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AFSPA's withdrawal would hit counter-terrorist ops in J-K: Army chief


Aug 14, 2013
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AFSPA's withdrawal would hit counter-terrorist ops in J-K: Army chief - Rediff.com India News

The terror infrastructure across the Line of Control has the potential to vitiate the security environment in Jammu and Kashmir and Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act should not be withdrawn as it is a "strategic imperative" until the US' pullout from Afghanistan in 2014, Army Chief, Gen Bikram Singh, has said.

In an Army Day interview to Defence Ministry's 'Sainik Samachar' magazine, Singh said that even a partial withdrawal of AFSPA, at this juncture was "likely to prove detrimental to the counter-terrorist campaign being conducted under the aegis of the Unified Command headquarters in the state".
"Intelligence reports allude to the presence of over 400 terrorists in the state, who are yet to be neutralised. The terror infrastructure across the LoC is intact and has the potential to vitiate the security environment in the state.
"Any let up at this stage, therefore, is likely to be exploited by terrorists and other inimical elements to their advantage," Singh said.
He noted that the AFSPA was an enabling act which provided the requisite legal safeguards for the carrying out of effective counter-terrorist operations.
"It is also a strategic imperative that we wait and watch the developments in Afghanistan post drawdown in 2014," he said.
United States troops are pulling out of the AfPak region in 2014 and India fears that the development would lead to the terrorists engaged there spreading to other parts of the region.
On the terror situation in the strife-torn state, Singh said the scenario was under control and infiltration levels had been brought down.
"From 1,852 terrorists that infiltrated in 2001, the number in 2013 is 90, which is owing to the efficacy of the dynamic, multi-layered counter-infiltration grid and relentless operations by Army along with the state police and the central armed police forces," he said.
On the raising of the new Mountain Strike Corps in the northeast, he said the process had already begun and the headquarters of one Infantry Division and two Infantry Brigades will commence on January 1, 2014.
AFSPA should be withdrawn and instead a new Act should be passed , which should provide legal protection to our security agencies and troops operating in insurgency hit areas as well as which uphelds the rights of citizens in those areas .
AFSPA should be withdrawn and instead a new Act should be passed , which should provide legal protection to our security agencies and troops operating in insurgency hit areas as well as which uphelds the rights of citizens in those areas .

Under Marshall law the citizens have very little rights since it is used during times of war or national emergencies. AFSPA is similar to Marshall law.
To do what the IA does/is doing they need legal protection- as any professional military operating in such CI conflicts needs/has. As with so much in India, the term "AFSPA" tells a story all by itself and too many have entrenched views on the matter- no matter how wrong they are. So perhaps what is needed is a re-vamped act that is very similar to AFSPA but just updated for 2013 and beyond.
To do what the IA does/is doing they need legal protection- as any professional military operating in such CI conflicts needs/has. As with so much in India, the term "AFSPA" tells a story all by itself and too many have entrenched views on the matter- no matter how wrong they are. So perhaps what is needed is a re-vamped act that is very similar to AFSPA but just updated for 2013 and beyond.

It would be nice to withdraw the army from there and expect the civilians to handle the situation with their own force like the rest of India.

I guess it is far easier to send in IA as cannon fodder and then remove their AFSPA cover. LOL.
It would be nice to withdraw the army from there and expect the civilians to handle the situation with their own force like the rest of India.

I guess it is far easier to send in IA as cannon fodder and then remove their AFSPA cover. LOL.
One day hopefully the conditions will be right for the IA to be removed from these positons but until things change on the other side of the LoC this is a distant dream.
One day hopefully the conditions will be right for the IA to be removed from these positons but until things change on the other side of the LoC this is a distant dream.

In which case, AFSPA stays too. See how simple the whole thing gets ?
It's unfortunate how many of my fellow citizens think of AFSPA as a necessary evil. Ask the same people how that would feel if the police in their area operated with the same impunity granted by AFSPA and they will sing a different tune.
Of course something like AFSPA would not be given to police in say Mumbai because there is no insurgency. But, what about the terror of gang-rapes?
It's unfortunate how many of my fellow citizens think of AFSPA as a necessary evil. Ask the same people how that would feel if the police in their area operated with the same impunity granted by AFSPA and they will sing a different tune.
Of course something like AFSPA would not be given to police in say Mumbai because there is no insurgency. But, what about the terror of gang-rapes?

comparing rapes to terrorists??:stop:

so now you want to use IA to stop rapes.:o:
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