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After Islamophobic Hate Crime in New York City, Mayor Wants Public to ‘Keep

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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After Islamophobic Hate Crime in New York City, Mayor Wants Public to ‘Keep Death in Perspective’

By Annie Robbins and Alex Kane

December 30, 2012 "Mondoweiss" -- A horrific crime if we've ever seen one--and a reminder that Islamophobia affects many communities outside Muslim ones.

From the AP:

A woman who told police she shoved a man to his death off a subway platform into the path of a train because she hates Muslims and thought he was one was charged Saturday with murder as a hate crime, prosecutors said.


"I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks because I hate Hindus and Muslims ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers I've been beating them up," Menendez told police, according to the district attorney's office.


Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday urged residents to keep Sen's death in perspective as he touted new historic lows in the city's annual homicide and shooting totals.

"It's a very tragic case, but what we want to focus on today is the overall safety in New York," Bloomberg told reporters following a police academy graduation.

What kind of perspective is Bloomberg referencing? If someone said "I shoved a Jew in front of a train because I hate Jews," would Bloomberg be touting drops in the city's annual homicide and shooting totals? Quite an insensitive comment, at the very least.

After this news broke, Twitter was aflutter with people pointing to Pamela Geller as one culprit pushing anti-Muslim sentiment in the city. Geller's organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, recently put up a new crop of ads that features the World Trade Center burning with a Qu'ran verse printed to the right of the towers.

Geller's role in promoting anti-Muslim sentiment of the sort that leads to Islamophobic hate crimes should not be in dispute. But what should also be highlighted is how New York City's own police force has promoted anti-Muslim bigotry time and time again, from surveillance of Muslims that places the whole community under suspicion to training officers with an Islamophobic flick.

Friend of Mondoweiss Lizzy Ratner made this point in her excellent piece on Geller in The Nation:

Though Geller and her crew are fringe elements, they are not random or spontaneous, idiopathic lesions on the healthier whole. They are, quite sadly, part of this country, outcroppings of something big and ugly that has been seeping and creeping through the body politic for years. In the decade since September 11, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bigotry has become an entrenched feature of our political and social landscape. It lurks in the hidden corners of everyday life—in classrooms and offices and housing complexes—as well as in the ugly scenes that occasionally explode into public consciousness. In the special registration of Middle Eastern men after 9/11. In the vicious campaign against Debbie Almontaser, the American Muslim school teacher who tried to open the Arabic-language Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA) and was tarred as an extremist. In the attack on the Park51 Islamic center, more commonly (if less accurately) known as the Ground Zero mosque. In the New York Police Department’s selective surveillance of Muslim communities. And that’s just New York City. All of these instances should have called on our horror and outrage, and in all too many of them, society hasn’t lived up.

This crime appears to be the latest manifestation of New York City's Islamophobia. This time, it cost a life.

After Islamophobic Hate Crime in New York City, Mayor Wants Public to ‘Keep Death in Perspective’
Muslim countries should issue travel advisory not to travel to New York City. It is becoming a dangerous place even for non Muslim tourist unless they put up a sign that they are not Muslim. That is the end of secular American melting pot.
Muslim countries should issue travel advisory not to travel to New York City. It is becoming a dangerous place even for non Muslim tourist unless they put up a sign that they are not Muslim. That is the end of secular American melting pot.
May want to urge the current muslims in America to leave as well. But am willing to bet you are too cowardly to call for it. Your post is more to be inflammatory than to encourage rational discussions. In other words -- troll.
Muslim countries should issue travel advisory not to travel to New York City. It is becoming a dangerous place even for non Muslim tourist unless they put up a sign that they are not Muslim. That is the end of secular American melting pot.

the guy pushed was hindu and she said she hates hindus and muslims, but she is a manendez what else can i say, after she comes out or her grueling 16 hours shift every store/gas station/coffee shop/seven eleven/cab is owned by hindus and muslim. If I were her i would be pissed too
May want to urge the current muslims in America to leave as well. But am willing to bet you are too cowardly to call for it. Your post is more to be inflammatory than to encourage rational discussions. In other words -- troll.

Your so-called 'rational' statement does little to encourage 'rational discussion' for it tries to cover up the extent of hatred towards the Muslims living in your 'civil' society. It gives tacit approval to this kind of hate crimes.
the guy pushed was hindu and she said she hates hindus and muslims, but she is a manendez what else can i say, after she comes out or her grueling 16 hours shift every store/gas station/coffee shop/seven eleven/cab is owned by hindus and muslim. If I were her i would be pissed too

SHE WAS AN ISLAMOPHOBE and became such after 911.

she thought the guy was MUSLIM but when told he was something else she added that in her statement (as she was psycho)

"I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks because I hate Hindus and Muslims ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers I've been beating them up."

She didn't knew difference between hindus and muslim .
SHE WAS AN ISLAMOPHOBE and became such after 911.

she thought the guy was MUSLIM but when told he was something else she added that in her statement (as she was psycho)

"I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks because I hate Hindus and Muslims ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers I've been beating them up."

She didn't knew difference between hindus and muslim .

If that makes you sleep better that be it, but the fact is Sikhs died after 9/11 not muslims and now hindu died because she hates muslim. Lets keep fueling anti muslim feelings in the US so more Sikhs and hindus die, I have no problem with it. There is something I hate saying but I believe its true, they hate your creepy looks and take muslim hate on you.
If that makes you sleep better that be it, but the fact is Sikhs died after 9/11 not muslims and now hindu died because she hates muslim. Lets keep fueling anti muslim feelings in the US so more Sikhs and hindus die, I have no problem with it. There is something I hate saying but I believe its true, they hate your creepy looks and take muslim hate on you.

That's why I'am saying they should do rallies to prove that they are NOT MUSLIMS.

HATE against muslim will be forever as muslim terrorists not going to stop until whole world is "shariazed" so they have NO OTHER OPTION .

hindus should do daily rallies to tell ever american that they are not muslims.

I don't think they really care about the difference.

In the Sikh Temple shooting just recently, the shooter was a US Army Veteran who had visited the temple numerous times in order to plan the attack. So he obviously knew that they were not Muslims, there is a sign right at the entrance that says "SIKH TEMPLE".

In the current case, the woman said that she hated both Hindus and Muslims. The point is they don't really care about the definitions or differences.
Batches and tshirts could be used in sensitive areas which claim that " we are neither muslims nor have any affiliation to them"
This is the nth time where an Indian guy gets killed by an Islamophobe American in the US. Every year there are at least a couple of cases.

lol at Americans

and I have read a 1000 time on this forum where Indian are supporting anti-muslim sentiments in US, they are their own enemy. Watch any Indian Anchor, read any column by India and they always spewing poison against muslim and getting killed for it. Its like every girl named Karma turned out to be a byich.
I don't think they really care about the difference.

In the Sikh Temple shooting just recently, the shooter was a US Army Veteran who had visited the temple numerous times in order to plan the attack. So he obviously knew that they were not Muslims, there is a sign right at the entrance that says "SIKH TEMPLE".

In the current case, the woman said that she hated both Hindus and Muslims. The point is they don't really care about the definitions or differences.

LOOK in the beginning of the statement "I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks" that clearly illustrates her thought of the guys being a muslim .

Regarding the sikh incident look what the sikh themselves believe

"We are pretty sure that this is a hate crime because there is so much ignorance and people mistake us either being Taliban, or being part of Bin Laden’s network, or al-Qaida because of our turbans and beards," Rajwa Singh of the Guru Gobind Singh Foundation
in Rockville


Other opinions can also be held but I'm pretty sure in both incident attackers were angered over 911 .
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