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Afghanistan opium production surges by 49%

Muderers call doctor for a victim? I did not know about it. Stalin is in heaven now. He freed the world from Nazism, imperialism and colonialism. Not completely, of course, but such thing a single person can not do.

lol, the "murderers" did a favour to all Russian people and humanity by letting him die like a rabbid power crazed egotistical paranoid dog that he was.
Gentlemen plz stick to the topic ..... Al-Qaida, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan .... etc. etc ..... are not the scope of thread
See the map...

Also Russia today is no match for USA... fact.
What does the map?
Russia supports Syria, and the Syrians for them there is some hope. Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia had no hope - Russia was too weak to support them.
Russia now became stronger every year, America - weaker. Who knows what will happen in 10 years? Maybe Russia become the only nuclear superpower. Maybe - will Russia and China. May be - America will be able to stop the decline, but for this it will have to introduce strict economy and dissolve NATO. 
lol, the "murderers" did a favour to all Russian people and humanity by letting him die like a rabbid power crazed egotistical paranoid dog that he was.
They did a favour only to the West and no one else. And oldmen still love Stalin. Despite the years of propaganda and lies.
Yugoslavia had no hope

Stop talking about things you have no clue about.
Yugoslavia was doomed to fail since it's smallest republic paid by far the greatest share to the federal budget so the Serbs and Montenegrans in Belgrade could grow fat at bureaucratic dinners hosting looser communists, blacks and the rest of the non aligned scum from around the world. 
They did a favour only to the West and no one else. And oldmen still love Stalin. Despite the years of propaganda and lies.

Who cares about old men. They dream of glory days long gone too brainwashed to have known it was all running on foreign credit at the end.
And for every old man that you can quote here that says he loved Stalin i'm sure i can find another that says what gruesome, paranoid times those were and that if he had a choice he would never repeat it.
Stop talking about things you have no clue about.
Yugoslavia was doomed to fail since it's smallest republic paid by far the greatest share to the federal budget so the Serbs and Montenegrans in Belgrade could grow fat at bureaucratic dinners hosting looser communists, blacks and the rest of the non aligned scum from around the world.
Therefore, the Civil War began?
No. Not so. Europe could not afford to exist a big and strong country, which eventually could become a competitor to France or Germany. Europe needs a lot of small and weak, then they can be absorbed. 
Who cares about old men. They dream of glory days long gone too brainwashed to have known it was all running on foreign credit at the end.
During the years of Stalin's rule in the Soviet Union was built 8600 huge industrial enterprises. Literacy has reached almost 100%. He turned the USSR into a superpower capable of challenging the whole West combined.
Is not this covered such hatred for this man from the West? And those who have been brainwashed by western propoganda?
Therefore, the Civil War began?
No. Not so. Europe could not afford to exist a big and strong country, which eventually could become a competitor to France or Germany. Europe needs a lot of small and weak, then they can be absorbed.

Yes, therefore civil war began.
Because the smallest republic was fed up with paying for fat communists doing nothing in 4/5 ths of the country and on top of that dictating to it ever increasingly.

You know nothing...Yugoslavia a competitor to Germany? Really now? Probably in the same universe where USSR economy was doing good.
But just for the sake of argument, show me one Yugoslavian product that wasn't made in Slovenia (and even here there were only a handful of companies that coud do it) that could compete with German products. Just so the readers see for themselves how much full of shit you are.
Yes, therefore civil war began.
Because the smallest republic was fed up with paying for fat communists doing nothing in 4/5 ths of the country and on top of that dictating to it ever increasingly.

You know nothing...Yugoslavia a competitor to Germany? Really now? Probably in the same universe where USSR economy was doing good.
But just for the sake of argument, show me one Yugoslavian product that wasn't made in Slovenia that could compete with German products. Just so the readers see for themselves how much full of shit you are.
Did I say that Yugoslavia was a competitor to France or Germany?
I said - that it could become. A large country with a large population, territory and resources could become a competitor to Germany and France.
What do you think, why the German principalities could not become competitors to France or Britain before they united into the German Empire?
Because they could not physically.
Did I say that Yugoslavia was a competitor to France or Germany?
I said - that it could become. A large country with a large population, territory and resources could become a competitor to Germany and France.
What do you think, why the German principalities could not become competitors to France or Britain before they united into the German Empire?
Because they could not physically.

lol again your weak knowledge.

Averaged sized country, with half less people and not so many resources. There was a reason so many Yugoslav's were working in Germany.

Why do you talk if you know so little?
Stalin was a commie right? so which heaven is he in?
Stalin studied at the Orthodox Seminary. He was expelled just before the diploma, for his political views.
Stalin returned the title of Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church and stop the destruction of churches and priests unleashed by Trotskyists. 
lol again your weak knowledge.

Averaged sized country, with half less people and not so many resources. There was a reason so many Yugoslav's were working in Germany.

Why do you talk if you know so little?
By the standards of Europe, Yugoslavia was a big country. Approximately equal area of West Germany.
It has been divided since 1991, exactly the same reasons why the USSR and Czechoslovakia were divided. Not to give an opportunity to become competitors.
Somehow, none of the Western countries do not dividing - Spain does not let the Basque and Catalonia, the Netherlands does not let Flanders, Italy - North.
The smaller the country - the easier it could be counqered and ruled.
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By the standards of Europe, Yugoslavia was a big country. Approximately equal area of West Germany.
It has been divided since 1991, exactly the same reasons why the USSR and Czechoslovakia were divided. Not to give an opportunity to become competitors.
Somehow, none of the Western countries do not dividing - Spain does not let the Basque and Catalonia, the Netherlands does not let Flanders, Italy - North.
The smaller the country - the easier it could be counqered and ruled.

I understand the dynamics of divide and conquer very well. Just you don't understand very well that it was the intention of all parties to go their each separate way and that it was not some order from anywhere.

Dude, when you have 2 million people in a country of roughly 25 million paying like 25% of the federal budget for a decade or two....what would you do? Answer this, before anything else.

And Flanders is in Belgium......
I understand the dynamics of divide and conquer very well. Just you don't understand very well that it was the intention of all parties to go their each separate way and that it was not some order from anywhere.

Dude, when you have 2 million people in a country of roughly 25 million paying like 25% of the federal budget for a decade or two....what would you do? Answer this, before anything else.

And Flanders is in Belgium......
At the expense of Belgium, I confused, I apologize. It's there Flanders and Wallonia. I just remember that in Flanders people close to the Dutch, and in Wallonia - the French.
Here in 1991 in all the republics were told that it is they feed the Union. All, without exception - as a blueprint. In Yugoslavia they said the same thing, almost word for word - I'm sure of it, because agitation wrote in one place.
At the expense of Belgium, I confused, I apologize. It's there Flanders and Wallonia. I just remember that in Flanders people close to the Dutch, and in Wallonia - the French.
Here in 1991 in all the republics were told that it is they feed the Union. All, without exception - as a blueprint. In Yugoslavia they said the same thing, almost word for word - I'm sure of it, because agitation wrote in one place.

Dude, i'm half Slovenian, my grandad was in the top economic commitee....my guess is his story is more credible then yours.
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