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Afghanistan says Pakistan serious about backing peace efforts


Nov 21, 2012
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Pakistan would need to take further concrete
steps: Senior Afghan official PHOTO: FILE
Pakistan is genuine about
backing the nascent Afghan peace
process and shares the Kabul
government’s goal of transforming the
Taliban insurgency into a political
movement, a senior Afghan
government official told Reuters.
“This is the vision that they share,”
said the official, who is closely
involved in reconciliation efforts
with the insurgent group. He also
said recent face-to-face talks
between the Taliban and Afghan
officials in Paris were “enormously
helpful” for peace efforts.
The remarks signaled unprecedented
optimism from Afghanistan that
Pakistan – long accused of backing
Afghan insurgent groups – was now
willing to put its weight behind
reconciliation efforts, which are still
in early stages and are vulnerable to
The senior official cautioned that in
order to sustain that optimism,
Pakistan would need to take further
concrete steps after releasing some
mid-level Afghan Taliban members
from detention, who may be useful
in promoting peace.
The Haqqani network – which has
far more experience in guerrilla
warfare than the Afghan Taliban –
would be welcomed to the peace
process as long as it met certain
conditions, said the official.
Afghanistan says Pakistan serious about backing peace efforts – The Express Tribune
This is good to hear. Mullah Omar needs to be reached and communicated with in order for this to happen. The thing is these high ranking militants are so afraid to come out because they know our Drones are everywhere looking for them.
Only Afghanistan and Pakistan can solve Afghanistan's Taliban Problem. No other country has any influence with the Taliban as Pakistan. Afghanistan has finally seen the light. Let us bring the Taliban in the Political process and get Taliban to use votes and not bullets to solve Afghanistan's problems.

It is dumb for an ethnic group like the Pushtoon with a majority to use force to rule the country when they can rule the country democratically. They can set up the govt. and give small ministeries to junior Uzbek and Tajik partners and everybody can live happily ever after.
Good to see Afghan is giving Pakistan another chance. Both countries should being stability so India can bring in its companies for big investments. Afterall its all about business.
Good to see Afghan is giving Pakistan another chance. Both countries should being stability so India can bring in its companies for big investments. Afterall its all about business.

Maybe, after we get our cut, eh ... :D

Like you said it yourself friend, it is all about business. :azn:
Maybe, after we get our cut, eh ... :D

Like you said it yourself friend, it is all about business. :azn:
This whole wars, UN resolutions, Human rights and Civil wars is nothing but business for big guys. Lobbies and companies trying to get the best of each other with people killing each other. If Pakistanis are smart enough they will make ways to find their cut. I am sure Indians are.
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