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Afghani Taliban and Pakistani Taliban are one and the same



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Aug 17, 2010
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Taliban were doing suicide bombings, but right wing Media always used to hide it in name of “Reaction of US Presence”.

But people started realizing the true face of Fitna of Taliban when they started the “Imposition of Talibani Sharia” at gunpoint and slaughtered thousands of innocent Pakistani citizens.

This was the time when common Pakistani started feeling anger against Taliban too, while it became evident that Taliban are not fighting for “US Expulsion”, but their ultimate goal is “Imposition of Talibani Sharia at gunpoint”. Even USleaves, but this Talibani Battle will continue against Pakistani Citizens, as we saw in Swat Valley where no “US” was involved,and even after Swat Deal, Taliban still killed & slaughtered thousands in order to impose their Talibani Sharia.

One of the biggest Conspiracy maker in Right Wing Media is Hamid Mir.
This Hamid Mir was the first person who started this fantasy conspiracy that Afghan Talibans are different and Pakistani Talibans are different …. Hamid Mir claimed that Afghani Talibans are angels while Pakistani Talibans are CIA Agents.

But the reality is neither Afghan Talibans are angels, nor Pakistani Talibans are CIA Agenst, but both these Talibans are one and the same thing.

Unfortunately Hamid Mir was very successful in his conspiracy and our emotional Nation accepted this conspiracy of Hamid Mir in name of Religion and gave “Clean Chit” to Afghani Taliban.The religious fanatics also found this conspiracy very effective to deceive poor Pakistani people, and they asked Mullah Umar to release a statement that Pakistani Taliban is not under his influence. Peoplewho still accepts this conspiracy of Hamid Mir, their only and only argument is this statement of Mullah Umar.

It is requested with true heart from these emotional brothers of our Nation to look at the following proofs against Afghani Taliban and don't let yourself deceived by people like Hamid Mir.

1st Proof: Challenge that Mullah Umar has not declared Baitullah Mehsood, Fazl Ullah and other Talibans as CIA Agents

Whole history is a witness that Mullah Umar has not declared Bait Ullah Mehsood as an CIA Agent.

Neither Mullah Umar ever said that Fazl Ullah in Swat is CIA Agent.

Neither Mullah Umar ever said that Mullah Nazir of Pakistani Taliban is CIA Agent.

Neither Mullah Umar ever said that Hafiz Gul Bahadur of Pakistani Taliban is CIA Agent.

Not a single Pakistani Talibani group has been declared as CIA Agent by Mullah Umar.

Accept for one Munafiqana Statement of Mullah Umar(i.e. Pakistani Taliban is neither in contact with him nor under his control) he never gave any statement against them. This Munafiqat of Mullah Umar will become clear to you after watching the following Proofs. Insha-Allah.

2nd Proof: Lie of Mullah Umar that he has no “Contacts” with Pakistani Taliban

This report came in all Pakistani Newspapers when there was a fight between two Talibani groups (Mehsood Group & Salafi Shah Khalid Group), and Salafi Shah Khalid was killed in that fight.

BBC Urdu dot Com, Peshawar (Link):

تحریکطالبان پاکستان کے سربراہ بیت اللہ محسودنے مہمند ایجنسی میں طالبان کے دوگروپوںمیں تصادم میں ایک گروہ کے چند افراد کیہلاکت کے واقعہ کا سختی سے نوٹس لیتے ہوئےمقامی طالبان کے امیر عمر خالد سے وضاحتطلب کی ہے۔

تحریککے مرکزی ترجمان مولوی عمر نے بی بی سی کوفون پر بتایا کہ بیت اللہ محسود نے اسواقعہ کی تحقیقات کے لئے ایک وفد بھیج دیاہے جو مہمند ایجنسی میں سنیچر کو ہونےوالی ہلاکتوں کی تفتیش کرے گا۔

انہوںنے کہا کہ افغانستان میںطالبان کے سربراہ ملا عمر نے بھی اس واقعہکا سختی سے نوٹس لیا ہے۔ دونوں گروہوں کےمابین اختلافات ختم کرانے کے لئے افغانطالبان کا بھی ایک وفد کام کر رہا ہے جومہمند ایجنسی میں پہلے سے ہی موجود تھاکہ یہ واقعہ پیش آیا۔ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔


Baitullah Mehsood (leader of Tehrik-e-Taliban) took the notice of fight between two Talibani groups in Mehmand Agency, in which many local Taliban sdied.

