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Afghan forces raid Pakistani village

Afghan forces raid Pakistani village, kill 2 ‘Taliban suspects’

* Afghan forces raid house of tribal elder Sadullah in Badini area close to border

* Balochistan government informs Foreign Ministry of incident

By Mohammad Zafar

QUETTA: Afghan security forces raided a house inside Pakistan, kidnapped two suspected Taliban fighters and later shot them dead, sources said on Saturday.

The incident took place in Badini area close to the Afghan border.

“The Afghan forces raided the residence of tribal elder Sadullah Kakar and whisked away two Taliban suspects,” the sources said.

The house is located more than a kilometre inside the Pakistani territory, they said, adding that the Afghan forces violated the borders, attacked the residence of Kakar and took with them two persons – Abdullah and Muhammad Sarwar Shabozai. Residents of the area confirmed the two people had been shot dead by Afghan forces. Officials said the Afghan authorities had not returned the bodies of the slain Pakistanis. The relatives of the victims said, however, that three people had been abducted and killed by Afghan forces. The third victim, according to them, was identified as Din Muhammad.

Taking strong exception to the border violation, the Balochistan government has informed the Foreign Ministry about the incident. “We have convened an immediate meeting with the Quetta-based Afghan Consul General through the Foreign Ministry to discuss the incident that took place in Qilla Saifullah,” said Balochistan Home Secretary Nasebullah Bazai.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

:tdown: How the hell can afghani army enter Pakistani territory

This is pathetic. After U.S. raids now even afghani army that is just few years old :tdown:

Where was Pakistan forces :angry:

The Pakistani army did not expect them to trespass into Pakistan like all other incidents that happened earlier on the western border which were not expected by the Army. So they were not prepared for it as usual.
taking down this taliban is a good job be it in afgan or pak.Indian army is traning this afgan soldiers good.
Great. Now why complain when things didn't work according to plan?

...and your Generals didn't think the Americans would leave after achieving their objectives?

Whom are you trying to fool here?

It's really the fault of your PA Generals for which your country has had to pay the price. Simple.

Even today you guys are paying the price for your Generals' desire to secure some mythical 'strategic assets'.

The poison of extremism is fast spreading its roots in Pakistani society with every passing day. Thanks to some really bad planning on you Generals' part.

You guys seriously think the Americans will withdraw completely from A'stan in the coming few years, don't you?

I can only smile at the naivete on display here.

lol how stupid can some ppl be who think US will vacate a country full of natural resources and with a lot of geographical location importance, its not gonna happen in this decade atleast. the number of troops will be reduced but there won't be a complete withdrawal, afghan national army will take their places slowly as they get trained better. Afghanistan will be like colony of the US with US installed govt for many years to come.

.the war is all about capturing the limited resources, US know if it leaves Afg, then it would be very easy for china to get access to warm waters by pakistans help at Gwadar, US now creating trouble in balochistan so that the gwadar project remains in speculations, to disrupt the smooth operations in baluchistan US needs Afghanistan.
.Iran factor ?
It is even more naive to believe that Talibans will let US govern their country.
Eventually US will be made to exit a la Viet Nam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is seeking to accelerate fragile talks with the Taliban so it can announce serious peace negotiations at a NATO summit in May, officials say, in what would be a welcome bright spot in Western efforts to end the war in Afghanistan.
U.S. aims for Afghan talks breakthrough at May summit - chicagotribune.com

Negotiating with the Taliban for a power sharing agreement and for peace doesn't mean handing over Afghanistan to the Taliban to be remote controlled by PA.

'Combat' to end. Not the presence. Besides, we all know that Panetta is no astrologer. By 2013, the US elections will be over.

Read between the lines.

The Pentagon seems to be OK with it. What's the issue?

And many serving say it's well worth it. Opinion.

---------- Post added at 09:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 AM ----------

It is even more naive to believe that Talibans will let US govern their country.
Eventually US will be made to exit a la Viet Nam

Are you an astrologer by any chance, sire?

Rafi is right. Its probably an indian hiding behind American flags. Americans don't give a sh!t about afghanistan, pakistan, or india. They're all getting drunk in some bar right about now as its saturday night and its their american culture.

Polls Show More Americans Favor Withdrawal From Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

Todays Obama Poll: Americans Want Out of Afghanistan | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Afghan war isn’t worth fighting - The Washington Post

Poll Shows 64 Percent Of Americans Saying Afghan War 'Not Worth It' : The Two-Way : NPR

I understood, there are many hiding flags, we should avoid it.

Yes, American war in Afghanistan is not worthy at all. They (American people) will support drones wars in Pakistan long terms and support US government against Pakistan elements with some insurgent groups.

US public supports Obama’s drone programme: Poll – The Express Tribune

Eighty-three per cent of those asked in the Washington Post/ABC News survey said they backed Obama’s use of unmanned drone aircraft against suspected militants in the tribal belt of Pakistan. The programme has drawn the ire of the Pakistani public and some civil liberties groups who have termed the drone as illegal and its victims as being murdered extra judiciously.
And new candidate Romney (tough guy) next election is more dangerous for Pakistan.

What I point out is Pakistan don't have any hopes in future even no honest people in Pakistan government and mighty Pakistan Military. Afghan security forces won this by intruding first time, Pakistan military is enjoying their best training, best exercises, best dramas shows, and shook hands grinning with Zaid Hamid.

