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After India Loses Dogfight to Pakistan, Questions Arise About Its ‘Vintage’ Military

Funny how they claim it's a misuse of F-16. They sold us hundreds of AMRAAMs to shoot down the Taliban Air Force? I sense more of India pleasing than actual concern.
“They” aren’t claiming that at all. They have just said that they have heard of claimed misuse and are asking for information.
"Unlike China, where an authoritarian government is free to set military policy as it wishes, India is a democracy, with all the messiness that can entail." what a load of BS. How about so called Chinese "authoritarian government" implement reasonable and sensible policy, why does implementation of sensible policy have to have "authoritarian" attach to it?

"Democracies" are in a mess now around the world. They're jealous.
India pouring every years billions like peanuts but still its armed forces equionent gear and situation of food is vintage no wonder most of budget goes to politions and top brass generals pocket this is why they keep the thumping the drums of war so budget keep growing
India pouring every years billions like peanuts but still its armed forces equionent gear and situation of food is vintage no wonder most of budget goes to politions and top brass generals pocket this is why they keep the thumping the drums of war so budget keep growing
Most of the fund is being milk for overprice western and Russia weapons with subpar performance.
What ever happened in February is history now and a small victory doesn't means we have won the war . Lets be ready, vigilant and more prepared next time as snake only knows how to bite and snake is not dead yet. As snake is wounded and will recover and will come after us to try its luck again over time.
This "SMALL" victory is significant.
Pakistan has now deflated Indian Vedic Air Superiority bubble, just as how China warship building spree deflated Indian Vedic Navy superiority complex, .
This will help cause India and Gujarat Butcher Modi to think twice when contemplating any future MISADVENTURE.

Do not underestimate the morale boost this gives Pakistanis of all walks on the quality of the Pakistan Armed Forces during a time when Pakistan had increased tensions with its neighbors.
This made Pakistanis PROUD and gives strength and increased faith to those fighting for freedom in Kashmir.

South Tibet will be the 2nd Kashmir for India soon.

Arunachal Pradesh torn over permanent residency issue
If the BJP does not stop thinking in terms of harvesting votes, clashes will keep on erupting
South Tibet Clashes.jpg

This article should be an eye opener for every Indian and the plans US had for them. Yes right now India might enjoy basking in American attention but in the long run, Indias fate wont be any different from that of Pakistani American alliance. Nehru would be rolling in his grave, that is if he was buried in one.

Several things to note here.

1) How the recent skirmish between Pakistan and India have been perceived in the US and international media and that is in this recent skirmish India clearly lost.

2) Indian military is poorly-equipped; this we've known for a long time.

3) Size of the Indian army: India has roughly 1.3 million active military personnel, it really serves as a large employer for a country of 1+ bill people. So people are given jobs simply to deal with the mass unemployment.

4) Indian military budget: Majority of India's $45bn military expense goes towards salary, housing, and feeding its military, only a fraction is left to actually improve the military.

I hope this recent skirmish serves as a reality check to gung-ho Indian internet warriors. Your military has deep problems.

But still it does not mean that they will stop at trying to prop India up as a equivalent rival to China. As for the gung-ho approach, its just a result of decades of indoctrination of Indian masses where they were falsely lead to believe that they are superior to all other countries in region. West conveniently looked over chronic Indian issues because of its size and population. However, we must not let Indias these weakness affect our judgement and under estimate their desire and willingness to destroy us. Out all SAARC countries, only Pakistan stands up to Indian plans of hegemony, and we must ensure effective deterrence and resist complacency at all costs.

What ever happened in February is history now and a small victory doesn't means we have won the war . Lets be ready, vigilant and more prepared next time as snake only knows how to bite and snake is not dead yet. As snake is wounded and will recover and will come after us to try its luck again over time.

Totally agree to it. We have suffered in last 15 years as a result of WOT and for once I am glad that our armed forces took those lessons to heart and applied them. I have no doubt Indians never expected the ferocity, viciousness and swiftness they received after their so called surgical strike. They are taken aback by it, and we must ensure that we never be allowed to be played at back foot again.

"Unlike China, where an authoritarian government is free to set military policy as it wishes, India is a democracy, with all the messiness that can entail." what a load of BS. How about so called Chinese "authoritarian government" implement reasonable and sensible policy, why does implementation of sensible policy have to have "authoritarian" attach to it?

So in other words, they are accepting that India's chronic problems wont allow it to become an effective tool to be used against China. Strange logic.

As I have said before and will say again Hinuduyta mindset had penetrated every level of Indian society and nothing including their military is immune to it. That very same ideology lead to their false sense of superiority.
Several things to note here.

1) How the recent skirmish between Pakistan and India have been perceived in the US and international media and that is in this recent skirmish India clearly lost.

2) Indian military is poorly-equipped; this we've known for a long time.

3) Size of the Indian army: India has roughly 1.3 million active military personnel, it really serves as a large employer for a country of 1+ bill people. So people are given jobs simply to deal with the mass unemployment.

4) Indian military budget: Majority of India's $45bn military expense goes towards salary, housing, and feeding its military, only a fraction is left to actually improve the military.

I hope this recent skirmish serves as a reality check to gung-ho Indian internet warriors. Your military has deep problems.

There is another possibility as well, of IAF deliberately sending their most inferior Jets against Pakistani JF-17's as they stood to gain either way. In the event that their Mig-21 were to shoot down a JF-17, they would have dealt a decisive blow to PAF both in terms of morale and PAF's plans vis-a-vis Thunders. In the event that the JF-17 shoots down their Mig-21, the Thunder would have shot down their weakest asset which they could later on encash and get more Rafael to replace the Migs. Sort of an internal win-win situation for IAF.

Now, IAF will push to either increase the count of Rafael to 126 or to procure some other 4.5+/5th gen fighter ASAP.
I will stick toy assessment I made months ago.

If and that's a big if, pakistan invades India using conventional means, India will surrender in 2 weeks.

1. Ammunition
2. Morale

Pakistan should explore this option if it want to establish peace in the subcontinent.
There is another possibility as well, of IAF deliberately sending their most inferior Jets against Pakistani JF-17's as they stood to gain either way. In the event that their Mig-21 were to shoot down a JF-17, they would have dealt a decisive blow to PAF both in terms of morale and PAF's plans vis-a-vis Thunders. In the event that the JF-17 shoots down their Mig-21, the Thunder would have shot down their weakest asset which they could later on encash and get more Rafael to replace the Migs. Sort of an internal win-win situation for IAF.

Now, IAF will push to either increase the count of Rafael to 126 or to procure some other 4.5+/5th gen fighter ASAP.

Great analysis. You described the treacherous
Indians very well. Seems that you personally know a few.
New york times has taken bollywood mask off from Indian face to expose the ugly India. The India that is poor, sick, wicked and barely surviving.

They talk about becoming super power? Taking on China?? Two front war?? Permanent member in UNSC?? This is not gonna happen for atleast next 100 years.
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