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Afghanistan: As China forges new alliances, a new Great Game has begun

I don't exactly know what could 'waste' mean in your dictionary but here is what those $2billions of India's assistance to Afghanistan really did:

1, Political leverage of India over Pakistan in Afghanistan.
2, India is in the heart of every Afghan today be it Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras etc.. because their projects were based on 'zero' discrimination and were equally distributed among Afghans.
3, Construction of hospitals and establishment of tele-medicine centers in Afghanistan through which 400,000 patients are availing from those services annually including Taliban.
4, Provided 24 hours electricity to over 11 provinces.
5, Providing higher education for over 12,000 Afghan students at bachelor and masters level.
6, Empowering women by giving them micro finance opportunities.
7, Construction of irrigation systems and small dams.
8, Construction of a big irrigation dam in western Afghanistan.
9, Provided capacity building programs to 6000 civil servants.
10, Advised Afghanistan on various policy makings such as national IT policy, e-government policy, agriculture policy, irrigation policy, financial policies etc..
11, Constructed 100s of primary, secondary and high schools all over Afghanistan.
12, Constructed a huge building for the parliament of Afghanistan.
13, Actively training and equipping Afghan security forces.
14, Supply of wheat and other food items.
15, Construction of highways and roads.
16, Accommodation of Chabahar port for Afghan traders.
17, Construction of cold storage facilities in Bamyam, Kandahar and other provinces.
18, Establishing Agricultural university and a mining school.
19, Gifting over 800 buses and mini-buses to our urban transportation sector and a good amount of ambulances to the ministry of public health.
20, Restoration of telecommunication infrastructure in 11 provinces.
21, Expansion of media activities to all 34 provinces.
22, Implementing 84 small projects of agriculture, rural development, education, health, vocational training, and solar energy which have a direct, immediate and visible impact on community life in vulnerable border areas.
23, Established India-Afghanistan Vocational Training Center for Afghan youth in carpentry, plumbing, welding, masonry and tailoring executed by the Confederation of Indian Industries.
24, Established Women's Vocational Training Center in garment making, nursery plantation, food processing and marketing, executed by the well-known Indian NGO SEWA (Self-Employed Women’s Association).
25, Capacity building programmes for all government and private sectors in the fields of diplomacy, media and information, civil aviation, agricultural research and education, health care and medicinal science, tourism, education, standardisation, rural development, public administration, electoral management and administration, and local governance.
26, Over 100 tube wells were dug in over 8 provinces.
29, Three Airbus aircraft were donated to Ariana Airlines with spare parts.
30, India provides Afghanistan duty-free access to the import of dried figs, mulberries, pistachio, roasted pine nuts, fresh melons, asafoetida, lapis lazuli, ruby and emeralds. A 50 percent duty concession has been extended on green, red, golden and black raisins; walnuts; almonds; fresh grapes; apples; apricots; pomegranates; anise, caraway, linseed, alpha and sesame seeds; and dried apricots, plums and sour cherries. The full duty exemption and 50 percent duty exemption applies to all items of high export interest to Afghanistan.

many more I can remember right now... and lastly they made all Afghans against you :p:

and now a list of Small Development Projects (SDPs) being implemented in Afghanistan by India as follows:

Agriculture & Veterinary

1. Setting up of a demonstrative nursery Khas Kunar district in East Kunar province
2. Setting up of a demonstrative nursery Dih Bala district in Nangarhar province
3. Setting up of a demonstrative nursery Tani district in Khost province
4. Setting up of a demonstrative nursery Dur Baba district in Nangarhar province
5. Establishment of a veterinary clinic Dur Baba District of Nangarhar province
6. Establishment of a veterinary clinic Khas Kunar district of Kunar province
7. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Kamdesh district in Nooristan province
8. Establishment of Veterinary clinic and providing equipments Gurbuz district of Khost province
9. Establishment of Veterinary clinic and providing equipments Spin Boldak district of Kandahar province
10. Establishment of Veterinary clinic and providing equipments Sayed Karam district of Paktia province
11. Construction of canal Arghandab district of Kandahar province

1. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Khas Kunar district in Kunar province
2. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Asmar district in Kunar province
3. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Jani Khel district in Paktia province
4. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Wakhan district in Badakhshan province
5. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Zaranj district in Nimroz province
6. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Chakhansur district in Nimroz province
7. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Musa Khel district of Khost province
8. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Arghistan district of Kandahar province
9. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Laja Mangal district of Paktia province
10. Setting up of a Comprehensive Health Centre Warmamai district of Paktika province
11. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Wama district of Nooristan province
12. Setting up of Comprehensive Health Khogiani district of Nangarhar province
13. Setting up of Comprehensive Health Centre Maruf district of Kandahar province
14. Setting up of Comprehensive Health Centre Gayan district of Paktika province
15. Construction of Child Hospital Child hospital in Aybak City, Samangan province
16. Setting up of 2 Basic Health Clinic and 1 Comprehensive Health Clinic (Balkh Province)
17. Construction of a Gynecology Clinic Rodat district of Nangarhar province
18. Construction of Comprehensive Health Centre Ali Sher district of Khost province
19. Construction of Comprehensive Health Centre Ziruk district of Paktika province
20. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Kuran Wa Munjan district of Badakhshan province)
21. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Wakhan district of Badakhshan province)
22. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Shamal district of Khost province)
23. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Jaji Maidan district of Paktia province)

Water and Sanitation
1. Setting up of 40 Water Points (Bore Wells) Sherzad district in Nangarhar province
2. Setting up of 50 Water Points (Bore Wells) Different villages of Gomal district of Paktika province
3. Setting up of 40 Water Points (Bore Wells) Different villages of Khogiani district of Nangarhar province
4. Setting up of 35 Water Points (Bore Wells) Different villages of Shinkai district of Zabul province
5. Setting up of 54 Water Points (Bore Wells) Sarobi district of Paktika province
6. Construction of Protection wall Chaknahor village of Lalpur district of Nangarhar province
7. Construction of Girder Bridge Sherzad district of Nangarhar province
8. Setting up of 71 Water Points (Bore Wells) Marawarah district of Kunar province
9. Construction of 8 public toilets Shibirghan city in Jawzhan province
10. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Jaji Maidan district of Paktia province)
11. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme Project (Surkot village of Tani district in Khost province)
12. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme Project (Tani district in Khost province)
13. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme Project (Nari district of Kunar province)
14. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme (Aurgon district of Paktika province)
15. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme (Matti village of Wuza Zardan district of Paktia
16. Construction of 67 Water Points (Bore Wells) Kama district of Nangarhar province
17. Construction of 25 Water Points (Bore Wells) Noorgal district of Kunar province
18. Construction of 41 Water Points (Bore Wells) Shamulzai district of Zabul province
19. Construction of 46 Water Points (Bore Wells) Ziruk district of Paktika province
20. Construction of 60 m Suspension Bridge Ghaziabad district of Kunar province
21. Construction of 40 m Girder Bridge. Wakhan district of Badakhshan province
22. Construction of 2,807 m long pipe scheme with 10 public taps (Dangam district of Kunar province)

1. Construction of 8 schools Paktia and Paktika province
2. Construction of 8 schools Khost province
3. Construction of 4 schools Border districts (Asmar, Marawar, Noorgul and Dangum) of Kunar province
4. Construction of 4 schools Shinwar, Nazyan, Achin and De Bala districts of Nangarhar
5. Construction of 5 schools Pachir Wa Agham, Ghushta, Sherzad, Kama and Khogiani districts of Nangarhar province
6. Construction of 4 schools Border districts (Wama, Noorgram, Noorgram and Wegal) of Nooristan province
7. Construction of 3 schools Nimroz province
8. Construction of 3 schools Mazar-e-Sharif
9. School construction Aryob Jaji district in Paktia province
10. School construction Laja Mangal district in Paktia province
11. School construction Barmal district in Paktika province
12. School construction Ziruk district in Paktika province
13. School construction Khas Kunar district in Kunar province
14. School construction Sarkani district in Kunar province
15. School construction Dangam district in Kunar province
16. School construction Goshta district in Nangarhar province
17. School construction Pachir Wa Agam district in Nangarhar province
18. School construction Lalpura district in Nangarhar province
19. School construction Azra district in Logar province
20. School construction Chakhansur district in Nimroz province
21. School construction Khwahan district in Badakhshan province
22. School construction Kuran Wa Munjan in Badakhshan province

