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Afghan Students in trouble in Indian universities

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@Aamna14 Bibi every human is hot headed not just Afghans and its nothing to be proud of. Indians on the other hand suffer from 'majoritism synderome'. They behave differently when they are in the majority. Afghans being the minority leads me to think that they wouldn't have picked the fight. If you are going to tease an Afghan girl infront of Afghan men.....you are asking for hell. Indian students should have acted civil.

No you got me wrong iam not saying its something to be proud of i was stating a simple fact that such an action shouldn't be tolerated be it in any society.
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Could be something to do with proximity to Pakistan which has a higher rape ratio even going by the figures posted by yourself :)

Those are 5 year statistics and i posted it for comparison. I myself have no idea about ratios but the fact is india is making headlines in international news about rapes and gang-rapes.
Just went through youtube and there are news clips in which mob is molesting girl in public in broad day light and people are just watching......it seems once such incident and insensitivity over it encourages other people to have the "fun" in same way...its all about society
@Aamna14 If you are aware of the usual upbringing of a Pakistani boy, you should know that we are fed 'ghairat' and told that other girls are your sisters and should be respected,that also includes a religious element to it.

If you were to be teased by the Indians infront of me,my reaction as a Pakistani would be to do exactly what those Afghans did. Good on them, they proved to those Indians that their media has failed to Indianize them....and they can risk arm and leg for their ladies to be respected. They also proved that,teasing unsuspecting girls maybe acceptible and 'touted' in their culture but not in ours,we still have ghairat left in our vains...enough to fight an Indian gang...risking everything.

God bless my boys.
@Aka123 Ayush needs a break, none of you know the reason,i do.
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@Aamna14 If you are aware of the usual upbringing of a Pakistani boy, you should know that we are fed 'ghairat' and told that other girls are your sisters and should be respected,that also includes a religious element to it.

If you were to be teased by the Indians infront of me,my reaction as a Pakistani would be to do exactly what those Afghans did. Good on them, they proved to those Indians that their media has failed to Indianize them....and they can risk arm and leg for their ladies to be respected. They also proved that,teasing unsuspecting girls maybe acceptible and 'touted' in their culture but not in ours,we still have ghairat left in our vains...enough to fight an Indian gang...risking everything.

God bless my boys.

Don't generalize as Indians. We are also brought up in that way and if some one does that kind of harqat with any girl be it from any Nationality in front of me, I'll do the same.
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Those are 5 year statistics and i posted it for comparison. I myself have no idea about ratios but the fact the fact is india is making headlines in international news about rapes and gang-rapes.
Just went through youtube and there are news clips in which mob is molesting girl in public in broad day light and people are just watching......it seems once such incident and insensitivity over it encourages other people to have the "fun" in same way...its all about society

Dude, i know those are 5 year statistics.. And the reason you see the rape news about India every day is because since the ghastly incident in december when a student was raped in a moving bus in the capital, the national tolerance towards this crime has become very low and hence media is highlighting every single incident that is reported. It may give Pakistani members something to cheer about on this forum, but in reality this exposure is going a long way in controlling this crime. Police men who were earlier totally insensitive to a rape complaint now fall over themselves to help a rape victim simply because of the extreme media glare on this subject..The statistics of rape actually is down by over 25% in most regions between 2012 and 2013.. Its simply the media reporting that has gone up manifold. The long term results of which are definitely good.

As a matter of fact a lot of Pakistani newspapers have commented on this phenomenon of over reporting of rapes in India and how they wish Pakistani media should follow the same

@Aamna14 If you are aware of the usual upbringing of a Pakistani boy, you should know that we are fed 'ghairat' and told that other girls are your sisters and should be respected,that also includes a religious element to it.

If you were to be teased by the Indians infront of me,my reaction as a Pakistani would be to do exactly what those Afghans did. Good on them, they proved to those Indians that their media has failed to Indianize them....and they can risk arm and leg for their ladies to be respected. They also proved that,teasing unsuspecting girls maybe acceptible and 'touted' in their culture but not in ours,we still have ghairat left in our vains...enough to fight an Indian gang...risking everything.

