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Afghan forces 'kill Taliban fighters' in Sangin

They have attacked with hundreds of men which shows that the state's grip on insurgents is very weak........And fans of ANA are celebrating.
Correction, fans of Democratic Afghanistan.

It’s just a matter of time before the Taliban terrorists are defeated in Sangin, remember Kunduz.
Correction, fans of Democratic Afghanistan.

It’s just a matter of time before the Taliban terrorists are defeated in Sangin, remember Kunduz.
Doesn't matter whether they will be defeated or not. The point to ponder is that after 14 years of fighting, they still have the capability to launch large scale attacks on settled areas which is a rarity for any insurgent group. Had ANA been a capable force, it would have contained the fighting to mountains.
Ohh come on , The pakistan army has no worries as Pakistan has conducted successful operations in Waziristan and The talibans are all most finished in Pakistan , The indian army should worry alot , as there influence in Balochistan and as well as Afghanistan is finishing and why will Pakistan army have any interest in backing the Afghan taliban Peacefull Afghanistan will make help create peace in Pakistan . Indians never mind their own business :crazy:. Dont ruin the AFGAHAN _PAKISTAN relations u idiot indians , We care for the Afghan brothers , thats why we are holding million of afghan refugees , If u think Pakistan wants to destroy afghanistan and india is so good and feels for the people of afghanistan ,why dont u guys take the millions of refugees and baby sit them ,which are living in Pak for so many years .

Ohh come on , The pakistan army has no worries as Pakistan has conducted successful operations in Waziristan and The talibans are all most finished in Pakistan , The indian army should worry alot , as there influence in Balochistan and as well as Afghanistan is finishing and why will Pakistan army have any interest in backing the Afghan taliban Peacefull Afghanistan will make help create peace in Pakistan . Indians never mind their own business :crazy:. Dont ruin the AFGAHAN _PAKISTAN relations u idiot indians , We care for the Afghan brothers , thats why we are holding million of afghan refugees , If u think Pakistan wants to destroy afghanistan and india is so good and feels for the people of afghanistan ,why dont u guys take the millions of refugees and baby sit them ,which are living in Pak for so many years .

As soon as it sucks all the natural resources and oil of Afghanistan and kill a few more million Afghan civilians :(:usflag:

Curious : Why Did you reply to me three times in two posts ? :crazy: ?

Love for your Afghan Brothers : Ask yourself exactly why exactly are they refugees and not living peacefully in their own country ? Don't Ruin relation ? you guys are go gaga ever time Taliban wins. Would you have liked if Afghans cheered at TTP strikes ? baat kartay hain...!
Indian Army has nothing to worry about, lol Taliban almost finished in Pakistan ?? Where as Haqqani Network roams free ? Still caught in the good terrorist and bad terrorist dilemma? good luck.
Remember it was Afghanistan which commenced destabilisation efforts against Pakistan after Pakistani indepence. This should not be forgotten..

No problem Brother TMA:) The treacherous Afghan's after the Independence of Pakistan wanted to occupy our territories, however Abdul Qayyum Khan stopped them in there tracks. Then they tried to invade Pakistan in the 1960s, however the tribal clans of Bajaur provided a befitting response. We shall burn Kabul for another 100 years and interfere in their domestic affairs until they learn to respect Pakistan. We should always remember that the current regime in Afghanistan is a bunch of Northern Alliance thugs who have alway hated Pakistan. Therefore, its always amusing to witness the outcome how an Afghan like Brother @A-Team pins his hopes on a group which has the blood of innocent people in their hands.

Still in your dreams? even talis dont recognize the durand line.

Your such a one dimensional character:) Please bring some more creativity when you are attempting to insult someone, because harping on like a parrot makes you look like a one trick pony. Remember in Afghanistan the Haqqani Network runs the show and they are controlled by the ISI. Sirajuddin Haqqani also holds the position of second in command within the Taliban Organization, thus the threat of them invading Pakistan is virtually non-existent and they would have done something prior to the invasion of Afghanistan, when they ruled the country in 1997-2001. Even the Iranians are seen to be supporting the Taliban and with Russia they are interested to create an alliance to fight ISIS in Afghanistan. Therefore, the ground reality is in the favor of Pakistan and the opinion of Kabul means diddlysquat:)
No problem Brother TMA:) The treacherous Afghan's after the Independence of Pakistan wanted to occupy our territories, however Abdul Qayyum Khan stopped them in there tracks. Then they tried to invade Pakistan in the 1960s, however the tribal clans of Bajaur provided a befitting response. We shall burn Kabul for another 100 years and interfere in their domestic affairs until they learn to respect Pakistan. We should always remember that the current regime in Afghanistan is a bunch of Northern Alliance thugs who have alway hated Pakistan. Therefore, its always amusing to witness the outcome how an Afghan like Brother @A-Team pins his hopes on a group which has the blood of innocent people in their hands.

