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After Qandeel: An open letter to ‘honourable’ Pakistanis

The articles will keep coming, the threads being crowded by posters! The media got hands on to something that sells well and the trend will continue but for how long? It will be just one morning that they find there is something better out there and you wont even hear her name again. This is how the media works and this is how controlled we are.

I am already shared my views on this. First, i wont call it an honor killing. Secondly, i stress on the fact that honor killings are not religion related but culture and society related. Third, while i feel what happened was a crime and the brutal act of murder cannot be defended by any religion or society, i do feel what Qandeel was doing was not right as well. There are certain rules every thing in this world is based on and if you want to be part of that thing (it can be a society, religion or any other thing) you have to follow those rules. For me, it is as simple as that. It is just another murder, like many happening on daily basis and i condemn it as much as i condemn the other.
I see a letter from a perversion apologist.
The articles will keep coming, the threads being crowded by posters! The media got hands on to something that sells well and the trend will continue but for how long? It will be just one morning that they find there is something better out there and you wont even hear her name again. This is how the media works and this is how controlled we are.

I am already shared my views on this. First, i wont call it an honor killing. Secondly, i stress on the fact that honor killings are not religion related but culture and society related. Third, while i feel what happened was a crime and the brutal act of murder cannot be defended by any religion or society, i do feel what Qandeel was doing was not right as well. There are certain rules every thing in this world is based on and if you want to be part of that thing (it can be a society, religion or any other thing) you have to follow those rules. For me, it is as simple as that. It is just another murder, like many happening on daily basis and i condemn it as much as i condemn the other.
Exactly...despite the fact the she was killed for petty money issue by her equally disgraceful drug addict brother, the media would keep calling it an honour killing not because it sells but it pleases their masters who fund them...and we will only about this when the Zarb-e-Azb turns to the media..then we will see the ulterior motives of the "ladies and gentle men" of the media.
i do feel what Qandeel was doing was not right as well.

Acting naive? ...................... Fauzia's biggest mistake was that she went public otherwise what happens and has been happening daily in land of pure is gigantic compared to whatever stupidity Fauzia used to do.
Acting naive? ...................... Fauzia's biggest mistake was that she went public otherwise what happens and has been happening daily in land of pure is gigantic compared to whatever stupidity Fauzia used to do.
What is naive in me saying "what she was doing was not right" ?
Even if it is happening daily that wont make it right!!
What is naive in me saying "what she was doing was not right" ?
Even if it is happening daily that wont make it right!!

Singling out one person when we very well know about our society and how pure and morally correct it is. She did nothing different to what others have been doing and are doing ............ so collectively why not call this whole stupid society is at wrong then saying Fauzia was wrong? Fauzia was a product of this society, not someone who just popped out all of a sudden, the only difference being others play safe and keep fooling people and she tried being stupid.
Exactly...despite the fact the she was killed for petty money issue by her equally disgraceful drug addict brother, the media would keep calling it an honor killing not because it sells but it pleases their masters who fund them...and we will only about this when the Zarb-e-Azb turns to the media..then we will see the ulterior motives of the "ladies and gentle men" of the media.
Sir the problem is if we expect that army to do that zab-e-azab on media and do so on every other department then what is the "democratically" elected government for?

On one hand the government cries about the army interfering in certain offices of state and on hand they leave the nation no other choice but to hope for the army to interfere in the remaining ones as well.

Singling out one person when we very well know about our society and how pure and morally correct it is. She did nothing different to what others have been doing and are doing ............ so collectively why not call this whole stupid society is at wrong then saying Fauzia was wrong? Fauzia was a product of this society, not someone who just popped out all of a sudden, the only difference being others play safe and keep fooling people and she tried being stupid.
Perhaps you missed the point where i clearly mentioned that the killing was culture and society related!!
To eager to jump on others throats? It makes one look super hero and liberal but can make one look stupid as well.
What is wrong is wrong and even if the whole society, as per your claims, is involved still that do not make it right. At least try and read the complete post and the context of the debate before jumping up to argue!
Perhaps you missed the point where i clearly mentioned that the killing was culture and society related!!

May be I missed it point me to it and I will apologize if I said something that has hurt you.

To eager to jump on others throats?

You may have taken it personally but I had no such intentions for you (exceptions are not counted).

It makes one look super hero and liberal but can make one look stupid as well.
What is wrong is wrong and even if the whole society, as per your claims, is involved still that do not make it right. At least try and read the complete post and the context of the debate before jumping up to argue!

