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Afghanistan exit seen as peril to C.I.A. Drone Missions and spying on Pakistani nukes.

What will happen to Pakistan if NATO will exit Afghanistan....???

Answer in detail with proof or either don't answer it at all. Ok.
What will happen to Pakistan if NATO will exit Afghanistan....???

Answer in detail with proof or either don't answer it at all. Ok.

If they leave, then some other gora boots will be kicking Afghanistani @rse. Such are the GOLDEN habits of Afghanistanis,.

So if Pakistani educated elite behave like Islamist barbarians, guess what

Our @rses will be ruled by foreign boots.

It all depends on us how we value our country or trash it in the name of religion and marxism

Hope you understand
Americans are going nowhere. Period! At least one division of US Marines augmented by about a thousand NATO troops will be permanently stationed in Afghanistan till the cows come home. It would become a permanent US base like they have in dozens of other countries.

They will never leave Afghanistan to the wolves. There's too much at stake here.
But I think even if we hardened our tone.
They cant do nothing against India.
An inside operation in India is absolutely impossible for US.And India is not in US payroll.
IF they attempt for things like that.,all world order will change rapidly.
A pacifist country India become most formidable enemy of US.And unlike china or Russia we are a fullfledged democracy
full fleged democracy?
india most formidable enemy of US
they can't do nothing??
someone transfer this to joke section :coffee:
full fleged democracy?
india most formidable enemy of US
they can't do nothing??
someone transfer this to joke section :coffee:

Our diplomat do a wrong in US and break their law.She must be punished.But we stands for her because she represent India and US laws authorities mistreat her.You know what .US states department allow her return to India and we expelled their diplomats.Now I ask you one question.Except Russia ,China and some south American states.Can your country or any other country can break their law and can escape from them?.
Now I repeat India is not in US payroll.Till now we maintained a NAM approach.And India can move forward without US help.This so called US superpower came last decade to us and talk a lot about friendship.we dont beg them.We proud about that.
And we will maintain cooperation with them only for our national interest.If they turn against us ,then India a stable full fledged democracy will also turn against them.You dont know about India that is why you talk like this.we may quarrel each other for various reason and it is natural in a diversified country.But when some outsider attack us .We will become one.India.
India has regional proximity to the area so naturally it is affected by any development, Pakistan and India are major stake holders so any development in Afghanistan will definitely involve the two....

You are right .Relation with India and Pakistan will determine future of Afghanistan.But it happens only after complete NATO withdrawal.
But I doubt why they drag nukes of India in to this.They definitely know Indian nukes is no one favour and US dont do anything against it.We developed it with our own hardwork.We dont stole that.And we will not give that technology to other countries.A perfect non proliferation record.
And US cant do nothing about Indian nukes.They dont know about it secrets and how much it its.It is one of the India top secret.
You are right .Relation with India and Pakistan will determine future of Afghanistan.But it happens only after complete NATO withdrawal.
But I doubt why they drag nukes of India in to this.They definitely know Indian nukes is no one favour and US dont do anything against it.We developed it with our own hardwork.We dont stole that.And we will not give that technology to other countries.A perfect non proliferation record.
And US cant do nothing about Indian nukes.They dont know about it secrets and how much it its.It is one of the India top secret.

They didnt mention a lack safe measure for Indian nukes, actually Indian nuclear security is not that fool proof,
India ranks near bottom of nuclear material security index | Business Line
They didnt mention a lack safe measure for Indian nukes, actually Indian nuclear security is not that fool proof,
India ranks near bottom of nuclear material security index | Business Line

And what they can do about it? Nothing .All of their assumption is based on some idiotic news in Indian Media.
India's nuclear systems ,be it materials or anything with is completely under control of DAE(Department of Atomic Energy).
Like ISRO ,DAE is directly under the control of Indian Prime Minister.Institutions under PMO maintain a zero margin corruption and efficiency .Otherwise PM will be directly under public fire.It iis his responsiblity.
West countries, NGO and organizations.Only know about corruption dept of India
.They criticise our ISRO acheivements and we are proud about our ISRO .but no one know why ISRO maintain this capability.
Simple there is no bureacratic hurdles in ISRO.Completely owned PMO .DAE also like that.
But nuclear materials is considerably leaked from West countries in past.
I hope you understand
If they leave, then some other gora boots will be kicking Afghanistani @rse. Such are the GOLDEN habits of Afghanistanis,.

So if Pakistani educated elite behave like Islamist barbarians, guess what

Our @rses will be ruled by foreign boots.

It all depends on us how we value our country or trash it in the name of religion and marxism

Hope you understand
if they behave like you then we will be ruled by foreigners my friend.
take a vote on it in this forum everybody will agree
....But I doubt why they drag nukes of India in to this.They definitely know Indian nukes is no one favour and US dont do anything against it...

If you are a big power, then think like a big power and you will understand why powers bigger than India would like to keep an eye on Indian weaponry.

It is really simple, if AND ONLY IF you think like a big power's citizen.

Hope you understand
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