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Afghanistan Says May Seek India Military Assistance If Taliban Talks Fail

does it mean I am a pretty sensible poster or you?
not me, you are.
for me to qualify as sensible poster
  • I'll need to praise terrorists from around the globe
  • will need to declare loyalty to Iran or Turkey or Afghanistan or Arabia (any muslamic country except Pakistan)
  • declare every Pakistani ethnicity other than my own terrorist and demand that the army should conduct operations against them
  • try to stir-up a civil war or 2
  • will need to pronounce takfeer on a soldier or 2
  • will need to pronounce takfir on real Shian e Ali and say nothing about or will have to praise iran and india made versions of Islam except the Ahmadi
  • suck-up to little kiddies here and massage there egos
I think we should end it here because it is so obvious that we speak different versions of English
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Afghanistan is a landlocked country with countries like Pakistan and Iran between..... In such scenerio yes India is too weak to do anything military in Afghanistan without full support from Iran.... Even if Iran permits Distance is also high making military presence extremely costly there.....

Only country like USA can afford such things..... They forced transit on Pakistan and could afford to maintain military presence for so many years..... This is called a big power.....

India and for that matter even china is too weak to do this at this point of time....

And if Afghanistan was not landlocked, India would have brought the Taliban to heel?
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And if Afghanistan was not landlocked, India would have brought the Taliban to heel?

If Afghanistan wasn't a landlocked country and distance was like say with Sri Lanka then maybe..... problem is Indian troops are not well equipped like US troops..... But if they get same gears like Americans then they will bring better results than the Americans in Afghanistan..... Indian soldiers have some best experiences of fighting and holding position in worst conditions..... Siachen and Kargil for example....
The US plans to wind up a two-decade war in Afghanistan by the end of August.

The government of Afghanistan may, at some future point, seek India's military assistance if talks with the Taliban fail amid a withdrawal of US troops from there, the country's Ambassador to India has said. He, however, made it clear that the aid sought would not involve sending troops but could be in areas like training and technical support.

Representatives of the Taliban and the Afghanistan government have been holding talks amid the insurgents' increasing control over the country even as the US looks to wind up its almost two-decade war there by the end of August.

However, the peace talks supposedly taking place in Doha have largely fizzled out, and the Taliban now appear set on a complete military victory, AFP reported today.

"Should we not get to a stage in the peace process with the Taliban, then maybe a time (will come) where we would be seeking India's military assistance, more military assistance in the years ahead," Farid Mamundzay, Afghanistan's Ambassador to India, told NDTV.

"We are not seeking India's assistance with sending troops to Afghanistan. Their footprint in Afghanistan to fight our war would not be needed at this stage," he clarified.

He explained how, for instance, how the Air Force is an area where his country would require assistance in and that more opportunities could be explored on this front. The envoy cited pilot training, for which India is "naturally a place" it would want involvement from.

"India has also, again, helped us with two key components, one was to help with providing us military training (and) scholarships for our cadets," Mr Mamundzay said.

On the civilian front, he listed the 1,000 annual scholarships India provides, the 20,000-odd Afghan students studying here now, the building of the new Afghan parliament, and the construction of dams, besides other infrastructure projects.

The current situation in Afghanistan is "very dire" and "very problematic", with the government forces actively fighting the Taliban in around 150 of the 376 districts, the Ambassador said.

"So one-third of the country is in active fight… Over two lakh people have been displaced internally in the country since April 2021 alone, with close to 4,000 killed," he said.

The insurgents have swept through much of northern Afghanistan in recent weeks and the government now holds little more than a constellation of provincial capitals that must largely be reinforced and resupplied by air, AFP reported today.

The Taliban have, however, said they do not want to battle government forces inside cities.

Referring to the recent killing of 22 government forces personnel, Mr Mamundzay said: "This happened in the province of Faryab last month where 22 of our special forces were brutally murdered by Taliban at a time when they were surrendering."

"We were under the assumption that Taliban would take the peace process seriously and they would negotiate a lasting and dignified peace with the Afghan government, yet they chose the path of violence."

On Sunday, India evacuated diplomats and security personnel from its Kandahar consulate in the wake of intense fighting.

so the Afghan goons think Indians will achieve what Americans couldnt? this is be a show to watch,.
If Afghanistan wasn't a landlocked country and distance was like say with Sri Lanka then maybe..... problem is Indian troops are not well equipped like US troops..... But if they get same gears like Americans then they will bring better results than the Americans in Afghanistan..... Indian soldiers have some best experiences of fighting and holding position in worst conditions..... Siachen and Kargil for example....
Just send 1 or 2 brigades IA brigades and an IAF fighter squadron to defend kabul from the taliban. Just to get started.

If IA is succesfull uncle sam will happily provide what ever you need.

This is the chance for india to surround pakistan from all sides.
i can bet, indian strategic planners are having sleepless nights right now. if i were them, i wont be able to sleep for a long long time to come.
PLease make this dream come true of mine of sending indian soldiers to Afghanistan and seeing in how much hours they are going to shit their pants
Taliban to India - to bhejo na apney Soldiers ko “khusbo laga ke” … :-)
Taliban to India - to bhejo na apney Soldiers ko “khusbo laga ke” … :-)

Taliban if ever have to face indian military in war the only option for them will be a gurilla war...... If they openly come and invite India KHUSHBU LAGAKE then believe me it will be a day light slaughter of Taliban.....
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If Afghanistan wasn't a landlocked country and distance was like say with Sri Lanka then maybe..... problem is Indian troops are not well equipped like US troops..... But if they get same gears like Americans then they will bring better results than the Americans in Afghanistan..... Indian soldiers have some best experiences of fighting and holding position in worst conditions..... Siachen and Kargil for example....

Taliban if ever have to face indian military in war the only option for them will be a gurilla war......

Guerrilla War - obviously Taliban have NO setup like a conventional army.

If they openly come and invite India KHUSHBU LAGAKE then believe me it will be a day light slaughter of Taliban.....

Oh we ALL would LOVED to see how it plays out ... :-)
Guerrilla War - obviously Taliban have NO setup like a conventional army.

Oh we ALL would LOVED to see how it plays out ... :-)

You won't get to see how it plays out....

Geography opposes India to do any military adventure in landlocked Afghanistan surrounded by powerful countries like Iran and Pakistan.....

In my honest opinion India should try to help in Afghanistan development projects and in a process help Afghanistan and at the same time try to recover the money it has invested in Afghanistan which helps both...
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