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Afghanistan to launch first ever satellite

They have suspended their space shuttle program. They still launch satellites, several dozens a year:woot:!

Really? My bad because I read that NASA has indefinitely delayed any launches, around a year back. Thanks for the update anyway.

But if US is footing Afghanistan's bill, then it is very likely that NASA would launch it. Otherwise, we can do it.
Really LAUNCH a satellite? What type of Afghan Heroin are you smoking?

PC Computer "warriors" :disagree: Shouldn't you guys be studying for your high school exams?

If you had any 'education" you would know that the Afghans will probably buy a US Satellite that was built for some other nation that backed out later. The US will LAUNCH the satellite. The Afghans will "control" the sat. through NASA.
Really LAUNCH a satellite? What type of Afghan Heroin are you smoking?

PC Computer "warriors" :disagree: Shouldn't you guys be studying for your high school exams?

If you had any 'education" you would know that the Afghans will probably buy a US Satellite that was built for some other nation that backed out later. The US will LAUNCH the satellite. The Afghans will "control" the sat. through NASA.
Thəorətic Muslim;2797571 said:
Really LAUNCH a satellite? What type of Afghan Heroin are you smoking?

PC Computer "warriors" :disagree: Shouldn't you guys be studying for your high school exams?

If you had any 'education" you would know that the Afghans will probably buy a US Satellite that was built for some other nation that backed out later. The US will LAUNCH the satellite. The Afghans will "control" the sat. through NASA.

Try and prove or atleast give some credible or near to credible points to back your claim.

Also,a better language wont hurt you. This is a bad place to use bad language you know?
Good news. I hope someday Afghanistan would build its own satellites and one day they launch the satellite by their own vehicles as well.
Thəorətic Muslim;2797567 said:
Really LAUNCH a satellite? What type of Afghan Heroin are you smoking?

PC Computer "warriors" :disagree: Shouldn't you guys be studying for your high school exams?

If you had any 'education" you would know that the Afghans will probably buy a US Satellite that was built for some other nation that backed out later. The US will LAUNCH the satellite. The Afghans will "control" the sat. through NASA.

Jealous? don't act like a moron it's details will come in public don't worry and stop posting conspiracy theories.
Very positive development. Satellite network is essential for a country to emerge into 21st century and utilize its benefits. I hope ISRO offers to help with the launch. We're already launching satellite for South Korea and have recently launched for Indonesia apart from a dozen or so other countries worldwide. :tup:

Excellent work, Afghan friends. Let sky be the limit to your rise. Show the world that you can return from ashes and rebuilt yourself back to this civilization. If any inspiration is needed, look at the Japanese and what they did post nuclear bombardment. :)

Thanks buddy, I too always consider Japan as a role model for Afghanistan, in fact we should also learn from every developing country
Try and prove or atleast give some credible or near to credible points to back your claim.

Also,a better language wont hurt you. This is a bad place to use bad language you know?

You really want some "credible points" ok:
28.1% ranking of Literacy, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/af.html
164 ranking of Science SJR - International Science Ranking

You think with these 2 stats you'll LAUNCH a Satellite? Have they even made a Satellite Launch vehicle? AH.. I see it now. They'll just have a satellite in their name. Something any country can do, buy a satellite.

@ Sher Malang, I dont get Jealous, I'm happy for what people have; I hope that you have more.
Another think I have to say is you wasted my time. No disrespect intended.
Hope India will help our friends to place their satellites .
Thəorətic Muslim;2797749 said:

You really want some "credible points" ok:
28.1% ranking of Literacy, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/af.html
164 ranking of Science SJR - International Science Ranking

You think with these 2 stats you'll LAUNCH a Satellite? Have they even made a Satellite Launch vehicle? AH.. I see it now. They'll just have a satellite in their name. Something any country can do, buy a satellite.

@ Sher Malang, I dont get Jealous, I'm happy for what people have; I hope that you have more.
Another think I have to say is you wasted my time. No disrespect intended.

60% of US people also thinks that Afghan war is not winnable but do Obama care? or the poll is wrong?

Literacy rate among Afghans is higher than it's stated above and kindly don't use internet there is a lot to waste time.
Thəorətic Muslim;2797749 said:

You really want some "credible points" ok:
28.1% ranking of Literacy, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/af.html
164 ranking of Science SJR - International Science Ranking

You think with these 2 stats you'll LAUNCH a Satellite? Have they even made a Satellite Launch vehicle? AH.. I see it now. They'll just have a satellite in their name. Something any country can do, buy a satellite.

@ Sher Malang, I dont get Jealous, I'm happy for what people have; I hope that you have more.
Another think I have to say is you wasted my time. No disrespect intended.

Come on man! even you people started like this. Afghanistan until a decade ago had everything related to technology other than AKs and RPGs banned under Taliban.

Obviously they will take US assistance both financial and technical in this. But even to have a satellite in your name is a big achievement considering the state Afghanistan is in. They seem to be determined to be united and progress. Give them some courage.
wow!! congrats. Thats awesome.
congratulations on this huge developnment,i am surprised to see that afganistan has 3g

Kabul, March 19, 2012: Etisalat Afghanistan, the fastest growing telecommunications company in the country and part of Etisalat Group, today announced the launch of 3G services in Afghanistan.
well done Afghan brothers!!!:yahoo:
I believe Pakistan might have something to do with the mobile phones.

I think Pakistan had recently got 3g networks, so whatever Pakistan gets, Afghanistan can easily get as well.
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