The Central spokesperson of Tehrik-e-Taliban Maulvi Umar told BBC on telephone that Baitullah Mehsood had sent a delegation in Mehmand Agency, who will investigate the killings in this incident.

He further said that Mullah Umar, the leader of Taliban in Afghanistan has also taken a strong notice of this inicdent. The Afghan Taliban had already sent a delegation to Pakistani who was trying to clear the differences between Talibani groups. This Afghani Taliban's delegation would further also investigate the killings in Mehmand Agency.

Baitullah Mehsood openly says that he is in“Contact” with Afghani Taliban, and Afghani Taliban considers him as head of all Talibani Groups in Pakistan, but how big fools we are that still we deceive ourselves and consider Afghani Taliban as Angels, while Pakistani Taliban is CIA Agent for us.

3rd Proof: The Interview of Mullah Nazir to al-Sahab Media Cell of Al-Qaida

Who is Mullah Nazir? Answer is there are 3 big groups of Pakistani Taliban and Mullah Nazir group is one of them (Rest 2 are Mehsood group & Hafiz Gul Bahadur group. Then there are many small Talibani groups like Haqqani, Punjabi Taliban, Salafi Talibans etc.)

Who is al-Sahab? Answeris al-Sehab is the Media Cell of al-Qaida. They published all the Videos of al-Qaida leaders like Usama bin Laden, al-Zahwari etc.

Mullah Nazir gave an Interview to al-Sahab. This inteview is very important.

Please note that conspirators like Hamid Mir are not the spokesperson of Taliban, but these Talibani leaders are the best spokespersons of their own intentions. All Pakistanies should listen to this Talibani leader as this interview should open theireyes.

ForFull Transcript & Video of Mullah Nazir Interview click here

Important Point of the Interview:

1. Mullah Nazir is very clear that he considers Pakistani Democratic System to be No. 1 enemy of Islam.

2. Mullah Nazir openly admits that he is involved in attacks upon Jawans of Pak Army.

3. Mullah Nazir openly telling that he is in “Full Contact” with Mullah Umar of Afghan Taliban.
He is not using title of “Amir-ul-Momineen” anymore for Mullah Umar, but saying that he is “Amir-ul-Jehad” at moment.
Mullah Nazir is telling that when he & his companions go to Afghanistan to fight, then they don't open a separate front, but they fight directly under the leadership of Mullah Umar & his Afghan Taliban.
Mullah Nazir says that he is proud to fight personally in Afghanistan under Mullah Umar and he killed 18 Afghan Army soldiers.

4. Mullah Nazir tells that not only Afghan Taliban, but he is also in “Direct Contact” with leadership of al-Qaida …. and al-Qaida has issued a fatwa that Pakistani Army is “Kuffar” and they should be killed & slaughtered.

5. Mullah Nazir claims there is no Difference among him & Fazl Ullah & Mehsood and other Talibani groups, and all of them are fully United under the Direct leadership of Mullah Umar of Afghanistan.

6. Mullah Nazir's words about Pak Army are these: “Pak Forces are Not Muslims, but they are “Awliya” (friends) of Kuffar and killing them is true Islam.”

7. Mullah Nazir is blaming “Pakistani System” as a “Kafir System” (just same as Sufi Muhammad & Fazl Ullah of Swat Valley claimed). Mullah Nazir is saying that in present Pakistani System “a Shia” “a Qadiyani” is also able to cast their votes, therefore there is no doubt in kufr of Pakistani system.

8. A question was asked to Mullah Nazir if he is allowed to impose his Shariati System in FATA like the one in Swat, then is he going to lay down his weapons?

