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Featured Afghan Fighter Pilot Scared of Taliban Escapes to US

If that was the case, there was no need to shift him to US.
It would have been easier for the Americans to give him a couple of cows and a paddy field and settle him back in his native country.
Just saying you how desperately Indians worship the Green Card , Green Back and White skin.

Maybe the dude thought this is the Only way he will get all 3๐Ÿ˜ƒ
So did these people join the ANA to defend Afghanistan to the death or for citizenship to the US?

Personally I would like to see the whole of the "Afghan" National Army collapse and go home.

These khusra's in uniform have always been foreign paid wh*res and it's obvious that their oaths mean nothing and their allegiances aren't to the people of Afghanistan.

This tells you a lot about who is loyal to Afghanistan (i.e. the Taliban) and who are the traitors (i.e. the "Afghan" national government and ANA).

While the Taliban are dying to defend the nations peoples and sovereignty from a foreign occupation these pigs in the ANA and Afghan National Government were selling its people, resources and whatever else they could for a quick buck and landing papers in overseas nations.

Instead of "no man left behind" apparently all they learned was "every man for themselves"

Some excerpts from the article:

"There was more: His commanders were furious that he had been absent without leave since last fall. They had repeatedly ordered him to report for duty, but he refused.​
โ€œI worried that they would never allow me to leave because then every pilot would want to go to the U.S.,โ€ he said in lightly accented English."​
Apparently while his comrades were dying defending the country this coward was sneaking around making plans to escape to the US.
This is exactly why the American military was angry as cited later in the article:

"An American lawyer had helped the family obtain humanitarian parole โ€” a little-known authorization by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to enter the United States for a year โ€” but only after the U.S. military abruptly revoked a similar refugee application that was initially approved in October, as first reported by Stars and Stripes.​

The pilotโ€™s application last fall โ€œwas found to have not been fully vettedโ€ by the Department of Defense, leading the department to withdraw its support, Maj. Robert Lodewick, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.​
The Defense Department โ€œwould have been in the position of abetting the desertion of a serving Afghan officer as Major Asadi had not informed his chain of command of his parole application,โ€ Major Lodewick said.​
โ€œItโ€™s a pity. He did this to escape from serving his homeland,โ€ said Lt. Col. Jalaluddin Ibrahimkhel, an Afghan Air Force spokesman, adding that others were now more likely to โ€œmake excuses and escape.โ€​

So American Armed Forces aren't happy that he deserted his post like a coward and shut down a similar program they ran earlier out of fear this would happen with any and every capable soldier running for the hills trying to make their way into the US crippling the "Afghan" Armed Forces.

I agree in full.

However that will require the reformation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban not under this current establishment of drug lords and bacha bazi pedophile rapists.

I would hope our government and military establishment wakes up and partners with the Taliban to secure our borders and assists the Taliban in a gradual takeover of Afghanistan so as to not overburden the people and cause a refugee crisis.

Unfortunately, the Afghan Government and ANA are more than happy slaughtering poor Afghan civilians and creating the very chaos we're all trying to avoid:
Kunduz madrassa attack: Losing the moral high ground
The CIA's Afghan Death Squads

Afghanistan's bravest and strongest fighters joined the Taliban.

The drug addicts and pedophiles joined the ANA.

Give it 2-3 years after U.S. leaves the Taliban's will rule that country. When you have a government created by foreigners for foreigners, you can't expect the Armed Forces to be any different.

Afghan is a God damn joke as this point -- might as well merge with Pakistan to give us strategic depth like Gen. Zia planned after the war -- sadly his life was cut short.
Our army colluded with foreign powers and waged war on Afghanistan.
Bullshit - we supported them as our interest suited as well

secondly, if you are so apologetic for beghairats why don't you say when they voted in the UN for us, not to exist, when they started Pushtinistan

Why don't you say when how the Afganistan govt kicked out the Khilafat movement that went there in the 1920s

Perhaps you should read the background before being so unapologetic which is totally uncalled for
Bullshit - we supported them as our interest suited as well

secondly, if you are so apologetic for beghairats why don't you say when they voted in the UN for us, not to exist, when they started Pushtinistan

