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Afghan nationals fleeing homes once again


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
Article here, excerpts below:

PESHAWAR: Hundreds of Afghan nationals who had fled Pakistan amid fears of a crackdown in the beginning of the year are once again crossing the Torkham Border into Pakistan.

Speaking to The Express Tribune, a large number of Afghan refugees said deteriorating law and order, lack of civic facilities, devastated job economy and militancy have forced families to shift back to Pakistan.

“I see at least 150 families coming to Peshawar each day,” said a refugee who currently resides in K-P. “These poor people have to leave all their belongings behind to not invite suspicion since household items are banned as a measure to discourage migration of refugees into the country.”

“I see at least 150 families coming to Peshawar each day,” said a refugee who currently resides in K-P. “These poor people have to leave all their belongings behind to not invite suspicion since household items are banned as a measure to discourage migration of refugees into the country.”

Its time now Afghanistan's all weather friend aka India should come forward voluntarily and relocate these poor people to India. A friend in need is a friend indeed. But is it?
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why not take wakhan area from afghanistan and settle these migrant there..
When i think myself in their place....it tears me apart
Iam lucky bcoz i landed in that land
Unlike Europe we Pakistanis have big hearts and have been a refugee destination since creation. We host tens of thousands of Iranian refugees who fled the turbulent times of Iranian revolution. We have Somalians , Bangladeshis, Burmese Rohingya, also Chinese came during worts of the communism and poverty years.
Then we have Millions of Afghans.
Personally despite all the terrorism related to Afghans and Afghan hate against Pakistan,i was not in favor of forcibly sending Afghans back to the hell hole called Afghanistan as despite 10 + years of American adventure its still not a stable country and wont feel welcoming to someone who has lived in a much peaceful Pakistan for many years.

why not take wakhan area from afghanistan and settle these migrant there..
that are is wild and has no infrastructure.
Why the hell can't we impose stern checkpoints on the border ? They will get our National ID cards and will commit gross crimes and volla, they will add to our notorious reputation all around the world. They will also bring along with them Polio and other sorts of viruses. Our government and their foreign policy is a joke.
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