I wish I was a superhero that would have helped me a lot imagine flying around freely would have been fun ................................... for the rest of your comment you may be living in a different society than me perhaps, however, the society I live in does not even deserve a free country these monkeys should have remained slaves forever unless they are willing to show some character. And if you are willing to accept Fauzia was nothing but just a product of this society and her killing a result of hypocrisy of this society then may be you will agree with my claims about this so called pure society.
The articles will keep coming, the threads being crowded by posters! The media got hands on to something that sells well and the trend will continue but for how long? It will be just one morning that they find there is something better out there and you wont even hear her name again. This is how the media works and this is how controlled we are.

I am already shared my views on this. First, i wont call it an honor killing. Secondly, i stress on the fact that honor killings are not religion related but culture and society related. Third, while i feel what happened was a crime and the brutal act of murder cannot be defended by any religion or society, i do feel what Qandeel was doing was not right as well. There are certain rules every thing in this world is based on and if you want to be part of that thing (it can be a society, religion or any other thing) you have to follow those rules. For me, it is as simple as that. It is just another murder, like many happening on daily basis and i condemn it as much as i condemn the other.

Exactly...despite the fact the she was killed for petty money issue by her equally disgraceful drug addict brother, the media would keep calling it an honour killing not because it sells but it pleases their masters who fund them...and we will only about this when the Zarb-e-Azb turns to the media..then we will see the ulterior motives of the "ladies and gentle men" of the media.

First I thought I will not take a part in this type of thread (they gone come up again and again ) , But when I saw the replies from both of you , I just cant stop my self you both sum up the entire case very well , I wont go into the desiccation like Her family background , Income ways , All living happly from many Years , More money demand and refusal got Her Killed.

And after reading that article and some "facts" according to author and some revolutions that happening , Please don't take me wrong , I would love to see his reaction when his own sister go naked or minimum act as Qandel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its dam easy to have some money and Make your masters happy when you have some one else shoulders to do it. Our media and so called liberals are biggest threat that qandel faced , they just bring that girl on a cliff and Gently Pushed her off.
May be I missed it point me to it and I will apologize if I said something that has hurt you.
I will, its in this thread as well i think and sure on some of those other countless threads on the same topic.

You may have taken it personally but I had no such intentions for you (exceptions are not counted).
I did, a little bit. It was a bit too aggressive for a civil debate. Anyway, thanks for clearing it up now. Feel much better.

................................... for the rest of your comment you may be living in a different society than me perhaps, however, the society I live in does not even deserve a free country these monkeys should have remained slaves forever unless they are willing to show some character. And if you are willing to accept Fauzia was nothing but just a product of this society and her killing a result of hypocrisy of this society then may be you will agree with my claims about this so called pure society
I sure am living in the same society but i just do not agree with your suggesting solution and course of action. You and me must not forget that it is us who are part of this same society. It is easier to criticize something than to actually do something about it. Constructive criticism helps, do it with an intention of contributing something positively and you will see that i am almost always on your side. Bashing is a different story.
Also this do not change my point of view about how Qandeel Baloch was wrong about her actions. Whether the whole society is morally corrupt or not is a different debate and do not makes her actions right or wrong. Killing/Murder is again a different issue and cannot be justified and must be strongly condemned.

I think we have had a few debates in the past as well? Perhaps you changed you user name here? You are here for quite some time and it is not possible that i have jut forgotten any discussion with you. If you are comfortable doing so you can send me your old nick so i can understand you better? you can do that in private if it is too much to do here. Just a request.

I did, a little bit. It was a bit too aggressive for a civil debate. Anyway, thanks for clearing it up now. Feel much better.

I am sorry, I had no intention of hurting your feelings at all. Good that you feel better now :)

I sure am living in the same society but i just do not agree with your suggesting solution and course of action. You and me must not forget that it is us who are part of this same society. It is easier to criticize something than to actually do something about it. Constructive criticism helps, do it with an intention of contributing something positively and you will see that i am almost always on your side. Bashing is a different story.

Constructive criticism is useless in this society, it only gathers people for a debate who would agree with you and in the first instance go back to violating a simple traffic rule. I bash my society not because I am some angel myself but I find it hard to act against what I believe is word of ALLAH and is true. I bash because this majority Muslim society knows the truth and still ignores it for its own benefit (sood haram hy sood haram hy par bank account saving khulwa lo). I am done smiling every time at others injustices when they are clearly not going to change and accept they were wrong. In a society where people would not bear a word against Islam is full of Muslims who would knowingly cheat others, would violate each and every basic teachings Islam holds dear. Jab lato kay bhoot bato say nahi manny to unhay laty he parni chaiay baty kar kay time zaya karnay ka faida?

