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After jailing Kashmiri lobbyist Fai, US is being fussy over its CIA agent?

Is America blaming a double game?

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Hahah.. seems legit.. Anyhow Afridi will not be released until Zardari gets a hefty aid from US
ref:Shakil Afridi: Pakistan's Latest Scapegoat | MPACUK – Empowerment through political participation

Shakil Afridi: Pakistan's Latest Scapegoat 7:43 am, Fri 25 May 2012

The Pakistani authorities are no strangers to embarrassment. They continue to lose respect from the public for allowing murderous US drone attacks in Pakistan. In addition to the general disregard of civilian safety, there are cases such as that of Aafia Sidiqui, sentenced to an entire life of prison for no crime whatsoever. She is certainly not the only one.

The average Pakistani would see this as a violation of the dignity of Pakistan (whatever is left of it), yet to the government, its obviously not much of an issue. Afterall, who will really hold it to account? However, when it is embarrassed by its pay masters for not doing its job properly, in front of the whole world, only then does something become an issue. Nothing recently has highlighted this picture, more than the embarrassment of Pakistan's ISI over their apparent ignorance of Osama bin Laden's whereabouts.

One would think then, that the Pakistani government would give the US some substantial diplomatic backlash, afterall, that is what nation states do, if an ally insults another ally (Pakistan on paper is apparently an ally in the so called 'war on terror'); but by not doing so, it shows how much the Pakistan government has bent over for the US and how little respect the US has naturally given in return.

Some may find only dismay upon hearing that the Pakistani authorities, jailed a Pakistani doctor, Shakil Afridi, for providing intelligence to the CIA concerning Osama bin Laden. Others may not be very surprised at all. In essence, by pushing the blame onto him and others as to why their incompetence came about, they push the case, that it was never the ISI's fault to begin with. More importantly, it is a Pakistani, one of their own, that is the problem, not their slave masters.

The case to be put forth is one of treason. However, the question as to how can one helping their diplomatic allies be seen as treasonous, is left begging. Afterall, Afridi has only done what the authorities claimed to be working towards anyway? But of course, these important questions do not matter. Who will hold them to account afterall?

The state can just peddle any line to the masses. They get to scapegoat the blame of their own incompetence onto Afridi. In demonising him as a betrayer of Pakistan for helping the US, the masses will most likely be in agreement with the government. There will most likely be no outcry and no demand for accountability. Why? Because who in Pakistan, really loves the US?

And so the real tyrants of Pakistan recover some of their social "respect" and get let off scot free, to continue their treacherous work. Pure elementary asian family politics at its best, only scaled up to the highest level of the nation state.

However, this type of behaviour is nothing new. To put it succinctly, it is generally called the slave mentality. Where slaves will happily turn on their own, before confronting the obvious oppressor. Malcolm X neatly categorises this mentality into the "House Negro". This kind of behaviour can only be challenged with mass, persistent direct action and a solidarity of bigger priorities between people.

The fact of the matter is, nothing will change unless there is a revolution in the Pakistani mind. One that no longer sees just beyond its nose, that is enslaved by the petty politics that surrounds it and starts challenging the roots of corruption - that enables the leaders to get away with murder.

Is it not time for Pakistanis to do what Islam commands of them? Is it not time for Pakistanis to stand firm in the cause of justice and to struggle for those who are oppressed by the injustices of the current system?

Read more: Shakil Afridi: Pakistan's Latest Scapegoat | MPACUK – Empowerment through political participation
in pakistani team every one is a captain and only one worker .. shakil afridi is similar story .. sara nazla iss becharay par giray ga
He is nothing less than a traitor,
will Indians honour such a guy had it happened in India?
If you people are so particular,go to UN or something.
He is nothing less than a traitor,
will Indians honour such a guy had it happened in India?
If you people are so particular,go to UN or something.

If Osama was in India, and a civilian helped CIA to track him down, we would be very happy, because Osama was nothing but a monster.
Infact, If a person helped CIA kill an Indian civilian like lets say Dawood Ibrahim(if he was in India)..we would honor him...
This guy's a lost cause..Why are people still arguing over him?

The decision has been made, he's in jail now, let him be.

If he were to be released, he'd be dead meat anyways. (Taliban or some group would surely hunt him down)

He's better off in jail; otherwise his safety would be in danger out there.
they should shot him or hang him in public so next time traitors think 100 times before work for any foreign spy agency . i hope someone kill him in jail .
they should shot him or hang him in public so next time traitors think 100 times before work for any foreign spy agency . i hope someone kill him in jail .

People who are asking for his release are idiots. :blink:He'll be killed that way. No man in Pakistan is going to let him walk the streets freely.

He's better off in Jail or just being executed (before someone commits a crime on him).
People who are asking for his release are idiots. :blink:He'll be killed that way. No man in Pakistan is going to let him walk the streets freely.

He's better off in Jail or just being executed (before someone commits a crime on him).

its not crime to MOB a traitor dear .such people should make examples like iran did .our puppets themselves are agents of USA so how can they do it .

somewhere free countries do like this with US israieli agents

US Protects CIA Agents

By Sajjad Shaukat

In this context, US has openly been protecting CIA agents by pressuring Pakistan. Without paying attention to the fact about the conviction of a Pakistani doctor, Shakeel Afridi, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on May 24, this year condemned his imprisonment as “unjust and unwarranted” for helping in the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

Original Article Here...
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