Women & Family Welfare
1. Construction of orphanage Aybak city, Samangan province
2. Establishment of Vocational Training Institute (Carpet Weaving) Zawol and Pusht-e-Koh regions of Shindand district of Herat province
3. Setting up of 2 culverts Panjwai district of Kandahar province
4. Construction of RTA building Jalalabad, Nangarhar province

SDPs with NGOs
1. Hand in Hand (Afghanistan) project for deputation of field training personnel, specialists and experts for mobilising training and coaching local entrepreneurs and for job creation, on the Self Help Group model being implemented (Balkh province)
2. Turquoise Mountain Foundation proposal for restoration of the House of Screens (Murad Khane in old Kabul city)

You see 97.9% of these SDPs are being implementing/implemented in Pashtun provinces, so you know what that means to Pakistan :D I hope you read all this and not left it half reading out of jealousy :lol:.

@SpArK @KRAIT @Roybot @proud_indian @IND_PAK @Tshering22 @Brahmos_2 @Yogi @Indo-guy @majesticpankaj @scorpionx @Srinivas @OrionHunter

If Hindu hatered of Pakistan mean development for our Afghan bros then im happy, we have used other countries for similar purposes. Anyway the list you provided is pretty useless, no offence and i agree that anything is better then nothing. I can come up with bigger list the way Pak helped Afghanistan.

''You see 97.9% of these SDPs are being implementing/implemented in Pashtun provinces, so you know what that means to Pakistan :D I hope you read all this and not left it half reading out of jealousy :lol:.''

It means nothing for Pakistan because even must anti-pak pakhtun is ultimately pro Pakistan. Because our destiny is being biggest economy in Islamic world, must powerfull armed forces of islamic world and only islamic nuclear power. Some thing Afghanistan can never be. Being anti-Pak mean being anti Islam. TTP is prime exemple, these people are Pak nationalists. And no muslim will want to be anti islam.

Basically our destiny is being islamic leader and world power ;)
Ok, but why do you say 'India is frustrated'? This article wasn't written by an Indian nor is it the government's official position.

Yeah but he lives in India for better part of each year and frankly he is bending over backwards to whisper " Sweet Nothings " in Indian ears, just what Indians want to hear. I will call him an Indian FANBOY.
Thanks for the post Dude !!
I think the co operation will increase in the near future :cheers:
If the Taliban ever come to power, most of what India has done will come to naught with the help of their masters who would try their best to negate Indian influence in Afghanistan, since they think that Afghanistan is a State of Pakistan!
It depicts the frustration and anxiety of India in regards to its coming defeat in Afghanistan yet again. China and Pakistan will not only work to contain India but also will write history in Afghanistan.

Again same old lines,still with the same belief that Pakistan is the center of the world.
Being anti-Pak mean being anti Islam. TTP is prime exemple, these people are Pak nationalists. And no muslim will want to be anti islam.

Basically our destiny is being islamic leader and world power ;)
being anti-pak means anti-islam? but sub sey pehley pakistan is not exactly islam......jinnah baba came up with idea of muslim nationalism but he didnt strive for islam......he opted for easy way, leaving behind crores of muslims in india, at the mercy of hindus.
And so called islamic army, its hands are dirty with deaths of tens of thousands of afghan muslims by joining hands with America for dollars.....where was this islamic army when Burmese muslims were getting slaughtered, why it didnt send its naval ships for putting pressure on burma?....why this leader of islam do not protest against oppression of uighur muslims at the hands of its friend china?
Afghanistan: As China forges new alliances, a new Great Game has begun
William Dalrymple

As the disappearance of flight MH370 dominated the headlines across China, a party of senior US officials and AfPak experts arrived in Beijing last week for discreet talks with their Chinese counterparts. They were there as part of a little reported but crucial new Sino-American dialogue on Afghanistan, discussing the role China could play there after the US withdrawal. It is an important development in the new Great Game that is already realigning the delicate geopolitical balance of the region.

The public standoff between the world's two greatest military powers in the South China Sea over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands has disguised a growing detente between them both over central Asia. "The Chinese are very much aware that we are now on the same page in Afghanistan," I was told by a senior state department official with the delegation. "Our interests are now in almost complete alignment there."

