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Afghan refugees celebrating Indian victory opened fire killing a nurse

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Nov 24, 2010
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Cricket fans firing claim life in city

Updated at 1604 PST Thursday, March 31, 2011

PESHAWAR: One staff nurse of Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) was killed in aerial firing opened by cricket fans in various parts of city as gloom and despondency was written large on the face of Peshawarites at the news of Indian victory in World Cup Semi Final 2011.

While Peshawarites were in a state of shock due to the defeat of the national team the Afghan refugees were celebrating the Indian victory and opened aerial firing and took out rallies to celebrate the occasion.

In another incident, a resident of Sethi Town area pelted stones at his TV set after the defeat of the Pakistani team and felt pain in the chest. He was taken to nearby hospital for treatment but he expired due to heart attack.

Cricket fans firing claim life in city

what happened to the brotherhood? Is it just confined to indian muslims

these 'brothers' dont seem to be very brotherly , despite the fact that they live on our soil they cheer for our adversaries and if they are cheering for the adversary then its not hard to believe they are working for the enemy also.

I hope they all get kicked out of Pakistan
these 'brothers' dont seem to be very brotherly , despite the fact that they live on our soil they cheer for our adversaries and if they are cheering for the adversary then its not hard to believe they are working for the enemy also.

I hope they all get kicked out of Pakistan

at one end you favor the talibs and expect them to cheer for you. Things dont work out that way. Pakistan is not still fav among afghans because of their support for imhuman talibs.
at one end you favor the talibs and expect them to cheer for you. Things dont work out that way. Pakistan is not still fav among afghans because of their support for imhuman talibs.

who favors the taliban? why are we fighting the taliban in our country then? we just want the taliban to go back to afghanistan where they came from, & don't cause further havoc in our country. they've done more than enough of that in pakistan already. the talibans have more support from common afghanis than karzai & the other landlords & US puppets in power have. the main reason why the taliban were formed & got into power by the overwhelming support of common Afghanis in the first place in 1996 was because the feudals & the landlords in power were constantly fighting against each other, had no system of justice, only corruption. the same people karzai put in power after 2001, which is why he doesn't get the majority support of the common Afghan people, which is why he needs America to back him.
at one end you favor the talibs and expect them to cheer for you. Things dont work out that way. Pakistan is not still fav among afghans because of their support for imhuman talibs.

Well no we don’t favor talibs , there is whole precedent to why Pakistan had to support the Taliban which is conveniently ignored , let me just fill in a bit
From day one, the Afghans together with the Indian were against the creation of Pakistan and both India and Afghanistan voted against the formation of new state.
The new states was formed but the takleef to the afghans and the Indians didn’t go away, the afghans created the bru ha hu about Durand line and the Indians joined the chorus. Pakistan's PM Liaqat Ali Khan made many reconciliation attempts towards the gov of Afghanistan but it did not have any effect on these mules.
In the 60s , we had many clashes in Pak Afghan border since the afghans were fanning the flames of Pakhtunistan and you guys were supporting them.
In between we even had the War of 65 all the while the situation on the Pak Afghan border was far from normal.
If we are that tough that you Indians and afghans come and collide with us together but still complain about getting spanked then we cannot be blamed for this.
We defended our selves against a pip squeak of country on the west and we have also fought off a much larger enemy to the east so who is a threat to OUR national security is very clear.
So for starter have to have a friendly government in Afghanistan otherwise it’s a threat and we WILL move to neutralize threats, what do you expect we will not?
The Taliban régime was 'friendlier' than other afghan governments and its only natural that we would offer support to them.
But in all this Pakistan is not the aggressor we have only done what we had to and that was to defend ourselves and we will continue to do so and give our enemies a kick in their behind in one way or the other.
If the Americans want to have long time settlement in this region then they have to take into account the full picture and settle the border issue between Afghanistan and Pakistan and not use this issue as some kind of leverage against Pakistan.
Well no we don’t favor talibs , there is whole precedent to why Pakistan had to support the Taliban which is conveniently ignored , let me just fill in a bit
From day one, the Afghans together with the Indian were against the creation of Pakistan and both India and Afghanistan voted against the formation of new state.The new states was formed but the takleef to the afghans and the Indians didn’t go away, the afghans created the bru ha hu about Durand line and the Indians joined the chorus. Pakistan's PM Liaqat Ali Khan made many reconciliation attempts towards the gov of Afghanistan but it did not have any effect on these mules.
In the 60s , we had many clashes in Pak Afghan border since the afghans were fanning the flames of Pakhtunistan and you guys were supporting them.
In between we even had the War of 65 all the while the situation on the Pak Afghan border was far from normal.
If we are that tough that you Indians and afghans come and collide with us together but still complain about getting spanked then we cannot be blamed for this.
We defended our selves against a pip squeak of country on the west and we have also fought off a much larger enemy to the east so who is a threat to OUR national security is very clear.
So for starter have to have a friendly government in Afghanistan otherwise it’s a threat and we WILL move to neutralize threats, what do you expect we will not?
The Taliban régime was 'friendlier' than other afghan governments and its only natural that we would offer support to them.
But in all this Pakistan is not the aggressor we have only done what we had to and that was to defend ourselves and we will continue to do so and give our enemies a kick in their behind in one way or the other.
If the Americans want to have long time settlement in this region then they have to take into account the full picture and settle the border issue between Afghanistan and Pakistan and not use this issue as some kind of leverage against Pakistan.