Why don't you say when how the Afganistan govt kicked out the Khilafat movement that went there in the 1920s

Perhaps you should read the background before being so unapologetic which is totally uncalled for

In a common Afghani young kid's eyes, we did. He lost his father, mother, siblings to air strikes and drone strikes which we were in collaboration with the USA. Within Pakistan and in Afghanistan the collateral damage has been huge for these air strikes. You have not lost any relatives to another country's bombing. How can you speak for them? Or tell them what to feel and what not to feel? If they hate Pakistan now, that's a by product of what we did. Either what we did was moral or immoral is another debate. Not to forget USA's leaked videos on how their soldiers used to kill Afghni common citizens "for sport". It is natural that some of this anger would be directed towards us too. We better fix it or we will suffer.

"Bullshit - we supported them as our interest suited as well" who is "we" here? Do you represent Pakistani government or army? We did not want to indulge in this war but the field was all set, ISI and Army could see that USA would attack Afghanistan anyways. They decided to get involved so that they can manage national interests better as compared to not participating and being a spectator, having no control and say over the situation - This is General Hameed Gull's view that I have written. You can go and listen to interview of General Hameed Gull on this issue. He has spoken several times about this. I don't know what you think is "bullshit"? Do you mean to say Pakistani government and army wanted to destroy Afghanistan? No we didn't.

Secondly, you can't hate every one because of their governments.

Thirdly, you can't hate every new generations if you think their ancestors didn't act favorably towards you.

Fourthly, all I am seeing is loads of senseless racism here.
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What is the point, when nation has no interest in change the future, peace and harmony. But, we have biggest example of Holy Prophet PBUM who stand against all odds and change the world. We are not close to him but there is Quaid e azam... but if not him ..then .. what else and who else and where ... a country where voice of change silent through bullet ...
In a common Afghani young kid's eyes, we did. He lost his father, mother, siblings to air strikes and drone strikes which we were in collaboration with the USA. Within Pakistan and in Afghanistan the collateral damage has been huge for these air strikes. You have not lost any relatives to another country's bombing. How can you speak for them? Or tell them what to feel and what not to feel? If they hate Pakistan now, that's a by product of what we did. Either what we did was moral or immoral is another debate. Not to forget USA's leaked videos on how their soldiers used to kill Afghni common citizens "for sport". It is natural that some of this anger would be directed towards us too. We better fix it or we will suffer.

"Bullshit - we supported them as our interest suited as well" who is "we" here? Do you represent Pakistani government or army? We did not want to indulge in this war but the field was all set, ISI and Army could see that USA would attack Afghanistan anyways. They decided to get involved so that they can manage national interests better as compared to not participating and being a spectator, having no control and say over the situation - This is General Hameed Gull's view that I have written. You can go and listen to interview of General Hameed Gull on this issue. He has spoken several times about this. I don't know what you think is "bullshit"? Do you mean to say Pakistani government and army wanted to destroy Afghanistan? No we didn't.

Secondly, you can't hate every one because of their governments.

Thirdly, you can't hate every new generations if you think their ancestors didn't act favorably towards you.

Fourthly, all I am seeing is loads of senseless racism here.
Some very valid points...but you know Pakistan is in a quagmire state at this moment (even if some believes we are not)...to improve relations with Afghanistan IMHO Pakistan would require to work with "regional powers" to stabilize and support peaceful transition and coexistence with the new form of Govt...now "winning hearts and mind" is a totally different issue altogether as you have mentioned the scars of losing your loved ones are seldom healed quickly in-fact every passing day becomes a burden IF you do not get answers to questions like "Will we ever get justice...?"...

Would love to know what your thought process is on how Pakistan tailor its strategy to make this Af-Pak region stable for the future generations to come?
I could't read the article why did it draw ire internally from the US military?

The reason is when we were training these guys on advanced weapons systems, we needed guys with basic engineering knowledge.

The handful of recruits available were from non traditional recruiting areas, this was during the bama years for capability building.

The only guys capable of doing this needed reassurance for their services, which was provided.