Your such a one dimensional character:) Please bring some more creativity when you are attempting to insult someone, because harping on like a parrot makes you look like a one trick pony. Remember in Afghanistan the Haqqani Network runs the show and they are controlled by the ISI. Sirajuddin Haqqani also holds the position of second in command within the Taliban Organization, thus the threat of them invading Pakistan is virtually non-existent and they would have done something prior to the invasion of Afghanistan, when they ruled the country in 1997-2001. Even the Iranians are seen to be supporting the Taliban and with Russia they are interested to create an alliance to fight ISIS in Afghanistan. Therefore, the ground reality is in the favor of Pakistan and the opinion of Kabul means diddlysquat:)

We have our differences but don't you think "the world Treacherous" is a bit disrespectful?

I don't think Afghanistan really wanted to hurt Pakistan as such, if it wanted it could have destroyed it while Pakistan was busy in the 1965 and 1971 wars, you leadership at the time actually appreciated that Afghanistan remained neutral. Mind you that Afghanistan had a conserierablly strong military force and imagine if it colluded with India that time, you could have paid a far heavier price. So yes we have our differences but Afghans are everything but traitors :)

BTW Afghanistan is a country with which you actually wanted to have a confederation, so things are not so blank and white.
ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA .... We pray for our allies move on and destroy those Talib dogies and der owners !

India will always be der behind u guys whenever you need a true friend / A true ally / A true brother .
We have our differences but don't you think "the world Treacherous" is a bit disrespectful?

Brother A-Team the tone of my message does sound harsh, however please provide the correct terminology on a State which has continually tried to invade Pakistan since its creation in 1947. During the 1960s your Government was politically and financially backing secessionists politicians in our country and the tribesmen of Bajaur repulsed an invasion from Afghanistan. The successive problems in Baluchistan can all be traced back to Afghanistan, because you have trained, armed, financed and housed certain groups in your country. Even then the State of Pakistan still welcomed your fellow countrymen as refugees in our country, where they were fed, clothed and provided decent stable jobs. The politicians of Kabul should not have the audacity and arrogance when trying to deal with Pakistan. You think developing a relationship with India, will stop our influence in your country and that we shall accept such a provocative posture. The Russian's and the Iranians are interested to negotiate with the Taliban to fight ISIS in Afghanistan, which means Pakistan's objectives for the last 14 years will finally become much stronger. Already the State Department of America has taken the Taliban off its lists of foreign terrorists organizations and even China has talked to the Taliban shura council which visited Beijing early 2015. However its okay Brother A-Team we will eventually shape your country to love Pakistan and you will follow our line of thinking, instead of running up to the Indians who have dreams of Akhand Bharat. Furthermore, I will never regard all Afghans as treacherous just certain politicians.

I don't think Afghanistan really wanted to hurt Pakistan as such, if it wanted it could have destroyed it while Pakistan was busy in the 1965 and 1971 wars, you leadership at the time actually appreciated that Afghanistan remained neutral. Mind you that Afghanistan had a conserierablly strong military force and imagine if it colluded with India that time, you could have paid a far heavier price. So yes we have our differences but Afghans are everything but traitors :).

Afghanistan never had the capability to destroy Pakistan, because we would have annihilated your existence from this planet. Daoud Khan and his family were assassinated by PDPA members, therefore your country was in political disarray to even conceive the idea of destroying Pakistan. You tried to invade Bajaur in the 1960s, however the local tribesmen thrashed your military and the amount of infighting occuring during the reign of Zahir Shah made it impossible to fight against Pakistan. Our country is not in the business of talking Brother A-Team since action on the ground is more important. The brave Afghan Army in which 1200 solders have died in the last three months in Helmand is doing a splendid job, although its shameful to hear that the Government could not deliver 200 coffins for burial purposes.
Since the Afghans dont recognize the durrand line, I am sure if the Afghans had the capability they wouldn't waste a second of occupying Pakistan Tribal territories.
ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA .... We pray for our allies move on and destroy those Talib dogies and der owners !

India will always be der behind u guys whenever you need a true friend / A true ally / A true brother .

