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Afghani JCOS, claims Sindh river as Pak-Afghan border.

There was even a map published in America's Armed Forces Journal in 2006. That was back in the Bush era when the Americans were still thinking about owning the world and shaping it according to their wishes.
There is no such thing as superior or inferior races. That idea along has long being discredited, along with the fall of colonialism. Can we come back to the 21st century please.
Aryan theory is bogus
There is no evidence of Israelites (Middle eastern Jews don't have green eyes) ever coming to Afghanistan, of all places.

The Ashkenazi indeed are mostly of fairer skin tones.

Afghanistan suffered greatly at the hands of the Soviets, and bad things indeed happened. But that doesn't mean every blue eyed person is a bastard. There are plenty of blue-eyed, fair skinned people in Pakistan as well as in Afghanistan.
Take a trip to the Northern Areas of Pakistan and I am sure you will change your mind.
A lot of people had wet dreams about the destruction of Pakistan. Starting at the very beginning. This is nothing new. India was saying that Pakistan won't survive, the Sikhs were burning with hatred and wanted half of Pakistan for themselves.
Then came the Soviets and they started dreaming about the warm waters of the Arabian Sea.
Finally the Americans arrived in the Hindu Kush and again the whole drama started, there is nothing new to this story. What this guy is saying is what actually the Americans wish, but now they can not have what they want so we have this clown to do the talking.
People please don't take this guy seriously he doesn't have any power to control the country he is JCOS of, let alone doing anything about Pakistan. We always had pro-India Anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan alot of them are the leftovers of the Northern Alliance (or shumali Ittehad). These are the people who want to create hatred and animosity between the brotherly nations of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They have tried it before (remember the kidnapping of the school bus from Peshawar) and they will try again. Let us unite and don't let them succeed.

Oh come on; they - the Afghans - hate our guts !

Isn't it time to cut our losses & kick out the Afghans in our country, seal the border once & for all & disconnect ourselves from any development work in Afghanistan ?

Congrats, let me roll out a red carpet for you "aryans" since yall are some kind of genetic mutants.

So my Canadian-Mansehra waleiii Bhai kaiseee hooo ? :azn:
The Muslims dominated India as long as we had an open link with central Asia. The Muslim rulers of India came down from central Asia and dominated the whole of the subcontinent for some 7 centuries.
Cutting links and closing borders is what the enemies of Pakistan want us to do. If we isolate ourselves we become weak, and then we are an easy prey for any enemy.
Pakistan has an unresolved border dispute with India in Kashmir, it is important for Pakistan to have the whole of Kashmir because of the reason of ideology and resources.
So Pakistan can not have fully developed ties with India due to this dispute, that leaves us with China, Iran and Afghanistan as neighbors that we can develop our relations further with.
We are already close to China and we should develop that relation further. With Iran the problem is Saudi Arabia and their zero-sum politics, you get too close to Iran and the Saudis will start throwing Pakistanis out of their country. So the third country we can develop ties with is Afghanistan, here we have the great advantage of being able to provide what they want i-e warm water ports, in return we can ask them to give Pakistan preferential treatment when it comes to the resources and markets of Afghanistan. This will be the basis on which a solid relationship can be developed.
Of course the Parisbans are gonna squeal but hey who cares. We want to develop our trade ties and the majority of Afghans want to improve their livelihood, so its a win win for both parties.
There will be detractors and they will try to derail this process. But both countries are inter dependent, so they won't be able to do much apart from some empty rhetoric, and occasional terrorists attacks.
We need to be able to see through that and focus our eyes on the prize.
Pakistani rulers are such a bunch of @$$h0l3s...i don't understand why don't they construct a wall/fence along the Pak-Afghan border.
Oh come on; they - the Afghans - hate our guts !

Isn't it time to cut our losses & kick out the Afghans in our country, seal the border once & for all & disconnect ourselves from any development work in Afghanistan ?

