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After Google, Dell and GoDaddy mull pulling out

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the whole idea is to create psychological hysteria to scare and warn US and Western based businesses from investing in China

too bad, and too late. no western company could afford to compete without having manufacturing plants in China

i feel sorry for the US that they have to resort to such cheap marketing to get their point across
China, go ahead and teach that arrogant American a lesson.
Google won't give a hoot about freedom of speech of CHinese people that it says it upholds! Just ask Saudi or all other Arab states where google happily operate under different censors.
Are you certain about that...???

Internet censorship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is in ONI's substantial category and is on RSF's internet enemy list. Saudi Arabia directs all international Internet traffic through a proxy farm located in King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology. Content filtering is implemented there using software by Secure Computing.[40] Additionally, a number of sites are blocked according to two lists maintained by the Internet Services Unit (ISU):[41] one containing "immoral" (mostly pornographic) sites, the other based on directions from a security committee run by the Ministry of Interior (including sites critical of the Saudi government). Citizens are encouraged to actively report "immoral" sites for blocking, using a provided Web form. The legal basis for content-filtering is the resolution by Council of Ministers dated 12 February 2001.[42] According to a study carried out in 2004 by the OpenNet Initiative:

The most aggressive censorship focused on pornography, drug use, gambling, religious conversion of Muslims, and filtering circumvention tools.
So if I read this correctly...Google does not censor FOR the Saudi government. Get it? Looks like the Saudi government who does the censorship.
Wtf is this GoDaddy? Never heard of. Some kind of crappy marketing firm essentially - selling domain names as the main revenue income.
You have never heard of World's largest domain name registration company speaks tall about your knowledge.

It shows that you are commenting without any information just to comment everything on the earth.
Yeah...Cracks me up as well that someone who never heard of GoDaddy but sees nothing wrong with speculating on technology companies and their impacts, obvious and hidden, around the world.
Chilling effects of Google?s China saga - upiasia.com

China’s business environment is not as friendly to foreign companies as it appears to be; even if they are renowned and successful outside China. Look at how many Internet companies have run on the rocks in China, including EBay, Yahoo!, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. Google is just one more on the list!

Baidu generates far less outcomes than Google and it even manipulates the placement of search outcomes based on how much a related advertiser pays, which has been condemned as unethical.

ust as Chinese news portals have their origins in Yahoo!, and Youku.com, China’s leading Internet video website, mimics YouTube, Baidu is a copycat with its homepage a “shanzhai,” or imitation, version of Google.

Two months ago, in the column mentioned above, I quoted a sentence on China and Google by Thomas Friedman, the columnist of The New York Times. Here, I would like to cite the entire paragraph in which the comment appeared – his comments three years ago painted a scenario of who would win if China were to lose Google:

“No question, China has been able to command an impressive effort to end illiteracy, greatly increasing its number of high school grads and new universities. But I still believe it is very hard to produce a culture of innovation in a country that censors Google – which for me is a proxy for curtailing people’s ability to imagine and try anything they want. You can command K-12 education. But you can’t command innovation. Rigor and competence, without freedom, will take China only so far. China will have to find a way to loosen up, without losing control, if it wants to be a truly innovative nation.”
Chilling effects of Google?s China saga - upiasia.com

China’s business environment is not as friendly to foreign companies as it appears to be; even if they are renowned and successful outside China. Look at how many Internet companies have run on the rocks in China, including EBay, Yahoo!, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. Google is just one more on the list!

Baidu generates far less outcomes than Google and it even manipulates the placement of search outcomes based on how much a related advertiser pays, which has been condemned as unethical.

ust as Chinese news portals have their origins in Yahoo!, and Youku.com, China’s leading Internet video website, mimics YouTube, Baidu is a copycat with its homepage a “shanzhai,” or imitation, version of Google.

Two months ago, in the column mentioned above, I quoted a sentence on China and Google by Thomas Friedman, the columnist of The New York Times. Here, I would like to cite the entire paragraph in which the comment appeared – his comments three years ago painted a scenario of who would win if China were to lose Google:

“No question, China has been able to command an impressive effort to end illiteracy, greatly increasing its number of high school grads and new universities. But I still believe it is very hard to produce a culture of innovation in a country that censors Google – which for me is a proxy for curtailing people’s ability to imagine and try anything they want. You can command K-12 education. But you can’t command innovation. Rigor and competence, without freedom, will take China only so far. China will have to find a way to loosen up, without losing control, if it wants to be a truly innovative nation.”

