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Afghani showing love to Pakistani student outside London Pakistani high commission

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom

Afghani Pakistani bhai bhai 🤣
As i have said thousand times - Majority of Afghan don't think of Pakistan as brotherly state, no matter how much money Pakistan invests and try to bring better future for these guys.
They have always treated Pakistan as a hostile state before even Pakistani independence
Have you guys forgotten the treatment of the Muslims of India at hijrat movement 1920, the only reason they haven't been able to do much as they hold very limited actual military power.
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Afghani Pakistani bhai bhai 🤣
As i have said thousand times - Majority of Afghan don't think of Pakistan as brotherly state, no matter how much money Pakistan invests and try to bring better future for these guys.
They have always treated Pakistan as a hostile state before even Pakistani independence
Have you guys forgotten the treatment of the Muslims of India at hijrat movement 1920, the only reason they haven't been able to do much as they hold very limited actual military power.

Sorry, you can't teach these valuable lessons to a nation (Pakistan) that is not ready to learn anything from the past.
Afgan*us are nobody's friend. They survive on bacha Bazi and drugs. Their current hobby is to carry the tiny dall khore Hindus' balls.
Thats the issue, if they are no bodys friend, then why state is forcing and keeping a blind eye towards what afghanis are doing inside Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and in west and in africa ?
Majority of terrorist attacks inside Pakistan are originating from Afghanistan, which is main supplier of man power

Afghani Pakistani bhai bhai 🤣
As i have said thousand times - Majority of Afghan don't think of Pakistan as brotherly state, no matter how much money Pakistan invests and try to bring better future for these guys.
They have always treated Pakistan as a hostile state before even Pakistani independence
Have you guys forgotten the treatment of the Muslims of India at hijrat movement 1920, the only reason they haven't been able to do much as they hold very limited actual military power.

To be fair the protest was organized by NDS/Kabul governemnt. It is obvious the most hate filled ones were gathered there.
It is the same kind of event which RAW organizes by dressing up a dozen pajeets as Baloch.
We cry and bi$ch about 3 million Aghan refugees.... Indian establishment never let a chance go by to stage some kind of protest anywhere on the globe. AND our govt and establishment can't get few Afghans to protest outside Afghan embassy... And we have 3 million. If we get few thousands to protest outside Afghan and India embassy just to show the world..atleast ptm will be going to its grave with no chance of TTP re-emerging again..why we leave loop holes...why are we so incompetent and never FINISH the game.... bcz of that after so many years Bloachistan is still bleeding and bcz its bleeding therfore Hounds come to the party smelling the blood...
They let Nawaz Sharif and his daughter go and look what they are doing today. Now if harm comes to Pakistan because of Nawaz sharif and his daughter then its not them who are guilty but also those bastards of soil who let these snakes go.
Why today some sucker is saying I will call India if I don't win election because of that witch that is being allowed to run like whore all over the country.... someone is her pimp somewhere in high up and someone knowingly is tolerating or letting her do what she wants. Now who is that pimp of Maryam Nawaz and who is personal bully kutta of Nawaz sharif?
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you have to understand the afghan psychological demographics from a historical perspective. since 1300 years ago, there has always been a sizeable minority in Afghanistan that hated the fact Islam took over. Islam had conquered the hearts and minds of the vast majority of the Afghans but there has always been a sizeable but influential minority that resented Islam but played among as "muslims" just to maintain their influences. there are pasthuns among them but the vast majority of the Islam hating afghans are nonpushtuns. they will hate anything and everything even remotely related to Islam, Pakistani or not. I've seen afghans supporting connor mcgregor when he was fighting against Khabib.
My own personal experiences with All Afghans in North America have been super NEGATIVE. While whether it was at work, outside or just a social event, the moment they found out I was Pakistani they started cussing, bad words & in front of my face. I was trying to figure out I have to work at this job but be a little nuatral. IT was very clear their rhetoric to listen and views of Indian points of view. I even got on a social occasion a little death threat, I was like excuse me, I am just trying to enjoy the evening, but "no" he insisted on a fight. He said we will beat PAkistan so bad that they NEVER get up?!? I am like "wtf". This is just my own experiences every Afghani I have come in contact.
To be fair the protest was organized by NDS/Kabul governemnt. It is obvious the most hate filled ones were gathered there.
It is the same kind of event which RAW organizes by dressing up a dozen pajeets as Baloch.
What about in Saudia Arabia
What happened 😕at Pakistan vs Afghanistan Cricket match was that also sponsored by RAW ?
Afghanistan as whole country holds same feeling
My own personal experiences with All Afghans in North America have been super NEGATIVE. While whether it was at work, outside or just a social event, the moment they found out I was Pakistani they started cussing, bad words & in front of my face. I was trying to figure out I have to work at this job but be a little nuatral. IT was very clear their rhetoric to listen and views of Indian points of view. I even got on a social occasion a little death threat, I was like excuse me, I am just trying to enjoy the evening, but "no" he insisted on a fight. He said we will beat PAkistan so bad that they NEVER get up?!? I am like "wtf". This is just my own experiences every Afghani I have come in contact.
Majority of Pakistani meet afghans inside Pakistan, they cant openly go against Pakistan
True colours show up when you meet them outside of Pakistan.
We cry and bi$ch about 3 million Aghan refugees.... Indian establishment never let a chance go by to stage some kind of protest anywhere on the globe. AND our govt and establishment can't get few Afghans to protest outside Afghan embassy... And we have 3 million. If we get few thousands to protest outside Afghan and India embassy just to show the world..atleast ptm will be going to its grave with no chance of TTP re-emerging again..why we leave loop holes...why are we so incompetent and never FINISH the game.... bcz of that after so many years Bloachistan is still bleeding and bcz its bleeding therfore Hounds come to the party smelling the blood...
They let Nawaz Sharif and his daughter go and look what they are doing today. Now if harm comes to Pakistan because of Nawaz sharif and his daughter then its not them who are guilty but also those bastards of soil who let these snakes go.
Why today some sucker is saying I will call India if I don't win election because of that witch that is being allowed to run like whore all over the country.... someone is her pimp somewhere in high up and someone knowingly is tolerating or letting her do what she wants. Now who is that pimp of Maryam Nawaz and who is personal bully kutta of Nawaz sharif?
Be it Nawaz, Bilwal, Imran, Bajwa all are same when it actually comes to national interests of Pakistan.
Pakistan is a jungle, and they are looting everyone
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What about in Saudia Arabia
What happened 😕at Pakistan vs Afghanistan Cricket match was that also sponsored by RAW ?
Afghanistan as whole country holds same feeling

