!! india itself is a shithole for poor but you morons dont question the great modi g!
Ooh i love ur education :D!! Sadly my school didnt teach me so much love! :/
It really is ;)
India in recent days have sent additional troops to Kashmir and a war like situation had been created in kashmir.
We can asses whats their plans by simply looking at different events.
1) Non kahmiris were asked to leave kashmir which means they expect something from the locals against those non kashmiris.
2) Hurriyat leadership as well as pro indian leaders like mehbooba mufti all have been put under house arrest. Which clearly show that it had something to do with polictical issue.
something which is not acceptable to all kashmiris alike.
3) Additional troops have been placed on LOC and increase in heavy weapons for ceasefire violations clearly indicates that they want to put pressure on Pakistan and stop it from reacting to something which they think would force Pakistanis to react.
4) Airforce and army both on high alert clearly show that its not about terrorism or political issue only. Airforce is not used for such scenarios.
5) Repeated calls for abolishing article 35A and article 370. Which means modi sarkar think they have public support to make those moves.
6) During the last few weeks stories of how indian army planned to take strategic peaks from Pakistan in 2001-2002 to control LOC have surfaced in the news and indians were supporting the move.
7) Bill have been passed by indian Lok saba to give powers to NIA to declare anyone a terrorist. India in the past had failed to bring any reasonnable charges against Hurriyat leaders due to their non violent struggle. Now indians can charge them for terrorism. This will create unrest in the streets of kashmir.
8) Indians are trying to solve this independence issue once and for all. They may be planning to kill or arrest thousands of kashmiri muslims and crack down against anti india protestors. They are planning violent reaction so they expect response from Pakistan as well as the kashmiris.
Most possible step india is planning:
Shah Mehmood has already said that india want to change demographics of Kashmir. So article 35A abolishion is a confirm step they are planning. They are expecting response from kahmiris and Pakistanis alike that is why they are preparing to handle both situations.

Pakistan response and options:
Pakistan options to such scenario will be limited with only few options on the table as we don't have economic, political or military power to make decisive move on the issue.
But Pakistan can take few steps of it's own:
1) Go to UN but it won't be any productive as UN is a failed organization.
2) Blackmail US. We can tell US that with such prevailing situation we cannot focus on Afghanistan conflict resolution and we can't do anything unless Kashmir issue is solved.
3) Limited conflict: We can go for a limited conflic with india but strategically it won't achieve its abjectives as any stalemate in the conflict would make indian grip in the situation strong. It will prove that they can go away with their actions with just a small price.
4) Pakistan can help kashmiris with armed struggle and we can help them like we helped afghans against the soviets. We would need political supports of OIC member countries. At the same time we should be prepared for war in case india start one to put pressure on us. Any war would give us more opportunities to more openly support kashmiris in their struggle.
5) Take the opportunity and declare GB and kashmir as 5th and 6th province. India may start a conflict but they don't have edge for a decisive victory.
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Blackmail US. We can tell US that with such prevailing situation we cannot focus on Afghanistan conflict resolution and we can't do anything unless Kashmir issue is solved.
India would simply go ahead and declare FA 18 Growler as winner of MMRCA2 and USA will pull back. Money power.

Pakistan can help kashmiris with armed struggle and we can help them like we helped afghans against the soviets. We would need political supports of OIC member countries. At the same time we should be prepared for war in case india start one to put pressure on us. Any war would give us more opportunities to more openly support kashmiris in their struggle.
Soviets were in a third country and so is USA which is why it requires your support and tolerate your whims and fancy, if you think Taliban survived because Pak is some very powerful nations, then you are misguided, geography favored you in Afghanistan. kashmir's is India's own territory and India so far hasnt brought any airpower or armor in kashmir but with such brazen support by Pakistan, India wont hesitate. You would literally be signing death warrant for Kashmiris and nobody will support you besides OIC which doesnt matter on Power game. And whats there to prevent India from attacking Azad Kashmir in that case if Pak does this? Will Pak take that chance?
Wasn't India offered F-21 with an in-house assembly line in corporation with Tata?
F21 isnt acceptable. India wont go for a single engine besides its just a glorifies F16.
Whereas FA18 with Growler modifications is a different thing altogether. Currently IAF may be leaning towards Rafale for logistics reasons but if such geo political situation develops im sure Growler wont disappoint them.
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