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Afghan Taliban spokesperson mocks Pakistan

LOL Shah Massoud or the Taliban. They are all Afghans. Both don't recognise the Durand Line border. Besides, Shah Massoud was the commie soulfather of the Northern Alliance and a bigger problem to Pakistan. If we didn't have the Taliban today we would have had the pro-India Northern Alliance in power. Then what? Would that have been an excellent choice for Pakistan?

Stop being ignorant, Tajik/Khorasanais couldn't care less about durrand line. Only awghandus claim our land.

these idiots encouraged even the red mosque thugs to put musharaf on trial and judges at Islamabad High Court accepted those petitions.

worse among us are those who consider even TTP as their brothers and deflect that criticism by saying that ISI in the past helped LeJ and Sipah sahabah.

those who freed the Ehsan ullah Ehsan do deserve criticism but radicalised society phenomenon is self Inflicted.

I have even seen wall chalking in Quetta and Khuzdar welcoming Daesh.

Sorry brother but ISI did help taliban in 90's to rise to power. Its harsh reality that pashtun leadership in ISI/Army establishment were the main culprits.
Nuke Afghanistan, use biochemical weapons, do whatever, just annihilate them and take the entire country.

End this fued and at the same time Pakistan will become viable to be a world and regional power. They have large lithium reserves, you can offset overpopulation, use larger landmass as strategic depth.

Use some historical empire and make a counterclaim on the land, like the Durrani empire

What is afghanistan? There is no such thing. The tajiks have tajikistan, uzbeks have uzbekistan, shiite hazaras have iran. The pashtuns in afghanistan can be relocated else where. Idk why we are not relocating punjabis/kashmiris to balochistan/waziristan as is today. Govt should offer incentives
Pakistan should as a warning to Taliban fire Babur cruise missiles at Bagram airbase.

Taliban has to get rid of anti-Pakistan groups and stop giving them safe heavens.
For several reasons.. First economy, connectivity, second stability and third they serve as stragetic depth...
What economy? You mean some major trade route passes through Afghanistan?

unpregnatable terrain comes as an addition.. If even all of the world were to ally themselves against us we can make a stand in such terrain if we set up the right infras..
What strategic depth? If the world wanted to ally against you,you really think Afghanistan would provide you with strategic depth? If the enemy is Russia and their friends,they will come from Tajikistan. If the enemy is USA,Western countries and their muslim allies,they'll come from India and the sea while also pulverizing Afghanistan if it's necessary.

If the enemy is the entire world,then what's the point of strategic depth? Pakistan will be attacked from everywhere,the economy will collapse and you will have to use nukes and be annihilated.

Your point is entirely invalid.

Afghanistan is only a problem to Pakistan.

And unless a part of Afghanistan is annexed and settled with non-Pashtun and real pro-Pakistani masses and army bases,it's worthless to Pakistan.
Hahaha even General Mobeen Khan tweeted the same

Establishment is too busy trying to copy the white-man's lavish lifestyle and launder stolen state funds than actually do their primary task of defending the nation and making sure it's being managed effectively!

There needs to be a group of intelligent patriots to take control otherwise they are going to truly destroy this country.
Them niggas are genocidal, these pussies can only be tough to Pajeets.

We need real competent  men.

Not feminine pot-bellied corrupt bastards.

Who are this ridiculous people... What are you talking about..

First of all forget about us fighting our muslims brethens I repeat forget about it entirely second of all.. I will take it as encouragement that we are tough against pajeets

What economy? You mean some major trade route passes through Afghanistan?

What strategic depth? If the world wanted to ally against you,you really think Afghanistan would provide you with strategic depth? If the enemy is Russia and their friends,they will come from Tajikistan. If the enemy is USA,Western countries and their muslim allies,they'll come from India and the sea while also pulverizing Afghanistan if it's necessary.

If the enemy is the entire world,then what's the point of strategic depth? Pakistan will be attacked from everywhere,the economy will collapse and you will have to use nukes and be annihilated.

Your point is entirely invalid.

Afghanistan is only a problem to Pakistan.

And unless a part of Afghanistan is annexed and settled with non-Pashtun and real pro-Pakistani masses and army bases,it's worthless to Pakistan.