The fledgling dialogue received a huge boost earlier this month when China suffered what one newspaper affiliated with the party described as "China's 9/11". A knife attack by a group of eight militants at Kunming station in Yunan province left 29 dead and 140 injured. The authorities stated that the assailants were Uighurs, the Turkic-speaking Muslim minority, many of whom want independence for the northwest region of Xinjiang – or East Turkestan, as Uighurs call it.

Tensions between Uighurs and Han Chinese have been simmering for years. The Chinese have bulldozed great swaths of Kashgar, the historic Uighur capital, and drafted hundreds of thousands of Han Chinese into the sensitive border region. Like the Tibetans, the Uighurs now find themselves a minority in their own homeland.

In 2009 riots between Uighurs and Han in the regional capital of Urumqi left more than 100 dead. In October 2013, a vehicle carrying three Uighurs ploughed into pedestrians near Tiananmen Square, killing two and wounding 40. The Chinese authorities said the attack was the work of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (Etim), a militant Uighur group they say has links to the Taliban and Pakistani jihadi networks. Last week there were was much gossip in China of a possible Etim hijacking in the case of flight MH370.

Nevertheless, the perceived Pakistan link to Uighur militancy has become the crucial factor in changing the Chinese approach to Afghanistan. Five years ago the Chinese viewed the country primarily as a source of hydrocarbon and mineral deposits – trillions of dollars of the oil, gas, copper, iron, gold and lithium that China will need if its economy is to expand.

In 2008 Chinese Metallurgical Group and Jiangxi Copper Co bought a 30-year lease on the site of Mes Aynak in Logar for $3bn, which they estimated to be the largest copper deposit in the world. But after Taliban attacks the mine remains dormant, and Beijing now views Afghanistan more as a security problem than an economic opportunity: "Driving Chinese policy in Afghanistan now are concerns on terrorism," said the state department official.

In September 2012, the then Chinese public security chief, Zhou Yongkang, visited Kabul, the first such visit by a Chinese minister – and announced a major turnaround in policy. China began security co-operation with President Hamid Karzai's regime, training 300 Afghan police officers. Since then the US and China have collaborated in training Afghan diplomats, health workers and agricultural engineers, the first time China has ever co-operated with a third party in another country. Ambassador James Dobbins, Obama's special representative for Afghanistan, now has thrice-yearly meetings with his Chinese counterpart to discuss future areas of co-operation.

Barnett Rubin, who recently stepped down as adviser to Obama's special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, told the Jaipur Literature Festival that China and America "have a growing convergence of interests in the areas to the west of China. Taliban militants attacking Chinese mining activities in Logar province are coming from Pakistan. Uighur militants in western China are being trained in Pakistan, and are going back to China. China has found that Pakistan is not effectively stopping those people. This has really affected China's attitude to Pakistan, which it no longer considers a reliable ally. This is one of the reasons why Chinese-Indian relations have started to warm, and that China is seeking co-operation with the US in Afghanistan."

While China is pressing its old ally Pakistan to do more to contain militant groups, it is also mending fences with India, an old rival. It has pulled back its troops from disputed border areas in the Himalayas and is entering into talks with India on security co-operation in Afghanistan.

Last month China became India's biggest trading partner. The China-Pakistan alliance, for 50 years the crucial relationship between south and east Asia, is now looking increasingly past its sell-by date.

Much of what happens next will be determined by events in Afghanistan. Elections will be held, Karzai will step down, and Nato and the US will both withdraw. Sadly, the stability and integrity of Afghanistan during that process is something that even the growing power of China cannot guarantee.

As sent to me by email.
Indian and western intellectuals they can have their wet dreams as much as they get but the reality is in coming years China is bringing largest investment ever in Pakistan and soon we are also going to sign biggest defense deals specially related to Submarines and Jet Fighters and Frigates and other equipment so nice try Indians and Western guys
....why this leader of islam do not protest against oppression of uighur muslims at the hands of its friend china?

There is no "oppression" of Uyghur Muslims, as minorities they get more rights than even the majority Han Chinese like us.

On topic: Of course we would prefer it if Pakistan left the "American camp", however they should do it for their own benefit, not for our benefit.