Now they are being left hung out to dry, and questions are being asked why these folks who supported the effort need to pay the price.

This is not acceptable.
An excuse to get the US citizenship. He wears the uniform of his country and would be under Talib government command if they came to power just as he is under northern alliance government. Talibs have no reason to hunt down every Afghan soldier.
Some very valid points...but you know Pakistan is in a quagmire state at this moment (even if some believes we are not)...to improve relations with Afghanistan IMHO Pakistan would require to work with "regional powers" to stabilize and support peaceful transition and coexistence with the new form of Govt...now "winning hearts and mind" is a totally different issue altogether as you have mentioned the scars of losing your loved ones are seldom healed quickly in-fact every passing day becomes a burden IF you do not get answers to questions like "Will we ever get justice...?"...

Would love to know what your thought process is on how Pakistan tailor its strategy to make this Af-Pak region stable for the future generations to come?

Pakistan is full of traitors in every field and Pakistan is full of confused, angry, directionless youth. And so is Afghanistan, they will be much worse than us since they're coming out of such a severe, continuous war. In fact, every country USA went to establish its "democracy" became a hell pot of civil war and ongoing violence! Same would possibly happen to Afghanistan. 5th gen warfare feeds on chaos, anger, young boiling blood and desire for revenge. The more senseless angry youth, the better it is for 5th Gen motives. The people on this forum who are busy spewing hate, making racist comments, favoring waging war against Afghanistan or calling for bombing Afghanistan etc. are the same Pakistani youth who have seen chaos around them most of their lives or all of their youth. They are a product of 5th gen war and chaos within Pakistan in the past 2 decades, they have lost culture and civilization. They are the same volatile, senselessly angry people that are a liability for us at the moment. Such people will be many times more in Afghanistan! Some posts on this thread can be used by RAW in future to show Afghni youth and recruit them against Pakistan in future! They are so toxic and blunderous! These guys don't even know! Easy brain wash material.

In my view USA would love the chaos to continue as they leave. An unstable Pakistan is in USA's interest. If CPEC is screwed, China stays away from becoming a super power. USA, Israel and India all will be happy. Asian economy and middle eastern economy will always be limited, good for them, bad for rest of the world. If Taliban come to power and establish government in Afghanistan. USA, India and Mosad will fund and create another group of Talibans or bring ISIS here that will cause terrorism in Pakistan. Pakistan is not safe despite its war against terror and its current relatively peaceful time, spend enough money and terrorism can be restarted at any time! In short, whatever we do or say we have to be very careful! We are again on a cross roads of time where idiocity would come and haunt us later for several decades. Once USA is out, Afghanistan would be a bigger battle field for intelligence agencies. Senseless aggression, anger & hate would just mean that there will be plenty of Jihadis recruitable from both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

First step to solution is not to fan any fires. Don't let publics hate each other. Hate doesn't bring any good whatsoever. Don't let anger get the better of you. Our masses should know that. Second step is economic support & uplifting of Afghanistan. Afghanistan has been getting so much of US Aid that their currency is currently stronger than Pakistani rupee despite them having no local industry or production whatsoever. Once that support is cut off what would happen? There will be millions of angry youth ready to fight and die for some little amount again! Easy recruits for 5th gen war against Pakistan. Inflicting hate in their hearts against Pakistanis and Pak Army would be v. easy. We will have to positively engage these people.

