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Afghan Taliban spokesperson mocks Pakistan

Brother read history ... TTA was promoted by Pakistani agencies in order to get a Pakistan friendly regime in Afghanistan in comparison to indian oriented regime back in 1990s.

We then ditched them and sided with USA to the level that against all international laws we arrested Afghani diplomat and handed them over to Americans ... Even after that TTA keep a warm relationship with us when we supported them in exit of USA but then what happened why they turned against us ?

Do you remember news of killing of Ahmed Al Zawahiri ? There was a news attached with it which was never denied by Pakistani authorities ... Al Zawahiri was killed in a drone strike alleged to be from Pakistani air space ,,, this was never denied by us ... At the same time, our foreign office delegation visited Afghanistan but contrary to norms of Afghani culture not only foreign minister was absent but also hina rabbani khar was sent ... even a ten year old kid knows that talibans do not consider women to be good in position of power but out of dozens of visits by our foreign office delegation visit to a singly country was led by Hina rabbani khar without bilawal and that was Afghanistan ...

So first we were part of an attacked on Afghanistan then we insulted them ...

It is very easy at Afghanistan Pakistan border to start cross border firing and raids by some random individuals. ANy international agency can get it done by paying few hundred thousand dollars but rather than work with TTA to eliminate such threats togather we warn them of attacking them ...

If we keep on pushing them what option do they have. Place yourself in shoes of afghani ... We attacked them, we insulted them and then we threaten them of strike and now if they are responding then again we are blaming them ...

These type of strikes do also happened at Pak Iran border with a lesser frequency but we never threaten to attack Iran ... why ? they are stronger nation then afghanis? if this is the case then afghani has right to respond in the area they excel ...

Whats the solution ?

Solution is to use diplomacy and try to amke inroads within Afghani power groups make friends and take joint action against those who are attacking us ... From a logical point it is not in favor of TTA to had bad realtionship with Pakistan and this is vice versa as well so work on a win win situation ... Our enemies want us to fight with our neighbor as they cnt attack us directly thanks to nuclear missiles so they want us to bleed to death ...

War is not the solution , solution is to create an environment where there is no need of war but you still maintain an upper hand and your enemy are afraid of it . war is easy to start but difficult to manage and end and its a costly business ... with a much lesser but efficient resources we can get much better results ...

Taliban supports TTP, they don't give a hoot about international recognition considering ban on Women education despite multiple agreements in Doha. They are are a rogue nation that cares nothing about international goodwill. TTA is an entity that can not trusted at all.

Pakistan has such a bad luck we share a border with these animals, can't get out of it. The only hope is Afghanistan as a nation collapses and there is revolution by their own countrymen against these animals.
What victory? Imrandu sold us to his taliban brothers. Now Afghanistan must burn, start supporting tajiks/hazaras against taliban in covert operation. Division of afghanistan is only way.
Q? GHQ sutta si?
April me pen yawne to raat 12 bje agae te sare.

Faiz was drinking chai in Kabul, not IK.

Taliban supports TTP, they don't give a hoot about international recognition considering ban on Women education despite multiple agreements in Doha. They are are a rogue nation that cares nothing about international goodwill. TTA is an entity that can not trusted at all.

Pakistan has such a bad luck we share a border with these animals, can't get out of it. The only hope is Afghanistan as a nation collapses and there is revolution by their own countrymen against these animals.

Too late bud.
Afghan Taliban will stand around 10 minutes in open warfare...

Then they will go to their caves and start guerilla war....the terrorism will inevitably spill over and rest of world will join Hunt

The rest of the world doesn't live next to them and share a mountainous border with those very caves :)

The spillover, given our poor ability to secure the border (even the US can't secure its border with Mexico despite the best tech and near-infinite resources), will be in our cities.

We are financially exhausted. Our generals... kya keh sakta hai banda. Our allies... sick of us.

I'm not saying we now bend over for these bastards. But what I am saying is that we shouldn't overestimate our limited capacity to do anything about it.
The rest of the world doesn't live next to them and share a mountainous border with those very caves :)

The spillover, given our poor ability to secure the border (even the US can't secure its border with Mexico despite the best tech and near-infinite resources), will be in our cities.