How has Pakistan benefited from being an American ally, and joining America in their war in Asia? Nothing but drone strikes, CIA murderers like Raymond Davis, and endless numbers of suicide bombings as America uses Pakistan as their own personal meat shield.
There is no "oppression" of Uyghur Muslims, as minorities they get more rights than even the majority Han Chinese like us.

On topic: Of course we would prefer it if Pakistan left the "American camp", however they should do it for their own benefit, not for our benefit.

How has Pakistan benefited from being an American ally, and joining America in their war in Asia? Nothing but drone strikes, CIA murderers like Raymond Davis, and endless numbers of suicide bombings as America uses Pakistan as their own personal meat shield.

Nice Lecture: Why China didn't support Pakistan when US was ragging Pakistan after 9/11?
Nothing has been wasted. The relationship between Afghanistan and India is stronger than ever, not to mention perception of India among common Afghans.
Diffidence in perception, they see everything for an immediate period only.

I don't exactly know what could 'waste' mean in your dictionary but here is what those $2billions of India's assistance to Afghanistan really did:

1, Political leverage of India over Pakistan in Afghanistan.
2, India is in the heart of every Afghan today be it Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras etc.. because their projects were based on 'zero' discrimination and were equally distributed among Afghans.
3, Construction of hospitals and establishment of tele-medicine centers in Afghanistan through which 400,000 patients are availing from those services annually including Taliban.
4, Provided 24 hours electricity to over 11 provinces.
5, Providing higher education for over 12,000 Afghan students at bachelor and masters level.
6, Empowering women by giving them micro finance opportunities.
7, Construction of irrigation systems and small dams.
8, Construction of a big irrigation dam in western Afghanistan.
9, Provided capacity building programs to 6000 civil servants.
10, Advised Afghanistan on various policy makings such as national IT policy, e-government policy, agriculture policy, irrigation policy, financial policies etc..
11, Constructed 100s of primary, secondary and high schools all over Afghanistan.
12, Constructed a huge building for the parliament of Afghanistan.
13, Actively training and equipping Afghan security forces.
14, Supply of wheat and other food items.
15, Construction of highways and roads.
16, Accommodation of Chabahar port for Afghan traders.
17, Construction of cold storage facilities in Bamyam, Kandahar and other provinces.
18, Establishing Agricultural university and a mining school.
19, Gifting over 800 buses and mini-buses to our urban transportation sector and a good amount of ambulances to the ministry of public health.
20, Restoration of telecommunication infrastructure in 11 provinces.
21, Expansion of media activities to all 34 provinces.
22, Implementing 84 small projects of agriculture, rural development, education, health, vocational training, and solar energy which have a direct, immediate and visible impact on community life in vulnerable border areas.
23, Established India-Afghanistan Vocational Training Center for Afghan youth in carpentry, plumbing, welding, masonry and tailoring executed by the Confederation of Indian Industries.
24, Established Women's Vocational Training Center in garment making, nursery plantation, food processing and marketing, executed by the well-known Indian NGO SEWA (Self-Employed Women’s Association).
25, Capacity building programmes for all government and private sectors in the fields of diplomacy, media and information, civil aviation, agricultural research and education, health care and medicinal science, tourism, education, standardisation, rural development, public administration, electoral management and administration, and local governance.
26, Over 100 tube wells were dug in over 8 provinces.
29, Three Airbus aircraft were donated to Ariana Airlines with spare parts.
30, India provides Afghanistan duty-free access to the import of dried figs, mulberries, pistachio, roasted pine nuts, fresh melons, asafoetida, lapis lazuli, ruby and emeralds. A 50 percent duty concession has been extended on green, red, golden and black raisins; walnuts; almonds; fresh grapes; apples; apricots; pomegranates; anise, caraway, linseed, alpha and sesame seeds; and dried apricots, plums and sour cherries. The full duty exemption and 50 percent duty exemption applies to all items of high export interest to Afghanistan.

many more I can remember right now... and lastly they made all Afghans against you :p:

and now a list of Small Development Projects (SDPs) being implemented in Afghanistan by India as follows:

