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Afghanistan's Jalalabad jail break is a threat to Pakistan

Pakistan Ka Beta

Aug 7, 2019
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#Almost 300-600 prisoners were freed in attack on Jail in Jalalabad according to unverified sources . Mostly are anti Pakistan ISKP ( many of whom were former TTP terrorists ) . We all know how close Jalalabad city is to Pakistan . 14th August and Muharram are also very near .
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After getting the nose rubbed in Laddakh, I was surprised as to why RAW-CIA-MOSSAD-NDS nexus was quiet for this long. All these lose terrorists are anti-Pakistan and no doubt will be used against CPEC. The inmates who were listed by Afghan Taliban for release were actually murdered, that is the most interesting bit.

It will be foolish to wait and watch as far as Pakistan is concerned. We need to move in and neutralise these scums before they start appearing in our cities and our institutions, like it happened in Karachi stock exchange.
We should talk with AfghanT to do something about ISIS K. Now fighters from mainland India yanna kadda padda-istan are going to Afghanistan.

This is a major threat. Nangarhar is mostly infested with TTP.

I guess CIA RAW MOSSAD etc will now merge TTP with ISIS-K.

Fighting Insurgency is like Hercules fighting hydra cut down one head 2 more grow in its place. Whether it be in media, politics, economy, military spheres.
Realistically, Pakistan needs to have a Turkey-Syria like offensive where they clear some territory and create a safe zone.
If we had that courage or maturity than why 80 thousands Deaths occur during war on terror. Except Raheel Shareef all former chiefs are somehow gutless. Like 50/50
If we had that courage or maturity than why 80 thousands Deaths occur during war on terror. Except Raheel Shareef all former chiefs are somehow gutless. Like 50/50

Precisely, our leadership are spineless cowards.
Heard our Mallu boi went kaboom in the car that day. :angry:State embarrassment.

#Almost 300-600 prisoners were freed in attack on Jail in Jalalabad according to unverified sources . Mostly are anti Pakistan ISKP ( many of whom were former TTP terrorists ) . We all know how close Jalalabad city is to Pakistan . 14th August and Muharram are also very near .

Funny how these indian Muslims want to fight for Afghans and ISIS when they cannot fight for and protecting their own people.............:lol:.............:disagree:.................reality is that they are indian raw agents who have an anti-Pakistani agenda.
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Totally ball-less status quo maintaining economy-obsessed (at the expense of everything else) politicians more than the war-ready generals that they should be. Pure defensive posture waiting to get attacked.
Thank you for saying that... The whole Pakistani approach is wait to get hit... passivity is pervasive. The longer Pakistan let's Afghanistan in it's current state the longer it will get hurt... it is hotbed of all nefarious actors, undermining both Afghans and Pakistanis.
Enough has been said and rolled under the rug... One must though start from somewhere, a security alliance, common trade, connected border control and connected visa regime i.e. either should be proactively protected against foreign and domestic malcontents. A CPEC like initiative connecting the two making movement of people and goods easier should be the goals for near future.

Though both need to undo their current form of governance to a structured system delivering at the grassroots level... but a different topic altogether.
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