Majority of Pakistani meet afghans inside Pakistan, they cant openly go against Pakistan
True colours show up when you meet them outside of Pakistan.
The thing is when these Afghans meet you in foreign country, they on purpose pick a fight with you! You have to make a decision whether to fight back or something else. It becomes very embarrassing at that moment. It shows their mentality of gutter. It brings UGLYNESS out in the front. I am for Peace firstly & I am Pro Taliban supporter. My point is something has to be done to Kabul on military level to teach these troublemakers a good lesson.
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The thing is when these Afghans meet you in foreign country, they on purpose pick a fight with you! You have to make a decision whether to fight back or something else. It becomes very embarrassing at that moment. It shows their mentality of gutter. It brings UGLYNESS out in the front. I am for Peace firstly & I am Pro Taliban supporter. My point is something has to be done to Kabul on military level to teach these troublemakers a good lesson.
Meanwhile in Pak they pick garbage, involved in every fking crime under the sun and pimp out their women to lovers who can't find a woman.
My own personal experiences with All Afghans in North America have been super NEGATIVE. While whether it was at work, outside or just a social event, the moment they found out I was Pakistani they started cussing, bad words & in front of my face. I was trying to figure out I have to work at this job but be a little nuatral. IT was very clear their rhetoric to listen and views of Indian points of view. I even got on a social occasion a little death threat, I was like excuse me, I am just trying to enjoy the evening, but "no" he insisted on a fight. He said we will beat PAkistan so bad that they NEVER get up?!? I am like "wtf". This is just my own experiences every Afghani I have come in contact.

The Afghans don’t dare to speak this way to me and my crew. The last one that tried my boy stole his girl and rode her like a horse and now there married.
Meanwhile in Pak they pick garbage, involved in every fking crime under the sun and pimp out their women to lovers who can't find a woman.
Yes so I have heard from my family members of wrongful doings inside Pakistan, I however don't live in Pakistan.
The Afghans don’t dare to speak this way to me and my crew. The last one that tried my boy stole his girl and rode her like a horse and now there married.
Well that is good situation to be in loving relationship with a Afghan women, nothing wrong with that I am with you.
Ya, most Pakistanis are unaware of Afghani keera so they get caught off guard. Approach them aggressively and it will humble them quick. Tell them they are Namak haram, haram khor or their women do prostitution in Pakistan to feed them.
Tell them Afgandoostan is Pakistan’s bitch and soon Pakistan will take over the Pashtun area.
Exactly this is the point. Many Pakistani abroad only open their eyes when confronted with Open political opinions of Afghans living overseas as well. They treat you like equals in western society which is fine until they're abusive and out of control. I am living overseas I do not know many pasthun slangs. I am Urdu speaker with many first cousins of pasthuns. My point here is to make awareness of such criminal doings of some Afghan keeras only.
Afghans are scared of authorities, tell them you work for US govt.l and will send them back. if they want to fight in an argument, tell them go back to Afghanistan and fight for your country instead of running away like a bitch. Most of Afghans in US are those that worked as a interpreter.

Afghani Pakistani bhai bhai 🤣
As i have said thousand times - Majority of Afghan don't think of Pakistan as brotherly state, no matter how much money Pakistan invests and try to bring better future for these guys.
They have always treated Pakistan as a hostile state before even Pakistani independence
Have you guys forgotten the treatment of the Muslims of India at hijrat movement 1920, the only reason they haven't been able to do much as they hold very limited actual military power.

This guy should get a medal for standing his ground against 20 Afgonis.
Namak Harami runs in their blood.
Afghans are scared of authorities, tell them you work for US govt.l and will send them back. if they want to fight in an argument, tell them go back to Afghanistan and fight for your country instead of running away like a bitch. Most of Afghans in US are those that worked as a interpreter.
Most of them complained about Taliban and pakistan who fought against the invaders and real culprits who destroyed afghanistan but they never said a word against US and NATO who are the real invaders and destroyers of afghanistan.
They say that crap while living as a refugee in pakistan, studying in our educational institutes for free. Not a ounce of shame exist in these afghans.
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