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Afghan kills NATO soldier

they are saying good bye to their friends in an afghani way...wonder if obama realize that american funded weapons are killing america forces
guys all i have to say is RIP to those soldiers we are muslims and thus it is in our mandate that we respect our enemy and its loses no matter what even in battle you cant make fun of them. even when indian soldiers die i share my grief but i will say one more thing this event shows that afghanistan will keep on killing the nato soldiers no matter what its a never ending cycle of war and believe it or not the americans are hurting alot more then the taliban
You see the Americans are doing this all by themselves, they don't need anyone to help them.

I hope the American Retaliation won't be too savage.

Afghans KNOW who is killing and insulting them.
I guess the Afghan Army has started killing the US/NATO soldierz on their own cuz their govt. is coward and sell out.....:smokin:
Shows how uncontrollable the ANA is...pretty disturbing news
American army is trained to destroy the enemy. They have done that. This is police work.

They need to stop trying to build other nations and simply eliminate their targets and get out.

any further problems can be done via drone strikes or Seal raids
America's adventure in Afghanistan has gone horribly wrong , there is break down of trust between the arrogant US forces and their partners in afghanistan .. afghan security personnel have started turning their guns on the Americans , such type incidents only get reported when the invading soldier is killed but if the soldier is injured in such an attack then it is not reported. As more time passes , americans will get more frustrated ( and even more arrogant ) in the face of failures they are having in Afghansitan.

Either america gets out of afghanistan now or forever perish

You can say american tax money at work..Obama financed the ANA so they could fight the colation..he needs a lesson in Afghani ethics.
When the local population starts gunning you down on every street corner, its clear your 'liberation' is unwanted.
Arent the number of Pakistani soldiers killed by local Pakistani population this year much more than NATO soldiers killed by Afghans.. ? How does that fit into your theory ?

What about the number of Pakistani soldiers killed by other Pakistani soldiers in uniform? 0.

We are fighting militants going deep into the border areas for the past 10 years. Nato conducted its first manned ops, going door to door, the way we do this year.

Of course, where we found support from locals Nato had to fight the locals.
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