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Afghan Taliban spokesperson mocks Pakistan

What victory? Imrandu sold us to his taliban brothers. Now Afghanistan must burn, start supporting tajiks/hazaras against taliban in covert operation. Division of afghanistan is only way.
funny, things went to crap once he removed. now the talib that wasn't wholly against Pakistan has gone fully against Pakistan! its the blessings of having harami PDM and even bigger harami establasmant.
I sadly agree and the fact that the mods allowed your thread is ridiculous.. This Indian troll actully thinks Pakistanis are some of the stupidest because they started to eat fake news like this thread

Get off your alt account Titanium and stop spam tagging everyone

funny, things went to crap once he removed. now the talib that wasn't wholly against Pakistan has gone fully against Pakistan! its the blessings of having harami PDM and even bigger harami establasmant.
Lol you are stupid if you actually think the government matters. Go learn some history lad this conflict was laying dormant ever since 1947.
You deserve perma-ban for this shxt.. It is not allow to post fake news on PDF or misleading news
No surprise the IEA spokesperson first labelled me an Indian - entirely foolish and baseless claim just like your pathetic analysis' - and now wants me perma banned 😆
No surprise the IEA spokesperson first labelled me an Indian - entirely foolish and baseless claim just like your pathetic analysis' - and now wants me perma banned 😆

Why resort to the fake news.. You seem kind of desperate..

I am coming for you not him rest assured
Afghan Taliban were approached first to facilitate the American withdrawal and then to make peace with TTP on behest of our former pacifist PM who was always against war on terror (absolutely not to USA).
The links are about mollycoddling Taliban in the 20th Century, before any American set foot in Afghanistan.
We have absolutely 0 interest in that God forsaken country. The best thing is to close all borders, including travel, trade, aid, etc... let us focus on ourselves.

We need to create a 25-30 mile buffer zone. Strike at the heart of the terror nexus in kandahar and jalalabad. Other than that we have 0 benefits to be gained now or in the future. Since last 30 years I am hearing of economic benefit of trade with central asia via afghanistan... until today this is ummah chummah pipe dream with 0 reality. TAPI pipeline is as good as dead. Gwadar is 0 almost no Chinese/central asia commercial traffic due to the security situation.

We have 0 economic benefit or interest with afghanistan, so why even deal with them? close all borders and let us put our own house in order.

Infact in this came we have far more economic benefit in closing the border since it will actually curb ruppee devaluation, black market smuggling, weapon/drug smuggling, and curb illegal immigration.

that was cute. but true
if I was leading the country I would've executed the entire Red Mosque leadership and taken over the administration of that terror den instead of handing it back to that death cult.
if I was leading the country I would've executed the family members involved in giving refuge to the APS terrorists.

you get it where I am going yes?

Afghan Taliban or Al Qaeda or Daesh or TTP are the biggest killers of Muslims. many fold than those cow worshippers (as you call them). our strike on 27th Feb 19 was enough to make them cower back and go on another billion dollars buying frenzy. I am under no delusion, Indians will try again but will be slapped back by our real warriors on the field. not some PTI disgruntled fanboys on social media platforms and forums.

That is the only solution unfortunately. Pashtun/Baloch nationalism and Islamic terror is such a strong evil ideology that it can only be fought and defeated with brutal methods including the full blown execution of immediate family members related to terrorist. Id also go as far as even demolishing the homes/properties/business of 2nd level family such as cousins 2nd/cousins of terrorist.

If this is implemented and carried out you will see 0 terrorism in Pakistan within a year gauranteed!
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Nuke Afghanistan, use biochemical weapons, do whatever, just annihilate them and take the entire country.

End this fued and at the same time Pakistan will become viable to be a world and regional power. They have large lithium reserves, you can offset overpopulation, use larger landmass as strategic depth.

Use some historical empire and make a counterclaim on the land, like the Durrani empire
Don't worry guys, Pakistani's have no self respect. One of our Ethnicity will still be licking their (AT) A$$'es because biiiiraaaathaaar from across the border. We as Nation are the biggest baigairat you can find in this world and thanks to our Gairat mand people and Bahadur Fauj. I bet Imran khan will still supports them, our Army will still fear to take any action against them, and our awam will still be confused as usual. But mark my words, The biggest enemy Pakistan have after their own awam is Afghan's, Taliban or Northern Alliance or whatever, Afghans are snakes and backstabbers, they are the worse creature under the sky after ahm ahm... the sooner we acknowledge that and take action the better.

Nuke Afghanistan, use biochemical weapons, do whatever, just annihilate them and take the entire country.

End this and Pakistan will become viable to be a world power. They have large lithium reserves, you can offset overpopulation, use larger landmass as strategic depth.

Use some historical empire and make a counterclaim on the land, like the Durrani empire
You know in a Zombie Apocalypses Afghanistan and our Tribal Areas survive, because that virus won't effect them cause they are already brain dead, with ravenous hunger for human flesh and blood, They already have all the characteristics of a Zombie. If Pakistan is smart, they would just "Accidently" Drop few nukes on them, as long as Afghanistan and Afghans exists, neither Pakistan nor world can have peace.
You know in a Zombie Apocalypses on Afghanistan and our Tribal Areas survive, because that virus won't effect them cause they are already brain dead, with ravenous hunger for human flesh and blood. If Pakistan is smart, they would just "Accidently" Drop few nukes on them, as long as Afghanistan and Afghans exists, neither Pakistan nor world can have peace.
beghairat buzdil general darboks don't have the fucking balls.

They walk around with vaginas.
beghairat buzdil general darboks don't have the fucking balls.

They walk around with vaginas.
Kinda true, so I guess we will see our Generals holding cards in next women march... " Mera Jism Meri Wardi ", I started to feel bad for those on PDF who either serve in Army or their relatives or Parents or siblings are in Army, poor souls. But at least they all are definitely rich with tax free life with no accountability :D that's a win for Pakistan.
Kinda true, so I guess we will see our Generals holding cards in next women march... " Meri Jism Meri Wardi "
Afghans won't give them a chance.

Them niggas are genocidal, these pussies can only be tough to Pajeets.

We need real competent  men.

Not feminine pot-bellied corrupt bastards.
I sadly agree and the fact that the mods allowed your thread is ridiculous.. This Indian troll actully thinks Pakistanis are some of the stupidest because they started to eat fake news like this thread

It's funny because everyone you guys disagree with just has to be an Indian. There can't be any other explanation 😂
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