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Afghanistan's Jalalabad jail break is a threat to Pakistan

Funny how these india Muslims want to fight for Afghans and ISIS when they cannot fight for and protecting their own people.............:lol:.............:disagree:.................reality is that they are indian raw agents who have an anti-Pakistani agenda.

Pretty sure they are all Hindu RSS members.

Remember when TTP attackers were caught by locals in KPK and were shown to have devil tattoos on their backs like Americans?

Daesh is a game of Kuffar, nothing more.
Apparently a lot of them were not circumcised either.

Here is the TTP terrorist with the devil tattoo. He was uncircumcised too.


Kill all of these bastards wherever and whenever they are found. And, don't miss on NDS/RAW/NA thugs....

It's an existential war for Pak...

Pak needs to indigenously produce something like the following in 100s (Bayraktar "officially" produces one TB2 per week. PKK is being decimated.) along with smart mini munitions to unleash hell on them:

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It is funny that all these Khawariji Dogs of ISIS do is target and kill Muslims. When they were in Syria they never dared targeting foreign forces even now in Afghanistan these gutter rats only kill poor families rather than targeting occupiers. This just shows who is their master in this game and presence of Indians in their midst just adds another dimension. It is very clear these Indians will only target Pakistan so we should hunt them down.
It is funny that all these Khawariji Dogs of ISIS do is target and kill Muslims. When they were in Syria they never dared targeting foreign forces even now in Afghanistan these gutter rats only kill poor families rather than targeting occupiers. This just shows who is their master in this game and presence of Indians in their midst just adds another dimension. It is very clear these Indians will only target Pakistan so we should hunt them down.

In Syria and Iraq, their sponsor is Israel. They also had an understanding with Assad regime, hence they only targetted Syrian revolutionaries.

It gave a convenient excuse for US, Russia, and Iran to enter full force.

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