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After Babri Masjid, Vishwa Hindu Parishad Shifts its Focus on Gyanvapi Mosque in Varanasi

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Why should I ?

YOU made the claim, so the onus is on YOU to prove it.

Can you tell me how building a Ram temple at the Babri site is productive ??

At least the Taj is a secular building.

How is Taj a "secular" building ? Its a MOSQUE and a Muslim GRAVE.

Ram Temple in Ayodhya is the Second Step in addressing Hindu grievances of a 1000 years. First was building the Somnath temple in Gujarat.

I cannot think of anything more productive for addressing Hindu concerns and addressing historical wrongs.

And what happened of the Buddhist temples ??

Same thing that happened to Hindu temples. Any doubt ?

Right. Building temples should be the primary goal of Indians now. No need of building a welfare state for India.

Both are not mutually exclusive.

Are you saying they are ?
Right. Building temples should be the primary goal of Indians now. No need of building a welfare state for India.
Building a welfare state is the objective of all national parties in India, something that's entrenched in our Constitution.

As far as building the Ram Temple is concerned, yes that is rightly on the top list. These two things are not mutually exclusive.
Why should I ?

YOU made the claim, so the onus is on YOU to prove it.

How is Taj a "secular" building ? Its a MOSQUE and a Muslim GRAVE.

Ram Temple in Ayodhya is the Second Step in addressing Hindu grievances of a 1000 years. First was building the Somnath temple in Gujarat.

I cannot think of anything more productive for addressing Hindu concerns and addressing historical wrongs.

Same thing that happened to Hindu temples. Any doubt ?

Both are not mutually exclusive.

Are you saying they are ?
Banalo. Is baar to tor kar hi rahenge tmhara Ram Mandir
Why should I ?

YOU made the claim, so the onus is on YOU to prove it.

Surely I cannot be expected to remember the online source for something I read ( offline ) in my mid-teens.

Same thing that happened to Hindu temples. Any doubt ?

You mean Hindu kings demolished them ?? You are correct.

@The_Showstopper, had you not once posted such a thing ??

Both are not mutually exclusive.

Are you saying they are ?

As far as building the Ram Temple is concerned, yes that is rightly on the top list. These two things are not mutually exclusive.

First build a welfare state. You can build a temple later with whatever resources are remaining.

Building a welfare state is the objective of all national parties in India, something that's entrenched in our Constitution.

Building a welfare state will require the system to be Socialist or at least partially so, but the BJP has objection to the part of the Preamble to the Constitution which has the word "Socialist".
Surely I cannot be expected to remember the online source for something I read ( offline ) in my mid-teens.

If you have the audacity to make such a far-fetched claim then you need to have the integrity to post reference and Links to such claims too.

If not show the decency to apologies for your unprovable Lies.

You mean Hindu kings demolished them ?? You are correct.

@The_Showstopper, had you not once posted such a thing ??

Now Prove this second claim as a Rule and not an exception.

First build a welfare state. You can build a temple later with whatever resources are remaining.

Why ? Are you claiming both are mutually exclusive ?

Building a welfare state will require the system to be Socialist or at least partially so, but the BJP has objection to the part of the Preamble to the Constitution which has the word "Socialist".

What is the definition of the world "socialist" as per the Constitution of India ?
Building a welfare state will require the system to be Socialist or at least partially so, but the BJP has objection to the part of the Preamble to the Constitution which has the word "Socialist".
That is your misunderstanding, Indian Constitution was socialist even before the term was added to the Preamble.
Taj Mahal should be tej mandir, gyanvapi mosque should be gopikishan mandir. Period
If not show the decency to apologies for your unprovable Lies.

OK, I apologize for making a claim for which I had no current online source.

Happy ??

Now Prove this second claim as a Rule and not an exception.

So where are the Buddhist stupas ?? Surely, the Muslims didn't destroy them.

Why ? Are you claiming both are mutually exclusive ?

I am not saying they are mutually exclusive but you should contribute to first building a welfare state.

What is the definition of the world "socialist" as per the Constitution of India ?

What does the BJP say ??

That is your misunderstanding, Indian Constitution was socialist even before the term was added to the Preamble.

I agree that especially Nehru had Left leanings.
So where are the Buddhist stupas ?? Surely, the Muslims didn't destroy them.

Why not ?

What did you think happened to Buddhist universities ? Why do you think there are no Stupas in Pakistan and Afghanistan ? They only exist in India.

I am not saying they are mutually exclusive but you should contribute to first building a welfare state.

If they are not mutually exclusive then what is the point of talking about "welfare state" in a thread about rebuilding Hindu temples ?

Looks like a straw-man designed to hide your opposition to rebuilding Hindu temples due to your own bigotry.

What does the BJP say ??

How does that matter ? You are the one who said the Constitution of India makes that claim, so now tell us what the definition of socialist is in the Constitution.
Will all the treasures of the temple also be moved to these new ones?
They only exist in India.

How many ??

You mean Hindu kings did not destroy them ??

You are the one who said the Constitution of India makes that claim, so now tell us what the definition of socialist is in the Constitution.

This is what the Preamble means :
The term socialist as used here refers to democratic socialism, i.e. achievement of socialist goals through democratic, evolutionary and non-violent means. Essentially, it means that (since wealth is generated socially) wealth should be shared equally by society through distributive justice, not concentrated in the hands of few, and that the government should regulate the ownership of land and industry to reduce socio-economic inequalities.
Now tell me, when is the current government going to implement this.

If they are not mutually exclusive then what is the point of talking about "welfare state" in a thread about rebuilding Hindu temples ?

You are simply going round and round. My intention is to ask, in the same spirit that the BJP has made its intent clear about constructing a Ram temple, when are the BJP spokespersons going to make an announcement for making India truly a Socialist welfare state ??
How many ??

You mean Hindu kings did not destroy them ??

There are MORE buddhist stupas in North India than Hindu Temples which are more than 75 years old. Does that answer your question ?

I am yet to see proof of your claim that Hindu kings destroyed Stupas as a rule and not an exception. First prove your claim.

This is what the Preamble means :

Now tell me, when is the current government going to implement this.

Its already being implemented. Just a small sample,

  • Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana.
  • Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission (SPMRM)
  • Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana.
  • Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Housing for All - Urban)
  • Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana.
  • Atal Pension Yojana (APY)
  • Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana
  • Jan Dhan Yojana
  • Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana
  • Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan
  • Ujala Yojna
  • Prime Minister Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
  • Prime Minister Ujjwala Plan

You are simply going round and round. My intention is to ask, in the same spirit that the BJP has made its intent clear about constructing a Ram temple, when are the BJP spokespersons going to make an announcement for making India truly a Socialist welfare state ??

Where is the need for BJP to make such an announcement ? Its the directive of the constitution of India asking the govt. of the say to do so.

Its owned and run by the govt. of Kerala.
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