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Afghanistan finalized deal on $12 billion oil and gas extraction


Apr 19, 2012
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Officials from the ministry of mines of Afghanistan on Tuesday announced that three major firms were awarded oil and gas extraction projects in northern Afghanistan.
The officials further added that the firms will invest $12 billion based on an agreement which was signed between the Afghan government and the three firms in northern Mazar-e-Sharif city of Afghanistan.
An official from the ministry of mines of Afghanistan, Jalil Ahmed told reporters that the firms will start extraction of oil and gas in Afghan-Tajik basin located between northeastern Takhar and northern Jowzjan provinces of Afghanistan.
Mr. Jalil Ahmed further added that two of the firms are well known international oil and gas extraction companies, and were among the 20 other companies who submitted their tenders for the project.
He said the international companies include Turkish Petroleum International Company (TPIC), Dragon Oil from United Arab Emirates.
An Afghan oil and gas company, Ghanzanfar Group is also one of the firms which was awarded the project, and the firms will start extraction work within the next three to five years.
Afghanistan’s natural resources are estimated at $1 trillion, and according to the US Geological Survey (USGS), majority of the natural gas is located in the Amu Darya basin, while the crude is largely found in an area known as Afghan-Tajik.
USGS estimates that 1.6 billion barrels of crude oil, 16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 500m barrels of natural gas liquids is located in north of the country.

Afghanistan finalized deal on $12 billion oil and gas extraction - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan Online Newspaper
Good for Afghan - Let's the wealth will benefit common Afghan and will not ended up in swiss accounts
I think there were some problems going on with that deal

UPDATE:: Problem or misunderstanding between two negotiating countries have been sorted out and Afghani government has conveyed that they don't have any problem now and hence given their go ahead to Indian consortium to develop their assets on Hagijak fields of Bemyan province on 22Aug 2013. :yay:

Anyway - whoever win, we are most likely to get our share in term of transit fee :pop:

I don' think so buddy , we have laid railway track from Hagijak to border of Iran. ;)
That port has it's limitations can't handle all Afghan exports :pop:

I think half of the steal produced would be used in building war torn country itself and rest may be exported to neighbouring countries like Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan .... :pop:
I think half of the steal produced would be used in building war torn country itself and rest may be exported to neighbouring countries like Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan .... :pop:

LOL!!! Tu India mango lainay gaya hai wahan.........:pop:
Has there been any tender out for huge lithium deposit in Afghanistan ?
LOL!!! Tu India mango lainay gaya hai wahan.........:pop:

No, I just meant that port being developed will have sufficient capacity to meet Indian requirements and surplus Iron would be sold in neighboring countries too.

Has there been any tender out for huge lithium deposit in Afghanistan ?

No , at least I have't came across any such news.
No, I just meant that port being developed will have sufficient capacity to meet Indian requirements and surplus Iron would be sold in neighboring countries too.

So, Where Iran will export it's Iron ore :pop:
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