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Afghanistan should not be occupied, just managed with 10-15k troops


Apr 20, 2011
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Actually we need to go back to 1985-86 time frame when Russian Commies showed the world how to control Afghanistan. Not govern it, no no
just keep it under the thumb. That's all
No need to keep 100s of 1000s of troops on Afghan soil.

no need

Strength of Russian approach:
Very small footprint (10-15 k troops),
Use helicopter gunship + troop carriers and
have fighter bombers overhead

Weakness of Russians: another super power USA gave the anti-dote to Muj in the form of stingers

Fast forward to 2001

Americans used the same

GW used the exact same method and kept Talibarbarians on the run
However Prez Obama in order to upend GW, ended up deploying needelessly 100K+ troops.

This was utter $tupidity. Afgh is not Iraq. Geography history and sociology is TOTALLY different. There was no need to do surge. Never.

Think 100s of bowls sitting next to each other. That's Afghanistan for you.

Very difficult to manuver and traverse for large number of troops.

While the local warlords can walk in those valleys in small numbers and ambush the slow moving large convoys.

But if you use a group of gunships and troop carrier helicopters, then the same series of bowls become death traps for the Muj and war lords.

Remember Afghanistan is not a country to occupy and civilized. They already have their civilization.

No Siree

Instead It is a country to be "managed" to the minimal extent

So if Prez Obama is willing to learn from history, then he will continue to manage it using 10-15k troops .

However if he is in a hurry to declare victory but accept defeat, he will pull out

It all depends on how USA/NATO manage Afgh later this year and beyond

My hunch is that they will continue to manage.

Sometimes you just gotta stop giving a shit and say **** morals. If all these people gotta die so my people stay safe, then so be it. We should destroy entire afghan villages that support the taliban. Only then will these taliscums truly die. And if we create more taliban that way, then repeat the process. Thats how the ancients did it and it worked pretty well for them when they went to conquer land.
Sometimes you just gotta stop giving a shit and say **** morals. If all these people gotta die so my people stay safe, then so be it. We should destroy entire afghan villages that support the taliban. Only then will these taliscums truly die. And if we create more taliban that way, then repeat the process. Thats how the ancients did it and it worked pretty well for them when they went to conquer land.

They believe that an imaginary sky god gives them the right to shoot 14 year old girls in the face, or blow up 15 year old kids.

The only sky god they need to fear are the Reapers.

I say screw'em.
They believe that an imaginary sky god gives them the right to shoot 14 year old girls in the face, or blow up 15 year old kids.

The only sky god they need to fear are the Reapers.

I say screw'em.

Stupid hindu, your speaking to the wrong person. I'm a muslim and what these talibunnies do has nothing to do with islam. Don't let me rip your gods a new one. Don't insult my religion and I wont yours. Now go back to shitting on the beach you skinny darkie.
Stupid hindu, your speaking to the wrong person. I'm a muslim and what these talibunnies do has nothing to do with islam. Don't let me rip your gods a new one. Don't insult my religion and I wont yours. Now go back to shitting on the beach you skinny darkie.

I am an Atheist. Good to know you don't stereotype.

I like the fact that, even though i am not a Hindu, you decide to insult Hindus anyway, And then you go onto make a racist slur, and then you are offended by me insulting your religion even though you advocated for the killing of civilians basically.

On the contrary, what the Taliban do has everything to do with Islam. The moderates never had a spine. You can go around in the circular argument of Taliban are not Muslims all you want,

Just as every social ill in India is due in large part due to Indian society.

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I am an Atheist. Good to know you don't stereotype.


lol self righteous dipshit. You just insulted my religion and you post this pic. Typical indian, the biggest most self righteous people on the planet. Where did I insult your religion? You sure insulted mine. Go do what indians normally do and gang rape some white lady alone by herself. Weak pussy bitches.
Sometimes you just gotta stop giving a shit and say **** morals. If all these people gotta die so my people stay safe, then so be it. We should destroy entire afghan villages that support the taliban. Only then will these taliscums truly die. And if we create more taliban that way, then repeat the process. Thats how the ancients did it and it worked pretty well for them when they went to conquer land.

While your frustration is right on the money

What you say cannot be done

Because if it could be

It would have done by now

Especially Ruskie Commies had no love lost for Muj.

back to the drawing board
While your frustration is right on the money

What you say cannot be done

Because if it could be

It would have done by now

Especially Ruskie Commies had no love lost for Muj.

back to the drawing board

True, too many morals in the modern world. If a talibunny gets a scratch, the liberals go crazy. That's why I believe no more empires exist today. People back then were brutal and that's why things got done. Nowadays a soldier throwing a dog off a cliff gets the whole world riled up.

Mr Mujahed [talibarbarian spokesman] said that historically Afghanistan had always defeated its occupiers.

"We're sure they'll be defeated," he said.

Is that your stance Mr. manlio

or something different?

True, too many morals in the modern world. If a talibunny gets a scratch, the liberals go crazy. That's why I believe no more empires exist today. People back then were brutal and that's why things got done. Nowadays a soldier throwing a dog off a cliff gets the whole world riled up.

Yeap you know what Khalifas used to do with trouble makers

lol self righteous dipshit. You just insulted my religion and you post this pic. Typical indian, the biggest most self righteous people on the planet. Where did I insult your religion? You sure insulted mine. Go do what indians normally do and gang rape some white lady alone by herself. Weak pussy bitches.

Come on man, you are not even trying hard at this point. I guess belief in a god relies on self deception, so not surprised you will pull that here.
Mr Mujahed [talibarbarian spokesman] said that historically Afghanistan had always defeated its occupiers.

"We're sure they'll be defeated," he said.

Is that your stance Mr. manlio

or something different?

Yeap you know what Khalifas used to do with trouble makers


Yup, it worked didn't it? Look at the muslim world today, it's huge. Just like the some roman general said "If violence isn't working, your not using enough of it."
While your frustration is right on the money

back to the drawing board

But, the days of large scale wars are over. It is more or less asymmetric, low intensity conflicts. While people may lament the good old days of tossing the Geneva convention right out the window, War and it's casualties on the whole are going down.

Many conflicts involve not only fighting, but nation building, as you need to put the insurgency down, and build your infrastructure, economy and get life back to a sense of normalcy.

"We're sure they'll be defeated," he said.

Is that your stance Mr. manlio

or something different?

Yeap you know what Khalifas used to do with trouble makers


So it's pretty much a guy who got beaten up, and the other guy who was beating him up got tired and left. nd the other guy who got his butt whooped, pretty much got up and said, I win!
Come on man, you are not even trying hard at this point. I guess belief in a god relies on self deception, so not surprised you will pull that here.

lol ok indian, go somewhere else. Arguing with an indian is like arguing with an idiot, the idiot always thinks he's winning and just wont give up. I'm done with you.
Mr Mujahed [talibarbarian spokesman] said that historically Afghanistan had always defeated its occupiers.

"We're sure they'll be defeated," he said.

Is that your stance Mr. manlion ?

possible , considering what happened Yankees in North Vietnam and currently in Syria
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