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Afghan President accuses Pakistan for Terrorism

No you are missing the point. US cant spank us, reason is US is in no position to do that.

"Spank" here means "hit" you; there are ways other than direct action to do so.

Why because firstly a direct assault on Pakistan will send oil prices to a new hike, secondly to take out PA and its assets US will have to deploy more and more of their own assets on the ground meaning taking out their assets from Iraq and sending them to Afghanistan which means more US casualties on a foreign soil.

True, but US isn't leaving Afghanistan and neither is it leaving Iraq. Again, why would US attack Pakistan when it has alternate means to accomplish what it wants?

Karzai doing for whatever reason, i hardly give a damn, the fact is that his loud mouth is going rather too far, hes not capable of doing what he's threatening to do. Also remember that all US and NATO Logistic support goes through Pakistan, a direct attack and you can say a good bye to those. Bottom line is that we too have cards up our sleeves to play when the right time comes. Don't underestimate of what Pakistan can and cannot do.

Again, Karzai is not talking; it is Washiongton that is talking. Now, do you give a damn?

How much does Pakistan get in aid for all the logistic support?

Plus, why would America attack when diplomatic pressure (tons of it) will do the trick?
No you are missing the point. US cant spank us, reason is US is in no position to do that. Why because firstly a direct assault on Pakistan will send oil prices to a new hike, secondly to take out PA and its assets US will have to deploy more and more of their own assets on the ground meaning taking out their assets from Iraq and sending them to Afghanistan which means more US casualties on a foreign soil. Karzai doing for whatever reason, i hardly give a damn, the fact is that his loud mouth is going rather too far, hes not capable of doing what he's threatening to do. Also remember that all US and NATO Logistic support goes through Pakistan, a direct attack and you can say a good bye to those. Bottom line is that we too have cards up our sleeves to play when the right time comes. Don't underestimate of what Pakistan can and cannot do.

Is this how you would like to see Pakistan forever..with " cards up its sleeves " and forever doing the balancing act. Living dangerously like what is highlighted above( firstly, secondly) is how teenagers live not nations.
Afghanistan gets all its wheat, rice, and everything else through Pakistan. Every day 450 containers go from Karachi's two ports to Afghanistan so this S.O.B. Karzai's government can continue to function without people tearing him apart. I ask, why should we allow them to use our ports and roads if he is going to make an enemy of us? We should seal off our borders and let the Karzai government, which cannot even get out of Kabul, die an ignominous death. Obviously every Indian on this site will jump and say, "Hey, India can take care of it"...but that is simply ridiculous as can be witnessed with our recent 4 day closure of the border for trade to Afghanistan....they literally starting crying about it. I say make these Sons of Who**s cry if they want to be so macho and talk to us like that!!
Zyxius, Pakistan is not doing Afghanistan a favour by exporting foodgrains. I'm sure plenty of people in Pakistan are dependent on this trade as well.
Zyxius, Pakistan is not doing Afghanistan a favour by exporting foodgrains. I'm sure plenty of people in Pakistan are dependent on this trade as well.

Actually, Pakistan IS doing a favor to Afghanistan. We are just as able to export these same food items to the Gulf countries at international market prices....or feed our own population of 165 million.

Also, the containers going to Afghanistan are coming from abroad and we only collect some revenues through the logistics services offered. Not a big sacrifice to make under these circumstances.
Actually, Pakistan IS doing a favor to Afghanistan. We are just as able to export these same food items to the Gulf countries at international market prices....or feed our own population of 165 million.

Also, the containers going to Afghanistan are coming from abroad and we only collect some revenues through the logistics services offered. Not a big sacrifice to make under these circumstances.


So you are selling it at subsidized rates?

In any case, a food blockade would be an act of war. Something on the lines of what Israel is doing in Palestine.

Infact, I don't think its even possible to impose such a blockade. It will simply create a black market. The border is unmanageable.
thats interesting....finding excuses to fight with us....wana taste death from our hands....i think they forget USA invasion and death by them....now they want to taste it from our hands....great.:guns::usflag:
That depends on how much wheat you export and how many livelhoods depend on it.

In any case, a food blockade would be an act of war. Something on the lines of what Israel is doing in Palestine.

I believe Karzai already said he wanted to send his troops into Pakistan. And besides, we are not blocking their food...we just won't sell them ours or let them use our ports. Let Karzai get his food from India if he loves you guys so much.
Well given what the Pakistan Army is describing as a routine troop movement for the coalition in Afghanistan that may be happening.

Let them try this too. I think they will add to their problems, they won't have any reason to say Pakistan to do more secondly all those taliban assets working inside Pakistan against Pakistan will be turned towards them BUT there is a possibility that then Taliban may select settled areas as their hide outs. Lets see what happens, I think coalition moves are gimiks before US elections.
Indian charges to be probed: US


WASHINGTON: A senior US official has said that New Delhi's allegation that Pakistan's intelligence agency (ISI) was complicit in Indian embassy bombing in Kabul should be taken "seriously" and Islamabad must "get to the bottom of this". "We have seen allegations, a number of people have said they have information on this. We do think and the Pakistani government needs to take it seriously," said Richard Boucher, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, adding: "That is where I will stop for the moment."

He said Washington was aware that "there are groups trying to do these kinds of suicide bombings in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And in some way or the other we have got to get at them". "The process of dialogue between India and Pakistan has made a lot of progress over the past few years," he said and hoped that the composite dialogue would not begin to unravel in the wake of that horrific bombing.

FATA to figure in Bush-Gillani talks: US: The White House Monday said President George Bush and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gallani will hold wide-ranging talks on bilateral cooperation during the Pakistani leader's visit next week. Press Secretary Dana Perino said the two leaders will discuss cooperation in different areas including counterterrorism at their meeting on July 28. The United States and Pakistan cooperate in a vast array of fields including trade, economic development, education, democratic development, and science and technology under their strategic partnership.

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