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Afghans stop 200 Pakistani containers

your Logic Sucks! We can access CAR via karakoram to China And Then Tajikistan


So Pakistan is no longer the route for CAR.. ? China is :)
Sher Malang;3883738]There is no need to import goods via Pakistani route if they are making hurdles for no reason to our businessmen! and plus throughout history we never imported any goods via Pakistan it only started after their puppet regime aka Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan! and then continued by USA just because they hate Iran and Russkies more than Pakistanis!

I would love to see All trade with and Via Afghanistan comes to End Period.I hope you guys by doing this have Given courage to our dead beat politicians.
Every days Good prices will come back down so average pakistani can afford it eat . Almost all of drug smuggling will come to an end over night all weapons in pakistan will run dry as no ammo will be available so please go ahead make my day .

So Pakistan is no longer the route for CAR.. ? China is :)
Three men want make phone call from Hell to remind to their relatives about its harsh conditions Their Nationalities were American, Italian and Afghani. They decide to go to Devil who is the boss. The American made a call and the Devil made him to pay 100 USD, then an Italian made a call and the Devil made him to pay 10 Euros on fact that Italy is less developed than that of USA. LASTLY the Afghani made a call and the Devil made him to pay a cent Both the American and Italian complain as it is not fair and the devil responded to them "The Afghani call was a local call whereas your was an International call"
Three men want make phone call from Hell to remind to their relatives about its harsh conditions Their Nationalities were American, Italian and Afghani. They decide to go to Devil who is the boss. The American made a call and the Devil made him to pay 100 USD, then an Italian made a call and the Devil made him to pay 10 Euros on fact that Italy is less developed than that of USA. LASTLY the Afghani made a call and the Devil made him to pay a cent Both the American and Italian complain as it is not fair and the devil responded to them "The Afghani call was a local call whereas your was an International call"

And this is on topic how?

Three men want make phone call from Hell to remind to their relatives about its harsh conditions Their Nationalities were American, Italian and Afghani. They decide to go to Devil who is the boss. The American made a call and the Devil made him to pay 100 USD, then an Italian made a call and the Devil made him to pay 10 Euros on fact that Italy is less developed than that of USA. LASTLY the Afghani made a call and the Devil made him to pay a cent Both the American and Italian complain as it is not fair and the devil responded to them "The Afghani call was a local call whereas your was an International call"
@Aeronaut another joke :)
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And this is on topic how?

Only a Idiot will consider trade via air feasible considering the astronomical cost specially to feed Afghanistan or other Ex-Russian states. I didn't think you were one so when you posted that i though you were joking by asking this you have proven me wrong.
Ban export of rice and wheat to Afghanistan.
Pakistan is proud of her geo position for access to CAR. But if Afghanistan does not allow it, no CAR.. and no Bike :)

Like one member said. We can still get to CAR even if your kid Afghanistan tries to be naughty. :D

Now you realize why we kicked Brigadier Ghansara Singh out of GB? ;)


You can't stop us from reaching CAR. We took Gilgit Baltistan from your abbu like 60+ years ago. And that has made us to trade with CAR even without you guys. You like that. Haan :lol:
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Don't know but the custom officers will only stop containers that could hurt Pakistani businessmen as hard as it can.

Funny thing is, these actions harm Afghanistan more than they harm us. :lol:

What percent of your economy relies on Pakistan route and what percent of our economy relies on transit through Afghanistan? You can't even call it a "tit" from your side. A closed border actually helps us (on an aggregate level) an screws you considerably

Only a Idiot will consider trade via air feasible considering the astronomical cost specially to feed Afghanistan or other Ex-Russian states. I didn't think you were one so when you posted that i though you were joking by asking this you have proven me wrong.

Their airlines (primarily composed of antique antonovs) are facing drug smuggling allegations. Sure doesnt surprise me to say the least when their puppet President's (late brother) was knee deep involved himself (before someone he pissed off whacked him)
Pakistan which runs the trade surplus with Afghanistan would shoot herself in the foot by bringing trade relations with Afghanistan to screeching halt.

It would be akin to: Aa bail mujhe mar.....
Q: Whats the difference between a smart Afghani and a unicorn? A: Nothing, they're both fictional characters

The best post so far.........cheers man!

Pakistan which runs the trade surplus with Afghanistan would shoot herself in the foot by bringing trade relations with Afghanistan to screeching halt.

It would be akin to: Aa bail mujhe mar.....

Ulta bol rahey ho lalay!

Its afghanistan thts a landlocked country not Pakistan...... stopping trade would only harm afghanistan not us.....if by blocking transit route america can bend over and say sorry....... tou afghanistan kya cheeze hai..... if we even block the smuggled wheat n livestock... ainki tou waisi he phatt jati hai......... (excuse my french).,.. try thinking what will happen if they try to lock horns with us..... who will be the loser...

Smart afghan and a unicorn..............:rofl: tht guy malang cant even understand tht the air route is also PAKISTANI TERRITORY WHICH CAN BE CLOSED ........ sala yeh tou wohi baat ho gai k "aa bael mujhay mar"
Good luck with that considering the largest tributary of Kabul River is Kunar which starts from Chitral, Pakistan ! :tup:

Ever heard of Iran or China ? :what:

And we've got more than enough railroads or highways with them ! :tup:

Funny thing is that CARs are a secondary target vis a vis Gwadar. We don't even need the afghan route - it will be full of bandits and warlords demanding bribes for another few centuries; they'll never change
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