What do you know about our situation it seems like every single individual who wishes harm upon us wants us to jump off a cliff in such suggests.

And know Foinkas is openly saying hey Pakistan please why not just jump off this cliff and see if there is water down there..

You don't understand what you are talking about......

I am not gonna cannibalize myself...
Who are this ridiculous people... What are you talking about..

First of all forget about us fighting our muslims brethens I repeat forget about it entirely second of all.. I will take it as encouragement that we are tough against pajeets

What do you know about our situation it seems like every single individual who wishes harm upon us wants us to jump off a cliff in such suggests.

And know Foinkas is openly saying hey Pakistan please why not just jump off this cliff and see if there is water down there..

You don't understand what you are talking about......

I am not gonna cannibalize myself...

In few years if we don't see 10 Pashteens crying victomhood because of army operations it would mean terrorism is again all time high.

Army need to be genocidial against these scums of the earth. Bomb Wazristan to hell and back, use tactical nukes for something good.
In few years if we don't see 10 Pashteens crying victomhood because of army operations it would mean terrorism is again all time high.

Army need to be genocidial against these scums of the earth.

Get the fuk outta here with this shxt.. Not a hair will be harmed on any muslims whether inside Pakistan or Outside in a wrongful manner.. Especially our Afghan brothers..

As for the terrorist elements such as TTP we will deal with them in a befitting manner
Taliban had opened up jails that held TTP and freed them. Taliban use TTP as a bargaining chip with Pakistan. The GOP isn't able to handle the crisis after USA left Afghanistan and whatever process was in place to handle the situation if USA left has not worked out. Controlling Kabul doesn't mean that whole Afghanistan is being controlled, in fact 100% of Afghanistan cannot be controlled through any Govt sitting in Kabul.

BLA and TTP already have strongholds inside populated areas of Pakistan including rural areas and mountains, they dont need to thrive in Afghanistan but that Afghanistan a retreating ground for buildup, supply and training. The Indian intel network has already spread its web conveniently and deeply inside three provinces of Pakistan (KPK/Baluchistan/Sindh).

There is no truth in Pakistan Army wanting to keep TTP functioning or using TTP as a tool for its own survival, India is enough for that, has been and will be in future. Following reasons depict that:
1. CTD was created so Army can be spared from conducting Ops.
2. FC was upgraded in terms of weapons tactics and training. Intel and SF wings were made. FC was doubled in strength.
3. Army made LCBs and then raised two more Light Infantry Divisions with funds from Chinese to protect Chinese interests and CPEC. The LCBs were initially raised to protect Defense installations against which many attacks had been carried out in past 15 years. Later their role expanded.
4. TTP spiraling out of control gives a bad name to Army along with portraying Army as inefficient so using TTP as tool by Army is counter productive. The whole concept of warfare for Army is to fight Indian Army which is why the formations have been raised that way, weaponry has been acquired in similar manner and Army cantonments have been built for rapid deployment against eastern border and LOC.
5. Army is poised to give role of COIN back to Federal Government (which will handover to Provincial Govts) as was envisioned by Gen RS but Federal Govt and Civilian bureaucracy fell short in handling FATA/KPK after Ops were completed. Baluchistan would have been next (not military Ops), but CTD's IBOs fully functional in the province, however due to rise of incidents in KPK, the ops in Baluchistan might take a back seat. Also no one in Government is inclined to tackle Baluchistan as the should.

The ground reality contradicts sharply from what video journalists show to brainwash population against Army's top brass since their beloved IK speaks religiously about/against Bajwa regularly. And just like SQ8 said that no one pays us for writing about Army and neither does any one get a DHA plot like Irfan Baloch said.
Taliban had opened up jails that held TTP and freed them. Taliban use TTP as a bargaining chip with Pakistan. The GOP isn't able to handle the crisis after USA left Afghanistan and whatever process was in place to handle the situation if USA left has not worked out. Controlling Kabul doesn't mean that whole Afghanistan is being controlled, in fact 100% of Afghanistan cannot be controlled through any Govt sitting in Kabul.

BLA and TTP already have strongholds inside populated areas of Pakistan including rural areas and mountains, they dont need to thrive in Afghanistan but that Afghanistan a retreating ground for buildup, supply and training. The Indian intel network has already spread its web conveniently and deeply inside three provinces of Pakistan (KPK/Baluchistan/Sindh).