can u please tell me when a voting process was held to creat pakistan and india and afghanistan voted against it.
Afghanistan refugees: Pakistan :: Bangladeshi refugees: India

Afghan refugees in Pakistan > Bangladeshi refugees in India.

Of the 10.4 million refugees under UNHCR's mandate between 2005 and 2009, the largest numbers were being hosted by Pakistan (1,740,711), Iran (1,070,488), Syria (1,054,466), Germany (593,799), Jordan (450,756), the UNHCR's '2009 Global Trends' report reveals.

Pakistan hosted the highest number of refugees --mainly from Afghanistan -- also compared to its national economy.

As such, it hosted 745 refugees per 1 USD GDP (PPP) per capita. In 2009, one out of four refugees in the world was from Afghanistan.

Source: http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1294102/at-a-glance-who-takes-the-most-refugees

It's a miracle that despite all this, coupled with the WOT, Pakistan's economy is still doing pretty decently. Can't wait for the day Pakistan gets rid off these two problems, which I'm sure will happen pretty soon, seeing how America is faring in Afghanistan.
Afghans are nuisance for our country. Our retard govt think about them while many Pakistanis are not getting enough facilities.

Pathetic comment.... I will ask you to read bout Afghans, they were considered man of honor.. It was your ISI and Sam's CIA which put them in such situation.... Its all what your military/Politicians did for Dollars... For Dollars Talibans were raised... Afghans were not poor... even if they were poor they were not dependent on you...

@Support to Taliban: I would like you to read comments of your fellow citizen... many of you believe in Good taliban and bad taliban theory... The Taliban in Afghan is good taliban coz they are not harming you, which TTP is bad taliban...

@Afghan support to India: Prior to ISI-CIA invasion to Afghanistan they were neutral. After Afghan was infected with Taliban, they start hating USA and Pakistan... and as India is natural enemy of Pakistan they start supporting us..
Pathetic comment.... I will ask you to read bout Afghans, they were considered man of honor.. It was your ISI and Sam's CIA which put them in such situation.... Its all what your military/Politicians did for Dollars... For Dollars Talibans were raised... Afghans were not poor... even if they were poor they were not dependent on you...

@Support to Taliban: I would like you to read comments of your fellow citizen... many of you believe in Good taliban and bad taliban theory... The Taliban in Afghan is good taliban coz they are not harming you, which TTP is bad taliban...

@Afghan support to India: Prior to ISI-CIA invasion to Afghanistan they were neutral. After Afghan was infected with Taliban, they start hating USA and Pakistan... and as India is natural enemy of Pakistan they start supporting us..

No one supports the Taliban my friend, we wouldn't be fighting the Taliban if we were. If you wish to listen to conspiracy theorists that have no basis, only speculation & conjecture to support their claims, be my guest. Afghans support the Taliban more than the power hungry landlords who constantly fought each other & had no system for justice, only corruption, which is why the Taliban first came into power in the first place with popular Afghan support accepting them with open arms. The same landlords Karzai has reinstated into power, which is why he gets no popular support from common Afghans today, and needs America to protect him and keep him in power. The Taliban are ethnic Afghan Pashtuns. You have clearly been listening to the Indian media too much, that really has no clue what it's talking about.
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