Agriculture & Veterinary

1. Setting up of a demonstrative nursery Khas Kunar district in East Kunar province
2. Setting up of a demonstrative nursery Dih Bala district in Nangarhar province
3. Setting up of a demonstrative nursery Tani district in Khost province
4. Setting up of a demonstrative nursery Dur Baba district in Nangarhar province
5. Establishment of a veterinary clinic Dur Baba District of Nangarhar province
6. Establishment of a veterinary clinic Khas Kunar district of Kunar province
7. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Kamdesh district in Nooristan province
8. Establishment of Veterinary clinic and providing equipments Gurbuz district of Khost province
9. Establishment of Veterinary clinic and providing equipments Spin Boldak district of Kandahar province
10. Establishment of Veterinary clinic and providing equipments Sayed Karam district of Paktia province
11. Construction of canal Arghandab district of Kandahar province

1. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Khas Kunar district in Kunar province
2. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Asmar district in Kunar province
3. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Jani Khel district in Paktia province
4. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Wakhan district in Badakhshan province
5. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Zaranj district in Nimroz province
6. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Chakhansur district in Nimroz province
7. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Musa Khel district of Khost province
8. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Arghistan district of Kandahar province
9. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Laja Mangal district of Paktia province
10. Setting up of a Comprehensive Health Centre Warmamai district of Paktika province
11. Setting up of a Basic Health Clinic Wama district of Nooristan province
12. Setting up of Comprehensive Health Khogiani district of Nangarhar province
13. Setting up of Comprehensive Health Centre Maruf district of Kandahar province
14. Setting up of Comprehensive Health Centre Gayan district of Paktika province
15. Construction of Child Hospital Child hospital in Aybak City, Samangan province
16. Setting up of 2 Basic Health Clinic and 1 Comprehensive Health Clinic (Balkh Province)
17. Construction of a Gynecology Clinic Rodat district of Nangarhar province
18. Construction of Comprehensive Health Centre Ali Sher district of Khost province
19. Construction of Comprehensive Health Centre Ziruk district of Paktika province
20. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Kuran Wa Munjan district of Badakhshan province)
21. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Wakhan district of Badakhshan province)
22. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Shamal district of Khost province)
23. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Jaji Maidan district of Paktia province)

Water and Sanitation
1. Setting up of 40 Water Points (Bore Wells) Sherzad district in Nangarhar province
2. Setting up of 50 Water Points (Bore Wells) Different villages of Gomal district of Paktika province
3. Setting up of 40 Water Points (Bore Wells) Different villages of Khogiani district of Nangarhar province
4. Setting up of 35 Water Points (Bore Wells) Different villages of Shinkai district of Zabul province
5. Setting up of 54 Water Points (Bore Wells) Sarobi district of Paktika province
6. Construction of Protection wall Chaknahor village of Lalpur district of Nangarhar province
7. Construction of Girder Bridge Sherzad district of Nangarhar province
8. Setting up of 71 Water Points (Bore Wells) Marawarah district of Kunar province
9. Construction of 8 public toilets Shibirghan city in Jawzhan province
10. Construction of Basic Health Clinic in context of Health Development Programme
(Jaji Maidan district of Paktia province)
11. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme Project (Surkot village of Tani district in Khost province)
12. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme Project (Tani district in Khost province)
13. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme Project (Nari district of Kunar province)
14. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme (Aurgon district of Paktika province)
15. Construction of Water Supply Pipe Scheme (Matti village of Wuza Zardan district of Paktia
16. Construction of 67 Water Points (Bore Wells) Kama district of Nangarhar province
17. Construction of 25 Water Points (Bore Wells) Noorgal district of Kunar province
18. Construction of 41 Water Points (Bore Wells) Shamulzai district of Zabul province
19. Construction of 46 Water Points (Bore Wells) Ziruk district of Paktika province
20. Construction of 60 m Suspension Bridge Ghaziabad district of Kunar province
21. Construction of 40 m Girder Bridge. Wakhan district of Badakhshan province
22. Construction of 2,807 m long pipe scheme with 10 public taps (Dangam district of Kunar province)

