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After rushing to Qatar's aid, Turkey may have to rethink its Mideast ties

Turkey has a strong army, but attacking another country won't pull NATO in the war..and honestly Turkey can not face the 500 million Arab world who will obviously side with KSA and send huge troops and weapons.. let alone the rest of the Muslim world..Turkey is no fool to start a war against KSA, it will lose the war and every friend in the Muslim world..apart from strategic allies of KSA, like the US the UK, China, Japan and South Korea among many others..

500 million arab world :lol: There is no such thing as an arab world. It is a made up concept. Fruthermore, what type of fool would brand all those so called 'arabic' nation under one umbrealla? You think the Iraqis, Lebanese, Syria, Yemenis would be on the same side of the saudis? what drugs are you on?

P.S: KSA pilots are trained in the best military and aviation schools in the US and the UK.. Saudi young pilots have more than 10 000 hours of flight on typhoons, and about 10 times that on the F-15s.. that is more than any Muslim nation and surpasses many European and other nations in flight hours experience.. this is as of today..

saudi pilots are a joke. That's why they need to import such people.

Towards the end of the Iran Iraq war, the Iranians thought the same as some on this thread, namely that KSA pilots were weak in training and guts, So Iran sent 4 F-4s towards KSA, they approached Saudi airspace and it became clear that it was an attack, than all of a sudden 2 Saudi F-15s appeared from nowhere and shot 2 Iranian F-4s, hit the 2 others who were manoeuvring to go back home..one F-4 managed to hit a water reservoir thinking it was holding Oil..
After a while Iran sent 11 fighters and KSA fielded 11 of its fighters..this time the Iranians just broke formation and went back home..
Another incident happened with Usrael, where 2 or more F-16s crossed to the Saudi airspace, thinking that they won't be detected..Saudi pilots forced them to land in KSA.. this incident was covered and we do not know why.. but just after this incident, a lot of weapon systems that were banned for sale to KSA were suddenly allowed and Saudi Arabia got everything it wanted..This kingdom is blessed.. and Al Haramain have their divine protector..

Those F-4's were not even armed with AA missile. Furthermore, those pilots were most definitely American if not from another nation. saudis even today import pilots nevermind in the 80's.

Turkey knows all these facts very well, and it knows that it has much more to gain From staying brothers than becoming enemies which is just a thought of some dreamers on PDF.. who would love to see powerful Muslim nations fight between themselves.. Like the scared troll who has opened this thread..

Put on your real flag dude and stop false flagging. saudis are one of the most incompetent armies on this planet. The Turks would spank them really hard. Only hope saudis have in any conflict is if US comes to the rescue.
500 million arab world :lol: There is no such thing as an arab world. It is a made up concept. Fruthermore, what type of fool would brand all those so called 'arabic' nation under one umbrealla? You think the Iraqis, Lebanese, Syria, Yemenis would be on the same side of the saudis? what drugs are you on?

saudi pilots are a joke. That's why they need to import such people.

Those F-4's were not even armed with AA missile. Furthermore, those pilots were most definitely American if not from another nation. saudis even today import pilots nevermind in the 80's.

Put on your real flag dude and stop false flagging. saudis are one of the most incompetent armies on this planet. The Turks would spank them really hard. Only hope saudis have in any conflict is if US comes to the rescue.
You are just ranting and trolling with no facts whatsoever.. it is all in your head, no facts no sources.. just your mad opinion.. and do not get personal, everyone on PDF knows I am a Canadian Muslim Arab with Saudi origins and as frank and polite as you can get.. so stop your rant and go play in some kindergarten with your peers..
You are just ranting and trolling with no facts whatsoever.. it all in your head, no facts no sources.. just your mad opinion.. and do not get personal, everyone on PDF knows I am a Canadian Muslim Arab with Saudi origins and as frank as you can get.. so stop your rant and go play in some kindergarten with your peers..

So you're finally admitting you're a saudi? :lol:

I am only saying facts. Can't accept them?

Like I said:

1- There is no such thing as an 'arab world'. It is a fake identity.
2- Only a fool would group all 'arabs' together. Iraqis for example despises you and would never side with saudis. Thus this '500 million arab' is ludicrous.
3- You've tried to misconstrue what happened in the 80's with Iran.
4- And your pilot issue is clear as daylight.
Sounds like KSA is the center of the world.
It is my friend..

Kaaba is proven to be the center of the world geographically.. and the center of Islam..
KSA has this advantage and very experiences politicians and economists..it has also a lot of allies outside of the Muslim world..
It is my friend..

Kaaba is proven to be the center of the world geographically.. and the center of Islam..
KSA has this advantage and very experiences politicians and economists..it has also a lot of allies outside of the Muslim world..

You're also the centre of being America's little whores.
Disconnect/discounting the support of all the other countries is impossible because we are #Muslims and we are having a duty to protect Saudi too.
So you're finally admitting you're a saudi? :lol:

I am only saying facts. Can't accept them?

