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Afghans protesting at Chaman border

Then the idea of Pakistan is an utter failure since the majority of the Muslims decided to stay back rather than join the newly formed Pakistan back then. LOL :p:

If you didn't murder many of them during the partition perhaps many more could have made it to Pakistan.

I'm sure the Muslims in India are today enjoying their homeland where they are treated like third rate citizens. Even Dalits have more rights.
Then the idea of Pakistan is an utter failure since the majority of the Muslims decided to stay back rather than join the newly formed Pakistan back then. LOL :p:

East and West Pakistan had far more muslims than muslims in India. Even today Pakistan might have more muslims than India.

So how is it a fail???

Pakistan doesn't need a certificate of success from anyone living in India.

If you didn't murder many of them during the partition perhaps many more could have made it to Pakistan.

Many didn't migrate due to lack of resources with no special love for India. If this is Indian's idea of success of india than I think we can safely assume India is a failure.
East and West Pakistan had far more muslims than muslims in India. Even today Pakistan might have more muslims than India.

So how is it a fail???

Pakistan doesn't need a certificate of success from anyone living in India.

Many didn't migrate due to lack of resources with no special love for India. If this is Indian's idea of success of india than I think we can safely assume India is a failure.

We know how Indian Muslims are treated in modern day India. Killed on the suspicion of eating cow meat. Raped by Hindu nationalists. Viewed with suspicion for not being loyal. Scolded and taunted by Hindu nationalists to go back to Pakistan. Surely a great country to live in.
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We are like Asian Israel...enemies on all borders..better to give up this friendship nonsense and look after our own self..exploit everyone ruthlessly..if Afghans want to stay in Pakistan..they must join mandatory foreign legion and go serve in Arab countries...under Pak army flag..so we gain strategic advantage with the Arabs...

Because we are not India but should have give them Indian taste of protest by firing pellet guns.

this is a common psyche of typical Pakistani that they tend to be lax and careless but if they decide to take up a focus they will give it a cut throat fight..this is the psyche which also makes extremism and terrorism rampant in our society!
Israel has enemies because she committed ethnic cleansing and forced out a lot of the natives and also she wishes to expand her borders.

Pakistanis are not foreigners to their land.
There are similarities but for different reasons.

Then the idea of Pakistan is an utter failure since the majority of the Muslims decided to stay back rather than join the newly formed Pakistan back then. LOL :p:
You know there were meant to be three independent Muslim states from British India but the British would not have it. That is why the Bangladeshi Muslims hitched on to Pakistan as they could not get a separate Banglistan from the get go.
So now there are two Muslim states from British India, unfortunately the divorce was not a civilised divorce.
If you didn't murder many of them during the partition perhaps many more could have made it to Pakistan.

You mean to say Hindus and other migrants from Pakistan side reached safely in India without any threat ??

Why do you talk and view history from only one side ??

I'm sure the Muslims in India are today enjoying their homeland where they are treated like third rate citizens. Even Dalits have more rights.

The situation of Indian Muslims are far, far better than religious minorities in Pakistan.

That is why we had a Muslim president, "Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam", Ex-Intelligence chief "Mr. Syed Asif Ibrahim" and what more our current permanent representative to UN is also a Muslim "Mr. Syed Akbaruddin" given the fact that he has to deal with a hostile neigbhour who is predominantly Muslim. The the most interesting fact is that even though he is a Muslim Mr. Akbaruddin was appointed by non other than the current NDA ( Hindu fundamentalist as per you guys) government.

Can you show me few such good example from Pakistan ???

When we say secular we mean it, we always give importance to merit over religion and cast. And the above are just a few examples. :-)

@waz @django @Mr.Meap @The Sandman @Moonlight @Hell hound
Let it close for more days ! Nato will rape them soon

Thats y we need to send back all of refugees and secure our internal security then give them immigrants for business etc as the rest of worlds do..
No rats holes any more
If it get closer for a week or so they will realise the sasta kukar and atta
Bloody un thankfull People
Then we should do our best to get our children back. So, what has the gorment and the forj done about this?

I see a lot of fearmongering and if we use the logic of posters on here, then ALL Pakistanis living in Christendom should be deported at the behest of a Pakistani terrorist. I ''think'', not sure, the Time square terrorist was a Pakistani. All Pakistanis should be deported from Amrika! Recently, a terrorism happened in Saudia and I think he was a Pakistani; again ALL Pakistanis should be deported from Saudia. I know this won't compute with those on here because most want to go to Amrka.

Sir, you're entitled to your views and I stand by what i say!

Fear mongering? Asking thugs to leave and enjoy their criminal activities in their own country is not fear mongering but sense prevailing after decades.

Sir before typing what you have typed ............. at least kuch ALLAH ka khauf he kar laitay ............... Pakistanis anywhere in any country on this planet are not refugees, there is a huge difference and I hope expats thanking your post haven't skipped it, otherwise it appears they agree that they don't pay taxes, they don't contribute anything in their host countries and are living there as parasites ................... to be deported forcefully one day. And all this talk about Pakistani terrorists would you like to point me to the reason for it? I guess war in Afghanistan right? And what assurance you have that terrorist caught in any part of the world is not an Afghan holding Pakistani citizenship? .................. This last point being the most important to send them back to their country. You may have hatred for Pakistan's army and its government but that should not make you side with criminals and thugs.

How many countries on this planet have Afghanistan's army present as peace keeping force? Or just tell me when was the last time Afghanistan had seen any peace itself?

Mohtaram pait kay keero ka pala nai jata warna jisam apni khoobsorati aur pehchan kho baithta hay. Un ka wahid ilaj dwa kha kay zabardasti pakhany k zariay pait say ikhraj hy.
read somewhere the afghans had requested a meeting at the border. Pakistan did not show a lot of flexibility. Also heard local crowd wanted to reach the gate with Pakistan flags and show support and stare the ungrateful afghans right in their face but the levies would not let them. I am so glad we dont do this dramabazi & controlled our public in larger interest.

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