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Afghan Taliban turning into well-trained force

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Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Afghan Taliban turning into well-trained force
Updated 2014-02-23 09:23:13
PESHAWAR: Afghan Taliban, who were once regarded as a ragtag militia, are turning into a well-trained fighting force that uses combat uniform, sophisticated weapons and high-tech gadgets.

The Taliban’s fighting machine, a combination of clerics and students of madressahs, was an untrained force when it was launched in 1993-94. The untrained fighters wearing shalwar kameez were armed with rusty tanks, rocket launchers and machineguns which they had snatched from warlords and forces loyal to the-then Afghan regime.

Back then, the black turban came to be regarded as a trademark of the Taliban movement. But now the militants wear bullet-proof helmets and camouflage caps as part of their combat uniform. They use high-tech tools in combat operations against the Afghan National Army (ANA) and Nato forces, often using Google Earth to pinpoint their targets.

Peshawar-based journalist Shamim Shahid, who witnessed the fall of Jalalabad, the capital of Nangarhar province, to the militia in 1996, says the militants didn’t look trained enough at the time. “Most of the Afghan Taliban were from Kandahar, and looked like simple people. They wore traditional knee-length shirts and baggy trousers that didn’t cover their ankles, black-and-white turbans and had rockets or AK-47 rifles slung on their shoulders,” he recalls.

“In contrast, their Arab or Pakistani comrades looked far smarter and better trained.”

However, latest video footage and propaganda material available on the internet show clearly that they have been transformed into a formidable force. Significantly, they now have an aggressive media network that disseminates information about their combat activities as well as propaganda literature in different languages, including English, Dari, Pashto and Urdu.

A video footage recorded in a vast mountainous area and probably released by the Haqqani network shows the Taliban fighters carrying out different combat exercises, including climbing rope and firing at balloons from short and long distances to improve their shooting skills. The footage also shows militants dressed in camouflage pants and jackets taking part in what can be described as a ‘passing-out parade’ at a high plateau.

Over the years, the militants have acquired automatic assault rifles and guns fitted with grenade-launcher assembly.

On the other side, the US and its Nato allies have spent billions of dollars on raising the ANA. According to a recent report released by the US Congressional Research Service, the US had provided nearly $93 billion in assistance to Afghanistan by the end of June last year, of which more than $56bn was spent on equipping and training the Afghan forces.

The report authored by Kenneth Katzman says the strength of the ANA is 185,000. Of them, 5,300 are commandos who have been trained by the US Special Forces. It says the number of Taliban fighters is about 25,000, including about 3,000 members of the Haqqani network and 1,000 Hizb-i-Islami fighters.
The numbers are wrong, ANA strength is 200.000+, and of those there is 10.500 Commandos , (Will be raised to 13.000)

beside the ANSF, got the APU, which count 600 soldiers.

Taliban is what, they always has been, but today they have few cells of special units.

And nothing high-tech in a helmet, google earth or M4.
Any one taking up arms against the attrocities of Indo-Iranian puppet, aka northern alliance, is Taliban.
Life expectancy in Afghanistan is generally low, how come old survivors of carpet bombing are still alive?
This is perhaps new resistance, against occupation of of Afghanistan by India, Iran and US.
Afterall, last 10 years, kids had been smuggled to India... for what ever purpose.
Afghan Taliban are freedom fighters. They are fighting against NATO invaders and are successful. The Nato Forces using High Technology and extreme equipments, still couldn't tackle Taliban. The UN report says that 45 to 50% Afghanistan is vulnerable to Taliban.
Afghan Taliban are freedom fighters. They are fighting against NATO invaders and are successful. The Nato Forces using High Technology and extreme equipments, still couldn't tackle Taliban. The UN report says that 45 to 50% Afghanistan is vulnerable to Taliban.

Taliban are brainless coward murderers. Who are only good at being cowards hiding in their caves. Bombing schools, killing innocent women and children. All of Taliban and their supporters need to be purged and handed over to relatives of the victims of their violence, then we will see how brave these cowards are.
Taliban are brainless coward murderers. Who are only good at being cowards hiding in their caves. Bombing schools, killing innocent women and children. All of Taliban and their supporters need to be purged and handed over to relatives of the victims of their violence, then we will see how brave these cowards are.
Who do you think has broken THE USSR in AFGHANISTAN? Who was using the Taliban then? Did u ever watch the hollywood movie FIRST BLOOD? these Talibans were hero then for USA but now when USA has taken the place of USSR, the Talibans are cowards and can only hide in caves. :D LOL

USA knows that its achievement is almost nothing in AFGHANISTAN, despite using all mechanized weapons and technology, the US Army has faced extreme destruction. TELL USA TO STAY FOR 5 MORE YEARS AND SEE USA A BANKRUPT FINANCIALLY.