Like I said:

1- There is no such thing as an 'arab world'. It is a fake identity.
2- Only a fool would group all 'arabs' together. Iraqis for example despises you and would never side with saudis. Thus this '500 million arab' is ludicrous.
3- You've tried to misconstrue what happened in the 80's with Iran.
4- And your pilot issue is clear as daylight.

I am a Muslim Arab first, Saudi by origin.. I cherish the idea of Muslim Unity..

Your facts are baseless, with nothing to back them up with! You can't call your biased opinions facts..

1- There is a real Arab world, be it geographically or politically.. 500 or so million Arabs are united through language, culture and religion, they just won't tell you.. but the people who should know, already know..
2- Nope, those were facts, and the Iranian pilots were some of the most experienced at that time and had some very advanced US fighters of that time, still they were bitten by Saudi pilots_maybe because they have underestimated them like you are doing_
3- KSA has no pilot issue at all.. they had some Pakistani and other Arab pilots when they were in the process of constructing their air forces.. everyone needs help when starting big projects like that one.. there is not one foreign pilot in the Saudi airforce.. one might find US instructors, British ones or even some very experienced Pakistani or others who know about the Saudi platforms and systems.. maintenance is where you might still find more expats than Saudis.. but not pilots wise..

You're also the centre of being America's little whores.
And you are Russia's, North Korea's big whores!?


Mecca at the Center of the World
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I am a Muslim Arab first, Saudi by origin.. I cherish the idea of Muslim Unity..

Your facts are baseless, with nothing to back them up with! You can't call your biased opinions facts..

1- There is a real Arab world, be it geographically or politically.. 500 or so million Arabs are united, they just won't tell you.. but the people who should know, already know..
2- Nope, those were facts, and the Iranian pilots were some of te most experienced at that time and had some very advanced US fighters of that time, still they were bitten by Saudi pilots_maybe because they have underestimated them like you are doing_
3- KSA has no pilot issue at all.. they had some Pakistani and other Arab pilots when they were in the process of constructing their air forces.. everyone needs help when starting big projects like that one.. there is not one foreign pilot in the Saudi airforce.. one might find US instructors, British ones or even some very experienced Pakistani or others who knows about the Saudi platforms and systems.. maintenance is where you might still find more expts than Saudis.. but not pilots wise..

1- Nonesense. The only thing arab is the language. It's like Britain claiming all people who speak English around the world as British.
2- The fact is F-15's piloted most definitely by Americans shot down a bomber carrying no air-air missile.What a great accomplishment!
3- If it has no pilot issues it would not be importing pilots from everywhere :lol: Who are you trying to kid kid?

And you are Russia's, North Korea's big whores!?

This comment makes no sense. How in the world would anyone claims Iran is a whore to Russia or N korea? They have zero degree of influence over Iran whereas saudi arabia is whore for the US. Also let me know when Iran needs Russia to come to its rescue when it is attacked like saudis needed US when overran by the Iraqis :rofl:

Saudi arabia is a pathetic incompetent nation that would not last 2 weeks without the US. Even the Houthis would have ate the saudis alive where it it not for the US and their arms and support to the al sauds.

Disconnect/discounting the support of all the other countries is impossible because we are #Muslims and we are having a duty to protect Saudi too.

Are you another saudi slave? muslims have a duty to protect the saud family? Why some of you people have such slave mentality? Does your family work in saudi arabia?
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But don't Saudi have Patriot missiles, Euro fighters etc?

I am purely looking at the capability of Turkey to defend Qatar from Saudis. Qatar borders Saudi while Turkey has no border. For one, I think Turkey would have logistics issues.

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Turkey and Iran will work together to fight against Saudis... That way Turkey will not have any logistic problem... ;)

That is what I was wondering. How would Turkish F-16s be able to take on Saudi Euro fighters? It would be interesting if Pakistan's pilots would be flying Saudi Euro fighters.
Turkey developed its own AESA radar for f16s... nobody knows if its already in use or not... dont expect Turkish army technology capabilities with the ones you find through internet..

Mecca at the Center of the World

How on earth do you find 'center of the world' on a sphere that is planet earth? One could choose any random spot on the planet and draw some lines towards other side of the globe and claim it's center of the world.
We don't need these kinds made up BS to prove holiness of Mecca or Medina.
It is my friend..

Kaaba is proven to be the center of the world geographically.. and the center of Islam..
KSA has this advantage and very experiences politicians and economists..it has also a lot of allies outside of the Muslim world..
Based on what the Kaaba is the center of the earth.
this whole mess could bring iran and turkey together against Saudi Arabia.. hat a strange world :D
How on earth do you find 'center of the world' on a sphere that is planet earth? One could choose any random spot on the planet and draw some lines towards other side of the globe and claim it's center of the world.
We don't need these kinds made up BS to prove holiness of Mecca or Medina.
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