Mullah Nazir denied to lay down his weapons even after that. He further made clear that not only FATA, but he will impose the “Talibani Shariat” in Islamabad & then in whole of country as present Pakistani System is a Kafir system.

Those innocent people who still think that Talibani Fitna & Fasaad is going to stop after the US expulsion from Afghanistan, they must open their eyes.

Taliban rose this slogan in 1996 (i.e. 15 years ago):

کابل تا اسلام آباد ۔۔۔۔ طالبان طالبان

Translation: “From Kabul to Islamabad ….. Taliban Taliban”.

This was the time when Taliban conquered Kabul in 1996.

Fazl Ullah of Swat Valley got whole area of Swat and Malakand Agency. But instead of laying down his weapons, he started his march towards Islamabad. His aim was also not to expel US from Swat, but to impose his Talibani Sharia in Islamabad and then whole country, as he deemed Pakistani System to be a Kafir system.

If our innocent brothers still not come into their senses and realize the aim of Taliban, then very soon they will see Mullah Nazir giving this interview in Islamabad and in their other cities.

9. Mullah Nazir admitted that majority of Pakistani Ulama don't support their Talibani type of Jehad, but there is still a minority of 500 Ulama who have issued a fatwa of fighting against Pakistani Army and killing them and also in favor of “Suicide Bombings”.

4th Proof: Usama's & al-Zahwari's Videos for attacking Pakistani Forces

We are not posting these Videos of Usama & al-Zahwari here as there are tons of them where they are openly asking their fighters to attack the Pakistani Forces while they have become Kafir by taking other Kafirs as their Awliya.

Even after these clear tons of Videos, Mullah Umar & al-Qaida are still one & same and Mullah Umar has never blamed al-Qaida to be CIA Agent for killing Pakistani forces. Infect both Tehrik-e-Taliban and al-Qaida are killing Pakistani Forces & both of them are close friend of Mullah Umar.

This Afghan Taliban and al-Qaida friendship is so clear that our innocent brothers must come out of their dreams that Mullah Umar is an Angel and he condems attacks upon Pakistani Forces.

Only Allah could give Taufeeq to these innocent Pakistani brothers who still take Mullah Umar as an Angel and they keep on watching the slaughter of Pakistani Army Jawans at hands of Talibans.

5th Proof: Pakistani ISI's open admission that all Proofs say Afghani & Pakistani Talibans are one and same

And at end the most important proof … the open admission of Pakistani ISI …. All Proofs tell that Afghani & Pakistani Talibans are one and same and there is absolutely no difference in them.



When our innocent Pakistani brothers still keep on deceiving themselves in name of religion, and keep on playing at hands of Right Wing Media, then no one could help them except Allah.

These innocent Pakistani brothers got this same deception at hands of Right Wing Media at time of Swat incident. What was the result of Swat? Thousands of people were slaughtered at hands of Taliban and more than one Million people became homeless.


1. Pakistani Taliban are not CIA Agents, but they kill Pakistani Forces while they consider Pakistani Law & System to be a Kafir system.

2. Even if we believe that Pakistani Taliban like Fazl Ullah are CIA Agents, still question arises why then we presented the whole Area of SWAT to these CIA Agents?
[*]That resulted in killing of hundreds of more innocent Pakistanies and over one million people becomeing homeless.

3. Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban are one and the same.
There may be minor differences among them (like Afghan Taliban may want to concentrate only at US Army at moment and don't want to open up a front against Pakistani Forces at moment …. but despite these minor differences of timings they are one and the same & their ulitmate goal is not Expulsion of US, but the imposition of Talibani Sharia in Islamabad/Pakistan.

In case of collision & fight between Pakistani Forces and Pakistani Taliban …. all the sympathies of Afghani Taliban and al-Qaida goes for Pakistani Talibans.

We would be living in dream land if we believe that Afghani Taliban & al-Qaida are going to support our Pak Forces against their own people i.e. the Pakistani Taliban.