Our brother Rafi bhai doesn't speak truth, he keep defending himself to fool us and Pakistan in false hopes and fake smile. The proof everything shown in the public to embarrass Pakistan, we witnessed it.
Sarcasm is totally lost on me, but one using comon sense and understanding the psyche of Afghanistan and Taliban doesn't necesserely have to be an astrologer.
India is training officers, not soldiers.

You are ill-informed. India has agreed to train 25.000 officers and soldiers.

---------- Post added at 05:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 AM ----------

Sources in the Indian security establishment familiar with the contours of the detailed schedule say Kabul and New Delhi have identified three areas to focus on, namely increasing the intake of officers in India’s premier training institutes; providing specialized training to middle and higher level officers already operating in the Afghan National Army (ANA); and training soldiers in counter-insurgency and counter-terrorist operations by seconding them to various regimental centers across India.
We saw an oportunity and we took it and got rid of the sanctions. Any other country in that positions would have played along.
My point remains that the mess was created by the Americans who left after their objectives were met leaving Afghanistan behind in a Political vacuum

No.. The mess was created by Pakistan's short sightedness that made it take this disastrous course in a bid to get rid of sanctions. Pakistani Army accepted long term pain for a short term gain. You can not throw a romp party in your house to get cosy with some hot coeds and next day morning compain of the mess that party made in your house..
You are ill-informed. India has agreed to train 25.000 officers and soldiers.

---------- Post added at 05:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 AM ----------

Sources in the Indian security establishment familiar with the contours of the detailed schedule say Kabul and New Delhi have identified three areas to focus on, namely increasing the intake of officers in India’s premier training institutes; providing specialized training to middle and higher level officers already operating in the Afghan National Army (ANA); and training soldiers in counter-insurgency and counter-terrorist operations by seconding them to various regimental centers across India.

Congratulations on your insight.

Now go on and prove that it's the troops trained in India who partake in insubordination.
What I make out of your argument is that Pakistan is better than Nigeria and Ethiopia.. I will give you that.. So does that make you feel better ???

Well it certainly seems to make you feel better since you missed the whole point and only focused on comparison to Nigeria and Ethiopia!
Indian mindset never stops to amaze me.
Sir, a benchmark chosen to compare reflects the group you see your country competing in.. Whats wrong in what I said.. ?

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 AM ----------

Don't "Sir" me please, I'm only 18 years old :)

The post wasn't about Nigeria or Ethiopia but the random comparision reflected the thoughts of the member that many other countries would't have survived in same conditions as we did.

Border violation: Afghan forces kill 2 in Balochistan


Troops intrude over a mile into Pakistani territory.

QUETTA: In the brash combative style of US-led Nato forces, Afghan security forces carried out a raid – their first cross-border incursion – in a border district of Balochistan, officials said on Saturday.

“Driving in two vehicles, Afghan security personnel intruded over a mile into Pakistani territory in Qilla Saifullah district and kidnapped two Pakistani nationals before shooting them,” a senior official of the Balochistan government told The Express Tribune.

According to residents, Afghan security personnel raided the house of a tribal chieftain, Sadullah Kakar, in the Badini area, suspecting him of harbouring Taliban insurgents. They seized two men – identified as Abdullah and Muhammad Sarwar Shabozai – and whisked them away into Afghanistan. Later they shot them dead and refused to return the bodies to their relatives.

Relatives put the number of victims at three, identifying the third as Din Muhammad. However, officials could confirm only two deaths.

The Balochistan government took serious notice of this blatant violation of the Pakistani border by Afghan security forces. “We have summoned the Quetta-based Afghan consul general through the foreign ministry to protest the incident,” Home Secretary Nasebullah Bazai told The Express Tribune.

He said the provincial authorities would seek an explanation from the Afghan diplomat for the incursion into Pakistani territory by Afghan security forces. “We will also ask them to hand over the bodies and provide details of the incident,” he added.

In November 2011, Nato helicopter gunships bombed Pakistani border posts in Mohmand Agency, killing two dozen border guards and sparking fissures in Pakistan-US relations.

Afghan officials routinely blame Pakistan for its clandestine support of Taliban militants who have been fighting a deadly insurgency in Afghanistan. These accusations grew shriller in September 2011 when fingers were pointed at the Quetta Shura – the top Taliban leadership council – for plotting and executing the assassination of top Afghan peace negotiator Burhanuddin Rabbani. Islamabad denies the existence of Quetta Shura.

The frosty relations between the two countries started thawing following a US move to bypass Pakistan and Afghanistan and engage the Taliban in direct talks in the Arab Gulf state of Qatar. However, the incursion will cast a shadow over the ties between the two countries.

Interestingly, the incident happened the same day the Afghan army chief ruled out cross-border “hot pursuits” of “terrorists hiding out in their havens in Pakistan.”

In an interview with Pajhwok Afghan News, Afghan National Army Chief of General Staff Gen Sher Mohammad Karimi said that it would be illegal and against international norms to cross the border into the neighbouring country while chasing insurgents. Instead, he urged Islamabad to ensure that there were no sanctuaries for militants on its territory.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 12th, 2012.

A great victory for Afghanistan forces inside Pakistan without anything noticing from mighty 'superpower' Pakistan military! :pop:

Glad Afghans forces reached back to Afghanistan safety !
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