There is no truth in Pakistan Army wanting to keep TTP functioning or using TTP as a tool for its own survival, India is enough for that, has been and will be in future. Following reasons depict that:
1. CTD was created so Army can be spared from conducting Ops.
2. FC was upgraded in terms of weapons tactics and training. Intel and SF wings were made. FC was doubled in strength.
3. Army made LCBs and then raised two more Light Infantry Divisions with funds from Chinese to protect Chinese interests and CPEC. The LCBs were initially raised to protect Defense installations against which many attacks had been carried out in past 15 years. Later their role expanded.
4. TTP spiraling out of control gives a bad name to Army along with portraying Army as inefficient so using TTP as tool by Army is counter productive. The whole concept of warfare for Army is to fight Indian Army which is why the formations have been raised that way, weaponry has been acquired in similar manner and Army cantonments have been built for rapid deployment against eastern border and LOC.
5. Army is poised to give role of COIN back to Federal Government (which will handover to Provincial Govts) as was envisioned by Gen RS but Federal Govt and Civilian bureaucracy fell short in handling FATA/KPK after Ops were completed. Baluchistan would have been next (not military Ops), but CTD's IBOs fully functional in the province, however due to rise of incidents in KPK, the ops in Baluchistan might take a back seat. Also no one in Government is inclined to tackle Baluchistan as the should.

The ground reality contradicts sharply from what video journalists show to brainwash population against Army's top brass since their beloved IK speaks religiously about/against Bajwa regularly. And just like SQ8 said that no one pays us for writing about Army and neither does any one get a DHA plot like Irfan Baloch said.
It's only the extreme youthias coming with conspiracy theories that are baseless. And unfortunately they seem to be in the majority, it's fair to be pro-IK but they've taken it way too far.

Establishment kind've shot themselves in the foot in the process but this could perhaps be good in the long term.

There is a serious problem in the level of competency in government institutions very clearly. When is someone going to officially raise this concern?

They are clearly too preoccupied with other tasks and don't have the capabilities for the positions they are in...
It's only the extreme youthias coming with conspiracy theories that are baseless. And unfortunately they seem to be in the majority, it's fair to be pro-IK but they've taken it way too far.

Establishment kind've shot themselves in the foot in the process but this could perhaps be good in the long term.

There is a serious problem in the level of competency in government institutions very clearly. When is someone going to officially raise this concern?

They are clearly too preoccupied with other tasks and don't have the capabilities for the positions they are in...

who is this fool...

Just stop and step away from the keyboard..

You first came with fake thread headline and continue posting a pile of trash
Third alt account of the IEA spokesperson 😂 Same delusional post history, try harder.

@Battlion25 @Titanium100

@Irfan Baloch @waz @araz @SQ8 @PDF Are three alt accounts allowed on the site? Dude is literally spewing verbal diarrhea...

whatever rocks your boat.. I ain't the one posting fake stuff.

you wasting your time with this silliness and time for the mods to end you.

I ain't firing a single bullet against Afghanistan deal with it motherfuker. We ain't firing even a stone against other muslim brethens deal with it
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whatever rocks your boat.. I ain't the one posting fake stuff.

you wasting your time with this silliness and time for the mods to end you.

I ain't firing a single bullet against Afghanistan deal with it motherfuker. We ain't firing even a stone against other muslim brethens deal with it
Shut up and stop polluting your thread with cringe and delusion.

"Muh mOslim bRadar" 😂 You're literally seen as a murtad Hindu blooded kaffir by Afghans, but to be fair you're probably not even Pakistani.
Shut up and stop polluting your thread with cringe and delusion.

"Muh mOslim bRadar" 😂 You're literally seen as a murtad Hindu blooded kaffir by Afghans, but to be fair you're probably not even Pakistani.

That is what you wish for but that is none of your concern what we think of each other or our relations it is internal for us..

See my name? I stand for the South Asia-Central Asia command center meaning the eastern unit who were one upon their arrival to the far east..

uzbeks, tajiks, kazakhs, turkmen, afghans, pakistanis etc etc we are all one and the same in terms of civilization
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