The Taliban Forces have not surrendered ever in Afghanistan and faced the USA and Nato Forces with full courage. The American soldiers coming back from Afghanistan are either becoming mad, psycho or commiting suicides.

Like Pakistan is controlled by Pakistanis
Yes, we control PAKISTAN. Its our country and we have an extremely well equipped Army. The insurgency is just in one region, known as Waziristan and we also have full control of the area. We can destroy Pakistani Taliban whenever we want, but we are again giving a chance to peace negotiation to avoid bloodshed.
Pakistan is not like Afghanistan which has never seen freedom actually, you have always remained slaves of European whites and Red Army of Russia and its Taliban who are fighting against these inhumane forces of NATO.
Who do you think has broken THE USSR in AFGHANISTAN? Who was using the Taliban then? Did u ever watch the hollywood movie FIRST BLOOD? these Talibans were hero then for USA but now when USA has taken the place of USSR, the Talibans are cowards and can only hide in caves. :D LOL

USA knows that its achievement is almost nothing in AFGHANISTAN, despite using all mechanized weapons and technology, the US Army has faced extreme destruction. TELL USA TO STAY FOR 5 MORE YEARS AND SEE USA A BANKRUPT FINANCIALLY.

The Taliban Forces have not surrendered ever in Afghanistan and faced the USA and Nato Forces with full courage. The American soldiers coming back from Afghanistan are either becoming mad, psycho or commiting suicides.

Yes, we control PAKISTAN. Its our country and we have an extremely well equipped Army. The insurgency is just in one region, known as Waziristan and we also have full control of the area. We can destroy Pakistani Taliban whenever we want, but we are again giving a chance to peace negotiation to avoid bloodshed.
Pakistan is not like Afghanistan which has never seen freedom actually, you have always remained slaves of European whites and Red Army of Russia and its Taliban who are fighting against these inhumane forces of NATO.

Go to any Afghan and say you support Taliban. Them Pathans will put you in place retard. We have no right to interfere in Afghanistan.
Go to any Afghan and say you support Taliban. Them Pathans will put you in place retard. We have no right to interfere in Afghanistan.
We are not interfering, we can discuss anything happening in the globe. Its not just about Afghanistan but we are fully connected to the issue. The TTP is an ally of Taliban and helps their forces against NATO. The TTP leaders keep moving from Afghanistan to Pakistan and PAK to Afghanistan like you move from city to city. That is why America cannot take on the TTP support from Pakistan to Afghanistan Taliban. However, Afghan Taliban do not engage themselves in war against Pakistan Army and Govt like TTP does, they have kept their fight against USA and Nato Forces while TTP has waged war against PAKISTAN GOVERNMENT, ARMY and Public too.
Yes, we control PAKISTAN. Its our country and we have an extremely well equipped Army. The insurgency is just in one region, known as Waziristan and we also have full control of the area. We can destroy Pakistani Taliban whenever we want, but we are again giving a chance to peace negotiation to avoid bloodshed.
Pakistan is not like Afghanistan which has never seen freedom actually, you have always remained slaves of European whites and Red Army of Russia and its Taliban who are fighting against these inhumane forces of NATO.

Extremely well equipped army? you know PA is based on quantity not quality.

PA has failed before against the TTP, and nothing shows that you can crush them.

Let me explain to you why Pakistan is not owned by Pakistanis.

TTP, control and activity in tribal Pashtun areas, no rule of governments law there.
Baluch fighters, undermines the rule of law in Baluchistan.
IMF is forcing your government to make reforms, in order to continue aid.
Sharif, is an Arab doll.

Foreign powers are playing a bigger role in Pakistan, than Pakistanis themselves does.
Such a shame to see these Pakis supporting terrorism, while their own home is burning by the same thing.

You'll never learn, will ya?
Where were your shame when you afghans took asylum in pakistan. It's your own war if you have shame fight it in Afghanistan not in Karachi or in pakistan. Take all your refugees back and Feed them and give them jobs there. now we are pakis back in the days we were brothers for you afghans. shame on you dual faces. if we are enemies ,as you think we are, whatelse you expect from your enemy and then why cry like ...... It's you people who give trouble to this whole world not us pakis. We were doing our job then and doing our job now which is the safety of our land.
Like Pakistan is controlled by Pakistanis :haha:
we make deals.......BUSINESS DEALS :frown: ......but offcource country cannot be run with business deals alone, specially when we get less profit and bear loss in deals,most of the time..... but still it,s better to be on rent....right?
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