Also this do not change my point of view about how Qandeel Baloch was wrong about her actions. Whether the whole society is morally corrupt or not is a different debate and do not makes her actions right or wrong. Killing/Murder is again a different issue and cannot be justified and must be strongly condemned..

Fauzia I agree was totally wrong in her actions, a woman has this god gifted sense of being modest, she will know the but her stupidity lets her down. But again if society was little accommodating she could have been saved. I did not know Fauzia but still if her parents are happy with her and she has not killed anyone and people who she may have disgraced forgive her May ALLAH ALL MIGHTY forgive her for she was human and acted stupid to score a point. Ameen.

I think we have had a few debates in the past as well? Perhaps you changed you user name here? You are here for quite some time and it is not possible that i have jut forgotten any discussion with you. If you are comfortable doing so you can send me your old nick so i can understand you better? you can do that in private if it is too much to do here. Just a request.


I think we have never engaged in serious debate here, virtually none. The only time I remember is when you needed some suggestions English drama serials and I had suggested some. My old nick was well Bayranga Asman, if it helps you remember the correct ID.
I am sorry, I had no intention of hurting your feelings at all. Good that you feel better now :)
Forget it, i am usually not that sensitive :)
No hard feelings :tup:

Constructive criticism is useless in this society, it only gathers people for a debate who would agree with you and in the first instance go back to violating a simple traffic rule. I bash my society not because I am some angel myself but I find it hard to act against what I believe is word of ALLAH and is true. I bash because this majority Muslim society knows the truth and still ignores it for its own benefit (sood haram hy sood haram hy par bank account saving khulwa lo). I am done smiling every time at others injustices when they are clearly not going to change and accept they were wrong. In a society where people would not bear a word against Islam is full of Muslims who would knowingly cheat others, would violate each and every basic teachings Islam holds dear. Jab lato kay bhoot bato say nahi manny to unhay laty he parni chaiay baty kar kay time zaya karnay ka faida?
True on almost all accounts. Just one thing to add, you said that there is no use of constructive criticism in this society, i would say that there never are any constructive debates. Those discussions at the barber shops or bus stands are more of time killer than constructive arguments. What platform we really have for any such activity? I am not sure there are enough if any!

Fauzia I agree was totally wrong in her actions, a woman has this god gifted sense of being modest, she will know the but her stupidity lets her down. But again if society was little accommodating she could have been saved. I did not know Fauzia but still if her parents are happy with her and she has not killed anyone and people who she may have disgraced forgive her May ALLAH ALL MIGHTY forgive her for she was human and acted stupid to score a point. Ameen.
True. As said, nothing could justify murder! It is just as simple as that.

I think we have never engaged in serious debate here, virtually none. The only time I remember is when you needed some suggestions English drama serials and I had suggested some. My old nick was well Bayranga Asman, if it helps you remember the correct ID.
Oky may be this is the reason that i do not remember. Anyway, thanks for mentioning it now :)
as for those drama serial, do let me know if you have any suggestions for me now :P watching 24 these days ( i prefer series that have concluded as that way i do not have to wait for the episodes and seasons to come and have better control on how i want to watch it)
True on almost all accounts. Just one thing to add, you said that there is no use of constructive criticism in this society, i would say that there never are any constructive debates. Those discussions at the barber shops or bus stands are more of time killer than constructive arguments. What platform we really have for any such activity? I am not sure there are enough if any!

May be its too late for the grown ups now but if somehow education system of Pakistan (if it could spare sometime from money making) could introduce some sort of education from the start may be may be future generations of Pakistan would be more principled and different than us.

Oky may be this is the reason that i do not remember. Anyway, thanks for mentioning it now :)
as for those drama serial, do let me know if you have any suggestions for me now :P watching 24 these days ( i prefer series that have concluded as that way i do not have to wait for the episodes and seasons to come and have better control on how i want to watch it)

I have not watched any since long time now :(. Would ask one of my cousins someday for suggestions he has a collection of these. I have a bad habit of getting addicted to an activity and then forget about it all together after sometime :D
Sad what she did in her life was totally a crap. She invited her end. Even In US, characters like these often beaten to death. Kill for honour is just a cover. Where was the honour when his killer was taking money from her to do business. Why he took her money and cell phone and other things after murder. I doubt the that real motive is the money, not honour. May be asked her for money and after refusal he did this act. Lets see what will come out after complete investigation.
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