1. Construction of 8 schools Paktia and Paktika province
2. Construction of 8 schools Khost province
3. Construction of 4 schools Border districts (Asmar, Marawar, Noorgul and Dangum) of Kunar province
4. Construction of 4 schools Shinwar, Nazyan, Achin and De Bala districts of Nangarhar
5. Construction of 5 schools Pachir Wa Agham, Ghushta, Sherzad, Kama and Khogiani districts of Nangarhar province
6. Construction of 4 schools Border districts (Wama, Noorgram, Noorgram and Wegal) of Nooristan province
7. Construction of 3 schools Nimroz province
8. Construction of 3 schools Mazar-e-Sharif
9. School construction Aryob Jaji district in Paktia province
10. School construction Laja Mangal district in Paktia province
11. School construction Barmal district in Paktika province
12. School construction Ziruk district in Paktika province
13. School construction Khas Kunar district in Kunar province
14. School construction Sarkani district in Kunar province
15. School construction Dangam district in Kunar province
16. School construction Goshta district in Nangarhar province
17. School construction Pachir Wa Agam district in Nangarhar province
18. School construction Lalpura district in Nangarhar province
19. School construction Azra district in Logar province
20. School construction Chakhansur district in Nimroz province
21. School construction Khwahan district in Badakhshan province
22. School construction Kuran Wa Munjan in Badakhshan province

Women & Family Welfare
1. Construction of orphanage Aybak city, Samangan province
2. Establishment of Vocational Training Institute (Carpet Weaving) Zawol and Pusht-e-Koh regions of Shindand district of Herat province
3. Setting up of 2 culverts Panjwai district of Kandahar province
4. Construction of RTA building Jalalabad, Nangarhar province

SDPs with NGOs
1. Hand in Hand (Afghanistan) project for deputation of field training personnel, specialists and experts for mobilising training and coaching local entrepreneurs and for job creation, on the Self Help Group model being implemented (Balkh province)
2. Turquoise Mountain Foundation proposal for restoration of the House of Screens (Murad Khane in old Kabul city)

You see 97.9% of these SDPs are being implementing/implemented in Pashtun provinces, so you know what that means to Pakistan :D I hope you read all this and not left it half reading out of jealousy :lol:.

@SpArK @KRAIT @Roybot @proud_indian @IND_PAK @Tshering22 @Brahmos_2 @Yogi @Indo-guy @majesticpankaj @scorpionx @Srinivas @OrionHunter

Man your post is like automatic fire over the enemy..!!..love it

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being anti-pak means anti-islam? but sub sey pehley pakistan is not exactly islam......jinnah baba came up with idea of muslim nationalism but he didnt strive for islam......he opted for easy way, leaving behind crores of muslims in india, at the mercy of hindus.
And so called islamic army, its hands are dirty with deaths of tens of thousands of afghan muslims by joining hands with America for dollars.....where was this islamic army when Burmese muslims were getting slaughtered, why it didnt send its naval ships for putting pressure on burma?....why this leader of islam do not protest against oppression of uighur muslims at the hands of its friend china?

Afghans were responsible for thousands of innocents killed in 9/11, revenge is something pakhtuns also believe in. We joined USA for many reasons, one being to remove sanctions after Nuke tests. Now Pak is accepted nuclear power. I didn't say Pak is power yet, but when it becomes even then i would not want Pak to fight small nations like Burma just because they killed few muslims.

uighur muslims are better off in China then their central asian brethen like tajiks, uzbeks.
I have a question here. And it is a real question I've always wondered when I see posts like these or talk to people from Afghanistan and Pakistan about each other. So please explain something to me as I am super curious. When I ask how a Pakistani feels about Afghans (a common person), they refer to Afghanistanis as their "brethren". When I ask an Afghan person the same, they HATE the Pakistanis. Why is that? Isn't it true that in the tough times of wars, they've provided cover, shelter and everything else for millions of Afghans? Please enlighten me the reason behind the hate such an anti Pakistani sentiment as I really want to know. Please stay away from abusive language, etc as I am really asking you to learn the reasons. Thank you.

You have misunderstood, that's not like that if you ask any Afghan who suffered from Pakistan he/she would definitely hate Pakistan but not Pakistanis. The hate is only for the Pakistani government and ISI not for Pakistani people most Afghans love Pakistanis and consider them their brothers.

If Hindu hatered of Pakistan mean development for our Afghan bros then im happy, we have used other countries for similar purposes. Anyway the list you provided is pretty useless, no offence and i agree that anything is better then nothing. I can come up with bigger list the way Pak helped Afghanistan.

''You see 97.9% of these SDPs are being implementing/implemented in Pashtun provinces, so you know what that means to Pakistan :D I hope you read all this and not left it half reading out of jealousy :lol:.''