Important Video that Pakistani Taliban got all of their Training of Terrorism from al-Qaida​

It is not CIA who trained these thousands of Pakistani Talibans, but it was al-Qaida who gave them the training of making Terrorist bomb devices etc.

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The TTP & Afghan Taliban are not the same. The Afghan Taliban consist completely of Afghan citizens, the more old school group of fighters that were involved in the Soviet war of the 80s. The TTP was formed in December 2007 after the Lal Masjid operation in May 2007, with primarily Pakistani citizens (but also Uzbeks, Chechens, Arabs, Uguirs, Germans etc) from the FATA region. They are not the 'old school' Afghan fighters that fought the Soviets in the 80s. When the Afghan Taliban came into Pakistan post 2001, they got refuge in the FATA, as a part of Pashtunwali. The people in the FATA got ideologically inspired by them, & wanted to form a distorted form of Islamic Shariah system in Pakistan the way the Afghan Taliban did in Afghanistan.

Anyways, the ISI successfully managed to create some rifts inside the TTP ranks (Waziri group [Mullah Nazir + Hafiz Gul Bahadur]) to single out the TTP Mehsud group. The ISI haven't been able to tackle the TSNM group spearheaded by Qari Zia Rehman. The troubling part is that the certain groups the ISI is rooting for in the FATA (Haqqani, Waziri, Hekmatyar) against the others also have strong ties with Al-Qaeda, & provide shelter for them in the FATA. The Al-Qaeda is a direct threat to Pakistan. So while the Haqqanis, Waziris, Hekmetyar groups might not be direct threats to Pakistan, their association & strong ties with Al-Qaeda are detrimental to Pakistan's security situation.

And please mehwish_ali, I've seen Indian flags on your profile before, what is up with that?
And please mehwish_ali, I've seen Indian flags on your profile before, what is up with that?

I seek Allah's refuge from the wrong allegations make against me. Amin.

This is old tactics of my emotional Pakistani fellow brothers to wrongfully accuse me again and again Without bringing even a single proof while I speak against Taliban and religious fanaticism. If you have any proof then plz. bring it forward, otherwise Allah and His angels are enough as my witness over your false accusations. Insha-Allah.
I seek Allah's refuge from the wrong allegations make against me. Amin.

This is old tactics of my emotional Pakistani fellow brothers to wrongfully accuse me again and again Without bringing even a single proof while I speak against Taliban and religious fanaticism. If you have any proof then plz. bring it forward, otherwise Allah and His angels are enough as my witness over your false accusations. Insha-Allah.

I'm not accusing you of anything, I couldn't care less what country you're from, I've let you know about the reality of the Afghan Taliban & the TTP.

TTP and Afghan Taliban are ideologically the same even if they are operationally different. They want to bring Taliban rule in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Of course they are ideologically the same, I never disputed that. It's not like the Afghan Taliban are the saints & the TTP are not saints. Both are extremist groups. But the important distinctions between the Afghan Taliban & the TTP have to be made, which I did in my post. It is not good to simplify & generalize things, "paint everyone with the same brush" (even if they are pretty similar), because it shows a lack of understanding of the situation & the ground realities.
Dear Ms. Ali:

Thank you for a fine effort and please remember that "Afghani" is the currency of Afghanistan
Qari Ziaur Rehman is a dual hatted Al Qaeda and Taliban commander/leader. He commands fighters on both sides of the border, but he admits he spends most of his time in Marawara District, Kunar. Instead of telling the Pakistanis to go get him, I say the U.S. should get off it's incompetent rear end and actually go after him for once.
Then maybe your country should try to negotiate with the Islamic terrorists and Maoist rebels that control most of your country.... and while you're at it, practice what you preach and remove your army and war planes from the border with Pakistan. I hate how Indians always boast about peace and progress while in reality their actions are the very thing that is PREVENTING peace from taking place. India is a nation of western puppets, doing the bidding of the western corporate empires which seek war for profit. India and it's people are fine selling themselves and their land, values and resources out while denouncing other nations. I wish the sell-out nation of India and it's people would clean out their own backyard for once.....
if afghan talibans are supporting pakistani talibans ,all the blame goes to pak intelligence n govt . they made pakistani talibans . they provided them guns n now they are killing them .
our very own agencies made them befriend with afghanis . so why crying over them.
Then maybe your country should try to negotiate with the Islamic terrorists and Maoist rebels that control most of your country.... and while you're at it, practice what you preach and remove your army and war planes from the border with Pakistan. I hate how Indians always boast about peace and progress while in reality their actions are the very thing that is PREVENTING peace from taking place. India is a nation of western puppets, doing the bidding of the western corporate empires which seek war for profit. India and it's people are fine selling themselves and their land, values and resources out while denouncing other nations. I wish the sell-out nation of India and it's people would clean out their own backyard for once.....

