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Afghanistan to sign its first strategic partnership agreement with India

I think he is saying that, situation in KP in quite bad as well. And the link shows number of fatalities in KP.

it's been a rough past 3-4 years in the entire country, not just KP or FATA.

however with that said, the frequency of the attacks has decreased significantly (everything is relative) not to mention the fact that many plots have been foiled and culprits arrested or killed.

much work lies ahead; Pakistan has the misfortune of being in one of the most God-forsaken neighbourhoods in the world.
India cant even develop its own police force and its investigative unit and offering same to do with Afghanistan.In the past one decade at least 10-12 cases of terror attcks remains unsolved with indian police and NIA which cant even find out the chemical composition of the bomb and it wishes to train afghanistan police.What can be bigger joke than this.Prof of pudding is in eating.Karzai must look at the dilapidated state of indian police forces and reject this joke offer from india.What india will train is danda wielding police constable who will be expected to fight with AK-47 wielding taliban with its danda.

makes no difference, because the pre-designated response of indian is to blame ISI for everything. . .

but you would likely agree that the Afghan army and police are in dire need of not just training, but also in need of diversifying their ranks in the interests of not alienating the Pakhtun population there.

this is something Pakistanis have been telling the Afghans for over a decade now; and it actually matters to us because of the cross-over of Pakhtun tribes --meaning if there are problems in Afghanistan (ESPECIALLY the south) it entails many problems for us.

unfortunately for Pakistan, we are WELL aware of what 'Afghan problems' are because we are dealing with over 4-5 million Afghan refugees who are adding extra burden on our economy; influx of drugs and weapons from that side, not to mention militancy --which is not 1-way but 2-way.

my advice to indian would be to help Afghans with their infrastructure (we are doing the same thing too)....help them in any humanitarian way possible, but do so in a smart way. And do not make the mistake of doing things that irritate Pakistan --such as building so-called "consulates" along our border --a move that goes highly un-appreciated in Pakistan because we know you aren't issuing tourist visas to Afghans so close to our border. Do not use Afghan soil for nefarious purposes against Pakistan, because there will be retaliation otherwise and it suits nobody. It puts Afghanistan itself in a trickier and awkward position.

i was always under some false impression that Dr. Singh (an accomplished man no doubt) was a skilled orator.

this was a very rhetorical speech, spoken in a very somber tone. Not an impressive speech at all

i was always under some false impression that Dr. Singh (an accomplished man no doubt) was a skilled orator.

this was a very rhetorical speech, spoken in a very somber tone. Not an impressive speech at all

Point to be noted.... We are planning to send our PM Manmohan Singh to learn how to deliver impressive speech to PAKISTAN.

Point to be noted.... We are planning to send our PM Manmohan Singh to learn how to deliver impressive speech to PAKISTAN.

awwwwww, well that's oh-so-very thoughtful of you. . .

you really don't have to though. . . being a sardar and all, he should speak his native Punjabi i think, isn't it

i was always under some false impression that Dr. Singh (an accomplished man no doubt) was a skilled orator.

this was a very rhetorical speech, spoken in a very somber tone. Not an impressive speech at all
Govt Babus are not skilled orators.Only skill they have is being good at paper works.You should have recognised his paper work strategies with all those impacable thousand page dossiers he sends to pakistan.:tongue:
awwwwww, well that's oh-so-very thoughtful of you. . .

you really don't have to though. . . But being a sardar and all, he should speak his native Punjabi i think, isn't it

he speaks the language of Sonia Gandhi...

Back on topic... the right step at right time... mineral exploration deal will help India to grow its influence in Afghanistan... but my concern is the stability of Afghanistan...
Govt Babus are not skilled orators.Only skill they have is being good at paper works.You should have recognised his paper work strategies with all those impacable thousand page dossiers he sends to pakistan.:tongue:

he must've left that daunting task for Govt. of Maharashtra, considering a few of your dossiers were in Marathi language :woot:

he speaks the language of Sonia Gandhi..

Mama mia, tutto bene!!

its amazing that all pakistan leaders says that talibanisation of pakistan is bad but pakistan is among few countries who supported taliban in afganistan and accepted taliban regime in afganistan
but pakistan is among few countries who supported taliban in afganistan and accepted taliban regime in afganistan

the least of all evils.....

what was the other 'viable' alternative, in your view?
he must've left that daunting task for Govt. of Maharashtra, considering a few of your dossiers were in Marathi language :woot:
Those were translated word-to word into marathi from the dossier prepared by MMS in Punjabi for maharastra govt's understanding but like any other govt office instead posting punjabi one to pakistan they sent marathi one and they are still searching for marathi dossier coz they cant understand punjabi:azn:
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