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Afghanistan Says May Seek India Military Assistance If Taliban Talks Fail

Wow too much hypocrisy here. Even after realizing all that why you poked your nose in afghanistan and lost billions of dollars in investment??
Oh now you realize what distance means here and how it's a create a victory impossible even for the best ones. So keep this in mind when next time you brag about 1971 war.
@Syama Ayas

Afghanistan can't be compared to East Pakistan.... First even far away it was a part of Pakistan.... Afghanistan is not a part of India....
You had your army, govt, entire logistics in place from the beginning only..... Most importantly you had a maritime access to East Pakistan which India doesn't have with Afghanistan..... So situation is very different.....
Good good.

Hopefully IA deploys a corp size military formation backed by atleast 2 squadrons of IAF fighters to support the kabul governments fight against the terrorist talibans.

While this is being arranged

The RSS volunteers should be airlifted within 7 days to help kabul fight the taliban.

Its time the sangh parivar put the money where the mouth is.

Everyone kniws whoever controls afghanistan controls south asia. Let the akand bharat mission start by the sangh conquering afghanistan. Let the gharwapsi of afghan people begin.
are there no limits to PDF slander and indian propaganda against Pakistan?
why are you people named Pakistan Defense when you so clearly are not?
Why are mods not banning that moron ? His posts are so idiotic that i get second hand embarrassment just by reading them. Other day he was saying Pakistan should dismantle fence on Afghan border because we dont need it. Like WTF?
are there no limits to PDF slander and indian propaganda against Pakistan?
why are you people named Pakistan Defense when you so clearly are not?
the fact that Taliban is supported by much of Pakistani population and and assisted by Pakistani agencies is not even an "open secret", just open. why do you call it "slander"?
Afghanistan can't be compared to East Pakistan.... First even far away it was a part of Pakistan.... Afghanistan is not a part of India....
You had your army, govt, entire logistics in place from the beginning only..... Most importantly you had a maritime access to East Pakistan which India doesn't have with Afghanistan..... So situation is very different.....
And the size wise comparison of our logistics,army etc with India was like a salt in a flour. One squadron of PAF was against whole IAF ,that speaks volumes of your military achievement. With all the supply routes cut east pakistan thousands of miles from main homeland was just like India in Afghanistan.
the fact that Taliban is supported by much of Pakistani population and and assisted by Pakistani agencies is not even an "open secret", just open. why do you call it "slander"?
can't say much on an indo-persian forum like this, if I do I'll get disabled from posting anything at-all
Why are mods not banning that moron ?
rozi roti ka mamla he, and besides that he is no moron he's indian Chanakya Putra
His posts are so idiotic that i get second hand embarrassment just by reading them.
you mean ones like:
  • America is broke, will never fight again, Pakistan, turkey, China, Taliban, Ethiopia should invade it and Egypt.
  • Taliban will help Pakistan kill its Christians and other minorities
any blind fool can see that it is a mocking piss-take but the forum leaders and many morons claiming to be Pakistani adore him.
Other day he was saying Pakistan should dismantle fence on Afghan border because we dont need it. Like WTF?
the other day member @Hiptullha exposed him as an indian hindu but that whole thread vanished quicker than gadhey ke seengh.

BTW there are more than ten other skunks plus some dormant ones who are specially activated to pronounce takfir on Pakistan army


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are there no limits to PDF slander and indian propaganda against Pakistan?
why are you people named Pakistan Defense when you so clearly are not?

Don't know why they don't get Perm-bans they keeping coming back after 2 days.
can't say much on an indo-persian forum like this, if I do I'll get disabled from posting anything at-all
what is there to worry about, just tell us what secret you know that we don't. ISI chiefs openly declare that Pakistan defeated America in Afghanistan, Taliban advisory councils sit in Pakistani cities with full protection. one can write multiple books about Pakistan's support of Taliban. it has the popular support of the masses (even TTP had that at one time). I think it's a few liberals that don't support it, and some Pakistanis sitting in the West who might be at risk if anyone in their country was to find out they have any sympathy towards the Taliban. denial of the support comes in official capacity, otherwise the posture of the government and agencies suggests they don't even want to hide it.
ISI chiefs openly declare that Pakistan defeated America in Afghanistan, Taliban advisory councils sit in Pakistani cities with full protection. one can write multiple books about Pakistan's support of Taliban. it has the popular support of the masses (even TTP had that at one time). I think it's a few liberals that don't support it, and some Pakistanis sitting in the West who might be at risk if anyone in their country was to find out they have any sympathy towards the Taliban. denial of the support comes in official capacity, otherwise the posture of the government and agencies suggests they don't even want to hide it.
I regret replying to you, you turned out to be as big a trolling and lying asshole as the other 90 or so % PDF population
kindly explain your ego self!
you don't know what an alter-ego is?
it is a secret duplicate of someone else

why do I say it?
because some anonymous mod messaged me to leave you alone "because nothing is wrong with your posts. Actually you are a pretty sensible poster" (according to the anon mod).
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