I don't know base of your Troll....
1. India is not Western Puppet, We have independent policy.
2. Maoist threat, India is dealing with them in better way with minimal collateral damage.
3. War plane at Pakistani Border: With all due respect we can't pull them from border looking the nature of Pakistan. Can you guarentee me if we pull back our armed forces, Pakistan will not attack???

You are poisoned with Anti Indian drug, you need some cure,, :devil:
The TTP & Afghan Taliban are not the same. The Afghan Taliban consist of Afghan citizens, the more old school group of fighters that were involved in the Soviet war of the 80s. The TTP was formed in December 2007 after the Lal Masjid with primarily Pakistani citizens from the FATA region. They are not the 'old school' Afghan fighters that fought the Soviets in the 80s. When the Afghan Taliban came into Pakistan post 2001, they got refuge in the FATA, as a part of Pashtunwali. The people in the FATA got ideologically inspired by them, & wanted to form a distorted form of Islamic Shariah system in Pakistan the way the Afghan Taliban did in Afghanistan.

Anyways, the ISI successfully managed to create some rifts inside the TTP ranks (Waziri group [Mullah Nazir + Hafiz Gul Bahadur]) to single out the TTP Mehsud group. The ISI haven't been able to tackle the TSNM group spearheaded by Qari Zia Rehman. The troubling part is that the certain groups the ISI is rooting for in the FATA (Haqqani, Waziri, Hekmatyar) against the others have strong ties with Al-Qaeda, & provide shelter for them in the FATA. The Al-Qaeda is a direct threat to Pakistan. So while the Haqqanis, Waziris, Hekmetyar groups might not be direct threats to Pakistan, their association & strong ties with Al-Qaeda are detrimental to Pakistan's security situation.

And please mehwish_ali, I've seen Indian flags on your profile before, what is up with that?

ANy fighter who was around 30 yrs avg against soviet must be around 50... Most of the taliban fighters are not 40- 50 yrs old guys.. so your claim that taliban fighters were anti-soviet figheters in mujhideen haydays doesn't seem correct... Also taliban was homegrown youth in pakistan and not veterarans of soviet war...

Pakistan was keen to gear up for a breakthrough in Central Asia. Islamabad could not possibly expect the new Islamic government leaders... to subordinate their own nationalist objectives in order to help Pakistan realize its regional ambitions. Had it not been for the ISI's logistic support and supply of a large number of rockets, Hekmatyar's forces would not have been able to target and destroy half of Kabul...
ANy fighter who was around 30 yrs avg against soviet must be around 50... Most of the taliban fighters are not 40- 50 yrs old guys.. so your claim that taliban fighters were anti-soviet figheters in mujhideen haydays doesn't seem correct...

The top commanders of the "Afghan Taliban" (Afghan Mujahideens), such as the Haqqani network, Hekmatyar, Mullah Omar & others are from that era. The top commanders of the TTP such as Mehsud, Zia Rehman, Fazlullah are not from that era as far as I know.

Also taliban was homegrown youth in pakistan and not veterarans of soviet war...

The Taliban, as well as the Al-Qaeda, Haqqani group, Hizb-e-Islami, Northern Alliance & other groups are all off-shoots of the Afghan Mujahideen in the 80s. The Taliban were not homegrown youth in Pakistan, they were formed in Afghanistan in 1996, not Pakistan.
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