Google is a good companies with many innovative ideas, but when it comes to Google china, it is completely different different case. it blatantly plagiarize every product from its rival Baidu and Sogou.

Google mp3 for Baidu Mp3, Google 265 for baidu hao123, google laiba for baidu tieba, google wenba for baidu zhidao. what's the worst, its chinese inputing software plagiarize the whole vocabulary of Sogou counterpart. refuse to admit it when caught redhanded, and hire lots of people to nigrify its rival on the internet.

While baidu plays as the leading role in china's search market, google act as copycat. no single product it has on china's market is not a plagiarization
Google is a good companies with many innovative ideas, but when it comes to Google china, it is completely different different case. it blatantly plagiarize every product from its rival Baidu and Sogou.

Google mp3 for Baidu Mp3, Google 265 for baidu hao123, google laiba for baidu tieba, google wenba for baidu zhidao. what's the worst, its chinese inputing software plagiarize the whole vocabulary of Sogou counterpart. refuse to admit it when caught redhanded, and hire lots of people to nigrify its rival on the internet.

While baidu plays as the leading role in china's search market, google act as copycat. no single product it has on china's market is not a plagiarization
The guy who created Baidu, Robin Li, learned search engine technology from the US. Get a clue.
Wont be a bad thing, it would only mean more chinese export of computer parts to India, since India doesnt have the entire industrial chain in computer hardeware making, and its not something you can build up over a night.
Same thing goes when some textile factory moved to Vietnam and India, they hade to buy mashinenary from China to build those factories.

The guy who created Baidu, Robin Li, learned search engine technology from the US. Get a clue.

So what? Same goes for Yahoos founder, googles founder. Not a bad place to learn:azn:
So what? Same goes for Yahoos founder, googles founder. Not a bad place to learn:azn:
The argument was that Google copied from Baidu. How is that possible when Robin Li learned his craft in the US? If we grant it is true that Baidu is a better performer than Google because of Li's superior understanding of the nuances of the Chinese language, how does that make Google a copycat, especially when Li's methods are based upon non-Chinese sources?


The Number of China's Patent Filings was More Than 10 Times of India's
Wont be a bad thing, it would only mean more chinese export of computer parts to India, since India doesnt have the entire industrial chain in computer hardeware making, and its not something you can build up over a night.

I think china also don't have it's own plant designing/making high performing CPUs. So probably thats one area they still have to improve
The argument was that Google copied from Baidu. How is that possible when Robin Li learned his craft in the US? If we grant it is true that Baidu is a better performer than Google because of Li's superior understanding of the nuances of the Chinese language, how does that make Google a copycat, especially when Li's methods are based upon non-Chinese sources?

I am not saying Google is not a great companies. when it comes to china's market, it's different case. Baidu developed a number of successful products which chinese netizens like. Google want to achieve the same level of success by copying.

Robin did learn lot from the US, but technology is not the whole story. what distinguish baidu from its rivals is their market-oriented products and service and their innovation ideas.
less than 10%,come on ,who would trust politicians nowadays......,不过阁下也没必要上这来哭爹喊娘,耍大刀啊,谁管它TG的形象,可那些阿三哪是就事论事,根本就是诋毁中国,咱就别煽风点火了。谷歌有些特点是很好,不过大量淫秽违法信息也的确是通过谷歌在传播


呵呵 对TG的愤恨如此之大,难道是传说中的轮子?还是民运人士?你说说哪个政党的业绩超过了TG的?就你轮子能管的好些,还是坐在华尔街(而并非华盛顿)的米帝能管得好些?口口声声说民主,但是不晓得米帝本身有多民主?貌似只有两个政党,并且两个政党之间的差别比可口可乐和百事可乐之间的差别还要小?表面上互相监督,争斗,但是暗地里互相勾结。他们贪了多少钱,知道不?绝对不是咱TG能比的,贪了还美其名曰“救市刺激金“。米国的所谓"lobbyist"是干嘛的?就是公开行贿的,你以为是啥?切,这种民主,谁要?


米帝给你多少钱了?看来不止5毛 =)

Easy with brother Atlantis (he is sincere, if a little naive). 轮子 are not the ones with real beef - they are too busy protesting in front of TG consulates - heck many a day I wanna do the dame.

But what's the use?

It goes without saying that I am no fan of TG. But I will be if Evil Empire # 1 takes Evil Empire # 2 down with it (who is #1 and who is #2 don't matter - G2 is one happy family :partay:)

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