It means nothing for Pakistan because even must anti-pak pakhtun is ultimately pro Pakistan. Because our destiny is being biggest economy in Islamic world, must powerfull armed forces of islamic world and only islamic nuclear power. Some thing Afghanistan can never be. Being anti-Pak mean being anti Islam. TTP is prime exemple, these people are Pak nationalists. And no muslim will want to be anti islam.

Basically our destiny is being islamic leader and world power ;)

Provide the list of those suicide attack? IED blasts? terror camps? terror executions? in Afghanistan. :lol:

That list is too big for us I already requested don't say any thing out of jealousy and perhaps every other country and our allies supported us in the same way so these drops of water can make an ocean :enjoy:

Don't mind but other part of your post is crap.
You have misunderstood, that's not like that if you ask any Afghan who suffered from Pakistan he/she would definitely hate Pakistan but not Pakistanis. The hate is only for the Pakistani government and ISI not for Pakistani people most Afghans love Pakistanis and consider them their brothers.

Provide the list of those suicide attack? IED blasts? terror camps? terror executions? in Afghanistan. :lol:

That list is too big for us I already requested don't say any thing out of jealousy and perhaps every other country and our allies supported us in the same way so these drops of water can make an ocean :enjoy:

Don't mind but other part of your post is crap.

Again no offence but jealousy of Afghans? Are you fucking high? To much drug are not healthy. :P We have been victim of your terror and world also, remember 9/11? You guys exported your Taliban terrorism in to Pakistan. All the list you provided is nothing compared to what Pakistan have done for you. Not to forget Soviet Union was systematically killing pashtuns, the reason Afghan pashtun population now make 40% instead of 55% in 1947. We helped you against Soviets, and hosted and still host millions of Afghan refugees.

India has done :tdown: compared to us, but again nothing better is expected from you guys. And as i said before if hindu hatered of Pakistan mean India can help Afghanistan here and there then this is great news :pakistan:

Remember average Pakistanis no matter where always see Afghans as brethen, we have been brainwashed like that :enjoy: While hindu will always hate you, the help is only temporary and out of sinister motives in which hindu will fail yet again lol
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You have misunderstood, that's not like that if you ask any Afghan who suffered from Pakistan he/she would definitely hate Pakistan but not Pakistanis. The hate is only for the Pakistani government and ISI not for Pakistani people most Afghans love Pakistanis and consider them their brothers.

I am not sure if I follow....the sentiment I've asked you, was shared by some Afghans I've met and have heard from others too. So it's not like i met someone yesterday, its over many, many years. Which means, in those many years, many governments in Pakistan came and left. So what's left is the hate towards Pakistan, not towards its government as the time span crossed many governments. So if you can shed some REAL light on this issue, I'd appreciate it. Let's openly debate about this than playing polite. I am sure almost everyone reading this knows about the hatred and negative sentiment that people Afghanistan have towards the Pakistanis
If Hindu hatered of Pakistan mean development for our Afghan bros then im happy, we have used other countries for similar purposes.

Dead wrong! Indians don't hate Pakistanis. Just the PA and the ISI and their terror factories spawned by the Establishment to try and 'bleed India with a thousand cuts'.

Being anti-Pak mean being anti Islam. TTP is prime exemple, these people are Pak nationalists.
So, according to you, the TTP are staunch Pakistan nationalists!!! Oh yeah! Then why don't you give them a chance to rule Pakistan?

Basically our destiny is being islamic leader and world power;)
Why not? All the best!
Dead wrong! Indians don't hate Pakistanis. Just the PA and the ISI and their terror factories spawned by the Establishment to try and 'bleed India with a thousand cuts'.

So, according to you, the TTP are staunch Pakistan nationalists!!! Oh yeah! Then why don't you give them a chance to rule Pakistan?

Why not? All the best!

TTP are nationalists, hell they even care about Pak cricket team performances. They have their own idea about what Pakistan should follow and do. TTP is not like BLA for exemple, thats why they get so much support compared to BLA. TTP very well know if they turn against idea of Pakistan their support will diminish even in circles of brainwashed terrorists.

And Indians hatered for average Pakistani is well known, despite Pak goverment sincere effort for peace hindu India is still opressing IoK Kashmiris.
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