We are financially exhausted. Our generals... kya keh sakta hai banda. Our allies... sick of us.

I'm not saying we now bend over for these bastards. But what I am saying is that we shouldn't overestimate our limited capacity to do anything about it.

US can seal Mexican border but political intent is not there. Trump was also bluffing. Thousands of privately owned properties were identified that have to be sliced through and environmentalists were complaining as well.

I support Pakistan's fencing of Pak - Afghan border in person but I am not sure how effective it is in its current form.
What victory? Imrandu sold us to his taliban brothers. Now Afghanistan must burn, start supporting tajiks/hazaras against taliban in covert operation. Division of afghanistan is only way.
Yeah, like any group will trust us from Afghanistan now.
I support Pakistan's fencing of Pak - Afghan border in person but I am not sure how effective it is in its current form.

I am 100% certain that No fence can stop TTP. If you have seen the videos, they cut it through literally in seconds. Any person can go through if he has a cutter. If there's a group of people 4-5 then they can simply swing the pole and bend it and pass over.

Instead of fence, Pakistan needs to become aggressive. Needs to add lethality elements on checkposts in Af-Pak border. High power weapons / night vision devices and hexacopter drones with checkposts. Also needs to increase number of checkposts.

Even more important is to put ISI at its real job - that is infiltrating into enemy and finding the nests of TTP leadership. Once the location is find out the UCAVs can do their job.
Are you an Indian?
Obviously not

If I was an Indian I would tell you that you don't face any threat so you remain clueless to protecting yourself or placing countermeasures
Afghan Taliban will stand around 10 minutes in open warfare...

Then they will go to their caves and start guerilla war....the terrorism will inevitably spill over and rest of world will join Hunt

The rest of the world doesn't live next to them and share a mountainous border with those very caves :)

The spillover, given our poor ability to secure the border (even the US can't secure its border with Mexico despite the best tech and near-infinite resources), will be in our cities.

We are financially exhausted. Our generals... kya keh sakta hai banda. Our allies... sick of us.

I'm not saying we now bend over for these bastards. But what I am saying is that we shouldn't overestimate our limited capacity to do anything about it.
US can seal Mexican border but political intent is not there. Trump was also bluffing. Thousands of privately owned properties were identified that have to be sliced through and environmentalists were complaining as well.

I support Pakistan's fencing of Pak - Afghan border in person but I am not sure how effective it is in its current form.

Fully support securing the border. Fencing alone does jack shit. You can cut through fences, dig under them, etc. Not to mention some of the world's most inhospitable terrain, with tunnel networks that are nearly impossible to find and destroy.
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Obviously not

If I was an Indian I would tell you that you don't face any threat so you remain clueless to protecting yourself or placing countermeasures
Maybe you want fight on the western border so after that india can take AJK.
Maybe you want fight on the western border so after that india can take AJK.
Please use your brain and understand that it's possible to have enemies on both sides of the border. (Which you always have had if you just care to look into history)

I am literally from AJK myself. But burying your head in the sand is not going to get rid of your problems.

Right now you face a bigger risk on the western border. You're a fool if you can't see this.
taliban are under very stress they need a war to survive . after capture the country they have now nothing to do . very soon individuals of smaller groups of taliban will start terror attacks around globe to get a war or start joing any other fighting groups .
taliban are under very stress they need a war to survive . after capture the country they have now nothing to do . very soon individuals of smaller groups of taliban will start terror attacks around globe to get a war or start joing any other fighting groups.
In my opinion the top officials in Taliban want to focus on development and being recognised as a formal government internationally. So they distance themselves from any of the insurgency talks related to Pakistan.

But definitely all of them still have the same hopes as the previous Afghans in power which is to capture the entire Western half of Pakistan.

And they are covertly supporting it while formally distancing themselves. They are playing a double game. It's only Pakistan they want to fight.

Pakistan should not take any risks. Their plan is clear here, they want to spread their fighters into the country as sleeper cells, then attempt to rile up a civil war through insurgency.
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