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Afghanistan Presidential Elections: Aftermath

@Hyperion probably asked him turn up at his place, woh bhi khushboo laga ke, and being the naive twit that he is he enthusiastically complied. From there on its a story of an innocence lost, rife with pain and hatred.

I laughed so hard my stomach nearly turned upside down.
Those who made sure that this day was peacefull!


A milestone in Afghanistan's history. I hope all the different factions let go of their guns and work towards Afghanistan's prosperity
A stateless Kashmiri lecturing other migrants to move....... the irony.......

Those in pakistan who like afghanistan should better move to that country, why burden pakistan. No one is interested in afghans or afghanistan or their elections
You will not understand it, only a pakistani will understand it, the afghans of tajik, hazara and uzbeks are enemies of pakistan and they have fully collaborated with india to carry out terrorism in pakistan during the last 10 years, so what I said was it that context
I looked up Ashraf Ghani's profile. He seems like a very well educated person. Should be a good choice.
Well it is a lot closer than we thought! :fie:

According to Pajhwok News Agency, Preliminary results of over 1 million votes:

Dr Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai - 42.10 % of votes,
Dr Abdullah Abdullah 40.72 %
Zalmai Rassoul 7.66 %
Abdul Rab Rassoul Sayyaf 6.16 %
Qutbuddin Hilal 1.73 percent,%
Mohammad Shafiq Gul Agha Sherzai 1.73 %
Daud Sultanzoy 0.30 %
Hedayat Amin Arsala 0.18 %

@nangyale, we once discoused why i thought Ghani would be a top candidate, you didn't believe my argument, but today the people of Afghanistan showed it to you.
Congratulations to Afghanistan for taking this step towards Democracy.

@Sher Malang , when do you expect the results to be announced ?
Alhamudlilah, so finally we have passed a historical election with peace, pride, security and big turnout!


May your great country see peace and prosperity and a bright future.

India will always be there to help. Just ask!

Long live Indo-Afghan friendship! :tup:

My congratulations to the Afghan people for standing up to the Taliban and voting for a new leader. Honestly I am a bit surprised that there wasn't more violence. Can some Afghan posters here explain that? I read about attempted suicide bombings and a little violence here and there but nothing major. How was this possible? Have the Taliban given up?

Also I am noting in some preliminary results posted in this thread that Zalmai Rassoul hasn't gotten that many votes even though he was supported by Karzai, that is if I am not mistaken. So can it be said that people have voted against Karzai?

I hope Afghanistan continues towards becoming a stable and peaceful state where the Taliban is defeated. I hope now the delusional Pakistani establishment and some Pakistani people also stop playing the good Taliban and bad Taliban game so that these forces of evil are crushed in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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