But with all that ghairat, why do these well brought up boys of Pakistan who are willing to get into a fight if a girl is teased in front of them, cause a higher ratio of rape per capita than the badly brought up boys of neighboring evil India :) ??
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@Aamna14 If you are aware of the usual upbringing of a Pakistani boy, you should know that we are fed 'ghairat' and told that other girls are your sisters and should be respected,that also includes a religious element to it.

If you were to be teased by the Indians infront of me,my reaction as a Pakistani would be to do exactly what those Afghans did. Good on them, they proved to those Indians that their media has failed to Indianize them....and they can risk arm and leg for their ladies to be respected. They also proved that,teasing unsuspecting girls maybe acceptible and 'touted' in their culture but not in ours,we still have ghairat left in our vains...enough to fight an Indian gang...risking everything.

God bless my boys.
@Aka123 Ayush needs a break, none of you know the reason,i do.

Ok then it's between u and Ayush. Then I better not comment.
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No you got me wrong iam not saying its something to be proud of i was stating a simple fact that such an action shouldn't be tolerated be it in any society.

Addi, I have given you the key statement before. "An Indian in a minority is a peaceful Indian, the one in a majority is not. "

They attempted something that they get away with in 'their culture'...only to meet their match from 'ours'. We can't let our ladies be taken as a soft target by some delusional Indians who think of life as a 'bollywood plot'.
Addi, I have given you the key statement before. "An Indian in a minority is a peaceful Indian, the one in a majority is not. "

They attempted something that they get away with in 'their culture'...only to meet their match from 'ours'. We can't let our ladies be taken as a soft target by some delusional Indians who think of life as a 'bollywood plot'.

btw, this is a 45 day old incident that was proved to be a car parking dispute.. But enjoy trolling :)
Don't generalize as Indians. We are also brought up in that way and if some one does that kind of harqat with any girl be it from any Nationality in front of me, I'll do the same.

You are a real man, be proud of yourself and the mother that bread you. :cheers:

btw, this is a 45 day old incident that was proved to be a car parking dispute.. But enjoy trolling :)

Admit it, teasing girls is an acceptable practice in India and is touted in your media where women are presented as toys and objects of grandeur.
Admit it, teasing girls is an acceptable practice in India and is touted in your media where women are presented as toys and objects of grandeur.

remove the toys part and as a father of a girl, I will grudgingly agree with you... But its changing.. All of us have to be the change we want..
@Aamna14 If you are aware of the usual upbringing of a Pakistani boy, you should know that we are fed 'ghairat' and told that other girls are your sisters and should be respected,that also includes a religious element to it.

If you were to be teased by the Indians infront of me,my reaction as a Pakistani would be to do exactly what those Afghans did. Good on them, they proved to those Indians that their media has failed to Indianize them....and they can risk arm and leg for their ladies to be respected. They also proved that,teasing unsuspecting girls maybe acceptible and 'touted' in their culture but not in ours,we still have ghairat left in our vains...enough to fight an Indian gang...risking everything.

God bless my boys.
@Aka123 Ayush needs a break, none of you know the reason,i do.

No your right its not an acceptable thing in our society and in any decent society and it shouldn't be tolerated. Women should be treated with respect and not teased around like that.
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remove the toys part and as a father of a girl, I will grudgingly agree with you... But its changing.. All of us have to be the change we want..

You are not the only one with females in your life, but the truth must be told in regards to overly western Indian media...why are its always females doing the "item songs"...?...trivial or a tip of the iceberg...you decide.... Respect to your family.
You are a real man, be proud of yourself and the mother that bread you. :cheers:

Admit it, teasing girls is an acceptable practice in India and is touted in your media where women are presented as toys and objects of grandeur.

Thanks mate!! I respect the person who respect the word mother. :)
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