Afghanistan kae liae itne prayers , kash apne country kae liae bhe itne kar lete to aaj yae haal na hota aaj India ka
I don't think Afghanistan really wanted to hurt Pakistan as such, if it wanted it could have destroyed it while Pakistan was busy in the 1965 and 1971 wars, you leadership at the time actually appreciated that Afghanistan remained neutral. Mind you that Afghanistan had a conserierablly strong military force and imagine if it colluded with India that time, you could have paid a far heavier price. So yes we have our differences but Afghans are everything but traitors :)

Afghanistan had already seen defeat in Bajaur in 1960 and faced a blockade from Pakistan under Ayub Khan which almost destroyed their economy. I doubt they'd want to go to war with Pakistan, especially with a pro-Pakistan Iran right next to them.

BTW Afghanistan is a country with which you actually wanted to have a confederation, so things are not so blank and white.

It was actually a confederation between Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan (which Afghanistan of course rejected).
Doesn't matter whether they will be defeated or not. The point to ponder is that after 14 years of fighting, they still have the capability to launch large scale attacks on settled areas which is a rarity for any insurgent group. Had ANA been a capable force, it would have contained the fighting to mountains.
You have a point, but you’re pointing finger at the wrong direction, ANA is hardly 8 to 9 years old with limited resources and a very weak Air Force, the fact is, most of their helicopters cannot even reach the mountains where the Taliban have their basis.

In my opinion, Bush (started useless Iraq war and almost ignored Afghan war), Karzai (failed to control corruption, warlords and drugs), Musharraf (played a double game), Kayani (did not remove terrorists sanctuaries from NW) and Obama (is really not interested in war on terror) are responsible for the mess.
You have a point, but you’re pointing finger at the wrong direction, ANA is hardly 8 to 9 years old with limited resources and a very weak Air Force, the fact is, most of their helicopters cannot even reach the mountains where the Taliban have their basis.

In my opinion, Bush (started useless Iraq war and almost ignored Afghan war), Karzai (failed to control corruption, warlords and drugs), Musharraf (played a double game), Kayani (did not remove terrorists sanctuaries from NW) and Obama (is really not interested in war on terror) are responsible for the mess.

Northern Alliance is the winner in this conflict
its warlords made Billions of dollars. remain immune to scrutiny or blame. have the audacity to lament at Americans and before anyone gets time to point at their dismal report, racism towards Pashtuns, rampant corporation and looting.. they put the blame at taliban and Pakistan.. job done

@Viper0011. @MastanKhan
one right a book on how to make billions from aid, have nothing to show and just continue to rant and complain against others. Northern Alliance has managed that for over a decade. their trained soldiers readily throw away weapons in a fight and normally
spend time in bullying and looting the population. their racist leaders treat the southern population like conquered populace. loathed, deprived of any hope it either joints taliban ranks or stays indifferent towards Afghan regime when it faces insurgency challenges.

but wait, are the words and actions of Northern alliance cartel of drug lords and warlords showing any panic, any concern? sorry if I missed any in the eyes of General Dostum.
Northern Alliance is the winner in this conflict
its warlords made Billions of dollars. remain immune to scrutiny or blame. have the audacity to lament at Americans and before anyone gets time to point at their dismal report, racism towards Pashtuns, rampant corporation and looting.. they put the blame at taliban and Pakistan.. job done

@Viper0011. @MastanKhan
one right a book on how to make billions from aid, have nothing to show and just continue to rant and complain against others. Northern Alliance has managed that for over a decade. their trained soldiers readily throw away weapons in a fight and normally
spend time in bullying and looting the population. their racist leaders treat the southern population like conquered populace. loathed, deprived of any hope it either joints taliban ranks or stays indifferent towards Afghan regime when it faces insurgency challenges.

but wait, are the words and actions of Northern alliance cartel of drug lords and warlords showing any panic, any concern? sorry if I missed any in the eyes of General Dostum.


That was the worst decision by the U S---to pay northern alliance outrageous amounts of money for alliance----.
Northern Alliance is the winner in this conflict
its warlords made Billions of dollars. remain immune to scrutiny or blame. have the audacity to lament at Americans and before anyone gets time to point at their dismal report, racism towards Pashtuns, rampant corporation and looting.. they put the blame at taliban and Pakistan.. job done

@Viper0011. @MastanKhan
one right a book on how to make billions from aid, have nothing to show and just continue to rant and complain against others. Northern Alliance has managed that for over a decade. their trained soldiers readily throw away weapons in a fight and normally
spend time in bullying and looting the population. their racist leaders treat the southern population like conquered populace. loathed, deprived of any hope it either joints taliban ranks or stays indifferent towards Afghan regime when it faces insurgency challenges.

but wait, are the words and actions of Northern alliance cartel of drug lords and warlords showing any panic, any concern? sorry if I missed any in the eyes of General Dostum.
Baloch Sahib, It’s high time we (Afghans and Pakistanis) stopped playing the blame game, and think out-of-the-box , “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” Einstein
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