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Afghans accuse Pakistan over fresh border shelling

Stop sending terroist to our country and the sheeling will stop ... simple as that work on your backyard first before blaming others .
? what a happened to evil,barbaric,muslim invaders? LOL.


Strategic assets dont shoot their allies.... but only a sane man can understand tht.

ok.....il say what pakistanis understand...... if they go from NW into afg they are "good taliban/holy warriors/freedom fighters/mujaheddin/strategic asset"......if they come into dir from kunar they are "bad taliban/TTP/terrrorist/cia groupies"...ok
They should consider themselves lucky that these were only shells and rockets and not ballistic missiles.:triniti:
If the Afghan government, intelligence and military chiefs come out to strongly oppose US Drone strikes and military operations in Pakistan, then I will completely support their 'complaints' against alleged 'Pakistan shelling into Afghanistan'.

---------- Post added at 04:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------

I think the 2 sides need to closely cooperate to root out these jahil animals, i am sure Pakistan was after the terrorists, and the same terrorsts are killing us afghans too. Good for p akistan to take fight on them, but they also MUST be careful about the damage they cause to the ordinary people, more cooperation from both sides can eliminate the enemy as well as protecting the civilians.
I agree, and I believe that once the US withdraws, the GoA and GoP should form joint Counter Terrorism and Counter Narcotics units, and formulate a joint mechanism to oversee the operations of such units.
If the Afghan government, intelligence and military chiefs come out to strongly oppose US Drone strikes and military operations in Pakistan, then I will completely support their 'complaints' against alleged 'Pakistan shelling into Afghanistan'.

---------- Post added at 04:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ----------

I agree, and I believe that once the US withdraws
, the GoA and GoP should form joint Counter Terrorism and Counter Narcotics units, and formulate a joint mechanism to oversee the operations of such units.

:lol::lol: I didn't know you have such a great sense of humor :lol: Anyway good reply ;)

You mean when there is no US then there would be no moral support of taliban in masses, so would be much easier to tackle them?
I think the 2 sides need to closely cooperate to root out these jahil animals, i am sure Pakistan was after the terrorists, and the same terrorsts are killing us afghans too. Good for p akistan to take fight on them, but they also MUST be careful about the damage they cause to the ordinary people, more cooperation from both sides can eliminate the enemy as well as protecting the civilians.

I echo the sentiments but you must admit that afghans have been poisoned into thinking isi is the root of all their troubles, as if they hold no responsibility?

This poisioning is damaging to relations, look at this forum and mist people want brotherly relations, but the afghans on your side blame Pakistan for their woes, even though Russia and America killed your people, how can you reason with logic like that??
This poisioning is damaging to relations, look at this forum and mist people want brotherly relations, but the afghans on your side blame Pakistan for their woes, even though Russia and America killed your people, how can you reason with logic like that??

i doubt it, there many guys here who offer nothing but badmouthing, humiliation to us and only wish the going down of afghanitan, it has become kinda norm and i am now used to it.

I echo the sentiments but you must admit that afghans have been poisoned into thinking isi is the root of all their troubles, as if they hold no responsibility?

Do you blame them? not everything happening in Afghanistan is ISI, but isi is having a big share.
i doubt it, there many guys here who offer nothing but badmouthing, humiliation to us and only wish the going down of afghanitan, it has become kinda norm and i am now used to it.

Do you blame them? not everything happening in Afghanistan is ISI, but isi is having a big share.

Ahmad brother i dont bad mouth Afghanis yaar. You know that. I cant bad mouth Afghanis. They have been dragged through hell and back and are still their. The everyday Afghani has had a hell of a bad time.
Ahmad brother i dont bad mouth Afghanis yaar. You know that. I cant bad mouth Afghanis. They have been dragged through hell and back and are still their. The everyday Afghani has had a hell of a bad time.

brother, i didnt mean you and also other good people, that is why i didnt say everybody becauwse there are many good people here. but alot of bad thing have been said as i said before, it has become kinda norm, by no means i am generalizing.
brother, i didnt mean you and also other good people, that is why i didnt say everybody becauwse there are many good people here. but alot of bad thing have been said as i said before, it has become kinda norm, by no means i am generalizing.

Our countries have too much history and past to not get on together. I wish we could eliminate this extremism that walks freely across both borders with no checks etc - i wish their could be a united push to remove these idiots from our society.
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