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After LMGs, Indian Army will soon get close-quarter-battle carbines

Good to see changes. India has always lagged behind in Weapon Manufacturing but I can see some of the reforms made by PM Modi is actually paying off.
Still a long way to go. Govt alone can't bring in substantial changes when the mindset of IA's top brass still favors kickbacks which result in foreign procurements sabotaging any indigenous project in the making. IN has fared pretty good in this regard, all surface vessels procured over the last two decades have been designed by the Naval Design bureau and built by various public & private Indian shipyards. Even much complex systems like subs have been license produced locally which helped us gain decent expertise resulting in the design and build of Arihant class nuclear subs

I hope MoD imposes a self arms embargo for all weapons systems which have been developed and produced in-house or areas where we've made significant progress
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