So my Canadian-Mansehra waleiii Bhai kaiseee hooo ? :azn:

Most of the Afghan hate is because of ignorance and jealousy. India, the US and NATO are spending alot of money on propaganda against Pakistan in Afghanistan. So when I see people like @Afghan-India I don't hate them back I just feel sorry for their ignorance.
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The Muslims dominated India as long as we had an open link with central Asia. The Muslim rulers of India came down from central Asia and dominated the whole of the subcontinent for some 7 centuries.
Cutting links and closing borders is what the enemies of Pakistan want us to do. If we isolate ourselves we become weak, and then we are an easy prey for any enemy.
Pakistan has an unresolved border dispute with India in Kashmir, it is important for Pakistan to have the whole of Kashmir because of the reason of ideology and resources.
So Pakistan can not have fully developed ties with India due to this dispute, that leaves us with China, Iran and Afghanistan as neighbors that we can develop our relations further with.
We are already close to China and we should develop that relation further. With Iran the problem is Saudi Arabia and their zero-sum politics, you get too close to Iran and the Saudis will start throwing Pakistanis out of their country. So the third country we can develop ties with is Afghanistan, here we have the great advantage of being able to provide what they want i-e warm water ports, in return we can ask them to give Pakistan preferential treatment when it comes to the resources and markets of Afghanistan. This will be the basis on which a solid relationship can be developed.
Of course the Parisbans are gonna squeal but hey who cares. We want to develop our trade ties and the majority of Afghans want to improve their livelihood, so its a win win for both parties.
There will be detractors and they will try to derail this process. But both countries are inter dependent, so they won't be able to do much apart from some empty rhetoric, and occasional terrorists attacks.
We need to be able to see through that and focus our eyes on the prize.

But wrror, they - the Afghans - don't want to develop any ties with us & have been a thorn in our side going back to '48 - Why then should we expect anything different now when there is even more bad blood between us due to our support for the Taliban & the present Afghan Government being little more than the Northern Alliance with a make-over ?

Pakistani rulers are such a bunch of @$$h0l3s...i don't understand why don't they construct a wall/fence along the Pak-Afghan border.

Tuuu Dollar bheej mein banaataaa huuun ! :lol:
Tuuu Dollar bheej mein banaataaa huuun ! :lol:

Kiya banao gey??? apnay palace ki deewaar?:lol:

On a serious note if GoP is really kangaal(which i know they are not, they just can't stop stealing money for themselves) then they can officially ask Pakistanis world wide for donations...i' am sure everyone will donate.:agree:
The current administrations time is up. Come 2015 we will have a different Afghanistan. Also they don't have a choice, if they want to trade with the world they will need ports and only two countries can provide them with such, Pakistan and Iran.
If you look at Afghanistan their biggest market and city is Kabul, and the easiest and quickest way for container traffic from there is through Peshawar either going to Karachi or Gawadar. Unless if they decide to live in mud houses and caves for another century, they will have to improve their relations with Pakistan. Be that Northern Alliance or Taliban or some other mix.

I will also blame the Pakistani gov for being slow in getting it's message across in the streets of Afghanistan. One thing is for sure Pakistan definitely need better PR.
Since i do understand a little of bit Dari/Persian , in the essence he's saying that Afghanistan's border with Pakistan is the Indus River.

Well, that might be the hash effect clouding his comprehension, however the real bummer is that 'we' gave asylum to this son of a bitch, in the name of 'Islamic brotherhood', after this coward ran from Afghanistan when Russians were marching his nation's women into the Russian army camps and producing 'Afghanistan's green eyed generation'.

Some of you might go mehh, an Afghani hash addict, though he received his intel training in India, which should not be a surprise, for such stupid talk.

The happy news is that Afghanis have learned nothing, they have a Joint Chiefs of Staff who instead of solving Afghanistan's problems, and fighting the Taliban is dreaming about the Indus river....genius, no? :D

You should be grateful he stopped at river indus. With a bit more hard work he could have taken the border right next to India. This could also have solved Afghanistan trade route problem with India.
The current administrations time is up. Come 2015 we will have a different Afghanistan. Also they don't have a choice, if they want to trade with the world they will need ports and only two countries can provide them with such, Pakistan and Iran.
If you look at Afghanistan their biggest market and city is Kabul, and the easiest and quickest way for container traffic from there is through Peshawar either going to Karachi or Gawadar. Unless if they decide to live in mud houses and caves for another century, they will have to improve their relations with Pakistan. Be that Northern Alliance or Taliban or some other mix.

I will also blame the Pakistani gov for being slow in getting it's message across in the streets of Afghanistan. One thing is for sure Pakistan definitely need better PR.

Wrror just go through this : Journey of Friendship - Pakistan's Assistance to Afghanistan

Every penny of it was a waste; so much of it could've been used to develop places like Baluchistan & FATA instead of spending on such back-stabbing ingrates !

@jhungary - Come on bro you trained this guy ?

Whos thinking of claiming nearly 2/3rds of Pakistan ? :hitwall:
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