If we start making statements like gan*u afghnis? Then you can imagine how this adds to an already volatile situation. And for those who think that Pak Army can just bomb and get rid of the problem? Then even Americans couldn't do that! If there are cross boarder skirmishes between Afghanistan and Pakistan, still India will gain out of it! Now Pak Army will be busy on 2 fronts. Hence, supporting elected government(new election) and establishing peace is the only way out for Pakistan's peace and progress. Educate Afghanis, ensure peace in the region, help them boost their exports, let their youth have jobs. Right now the only job available is becoming a paid jihadi. We have to change this cycle.
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Pakistan is full of traitors in every field and Pakistan is full of confused, angry, directionless youth. And so is Afghanistan, they will be much worse than us since they're coming out of such a severe, continuous war. In fact, every country USA went to establish its "democracy" became a hell pot of civil war and ongoing violence! Same would possibly happen to Afghanistan. 5th gen warfare feeds on chaos, anger, young boiling blood and desire for revenge. The more senseless angry youth, the better it is for 5th Gen motives. The people on this forum who are busy spewing hate, making racist comments, favoring waging war against Afghanistan or calling for bombing Afghanistan etc. are the same Pakistani youth who have seen chaos around them most of their lives or all of their youth. They are a product of 5th gen war and chaos within Pakistan in the past 2 decades, they have lost culture and civilization. They are the same volatile, senselessly angry people that are a liability for us at the moment. Such people will be many times more in Afghanistan! Some posts on this thread can be used by RAW in future to show Afghni youth and recruit them against Pakistan in future! They are so toxic and blunderous! These guys don't even know! Easy brain wash material.

In my view USA would love the chaos to continue as they leave. An unstable Pakistan is in USA's interest. If CPEC is screwed, China stays away from becoming a super power. USA, Israel and India all will be happy. Asian economy and middle eastern economy will always be limited, good for them, bad for rest of the world. If Taliban come to power and establish government in Afghanistan. USA, India and Mosad will fund and create another group of Talibans or bring ISIS here that will cause terrorism in Pakistan. Pakistan is not safe despite its war against terror and its current relatively peaceful time, spend enough money and terrorism can be restarted at any time! In short, whatever we do or say we have to be very careful! We are again on a cross roads of time where idiocity would come and haunt us later for several decades. Once USA is out, Afghanistan would be a bigger battle field for intelligence agencies. Senseless aggression, anger & hate would just mean that there will be plenty of Jihadis recruitable from both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

First step to solution is not to fan any fires. Don't let publics hate each other. Hate doesn't bring any good whatsoever. Don't let anger get the better of you. Our masses should know that. Second step is economic support & uplifting of Afghanistan. Afghanistan has been getting so much of US Aid that their currency is currently stronger than Pakistani rupee despite them having no local industry or production whatsoever. Once that support is cut off what would happen? There will be millions of angry youth ready to fight and die for some little amount again! Easy recruits for 5th gen war against Pakistan. Inflicting hate in their hearts against Pakistanis and Pak Army would be v. easy. We will have to positively engage these people.

If we start making statements like gan*u afghnis? Then you can imagine how this adds to an already volatile situation. And for those who think that Pak Army can just bomb and get rid of the problem? Then even Americans couldn't do that! If there are cross boarder skirmishes between Afghanistan and Pakistan, still India will gain out of it! Now Pak Army will be busy on 2 fronts. Hence, supporting elected government(new election) and establishing peace is the only way out for Pakistan's peace and progress. Educate Afghanis, ensure peace in the region, help them boost their exports, let their youth have jobs. Right now the only job available is becoming a paid jihadi. We have to change this cycle.

Again some very good and sensible points you have made which should NOT be neglected. I would also add that Pakistan is in the limelight w.r.t how it deals with the "tremendous pressure" it has from US on providing assistance in "aerial attacks" in Afghanistan...Taliban and some other "non state" actors within Afghanistan are closely watching Pakistan and IF they find out that any relaxation is given to their occupiers than the same (God forbid) chaos will be created which we have seen in the past...

There are some developments where China is repeatedly reminding Pakistan that this is the time to be very careful as Pakistan will be given incentives and you will find the world suddenly start giving you accolades on your achievements is really "by design" to trap you in tweaking you decisions w.r.t Afghanistan. IF China expands its "belt and road" project in Afghanistan and bring forth projects of developing the worn torn Country then things will start to change.

Peace and stability in Afghanistan is imperative to peace and stability in the region.
it gives us no right to say things like that. Some of those people are angry and their anger is natural & understandable
In a common Afghani young kid's eyes, we did. He lost his father, mother, siblings to air strikes and drone strikes which we were in collaboration with the USA. Within Pakistan and in Afghanistan the collateral damage has been huge for these air strikes. You have not lost any relatives to another country's bombing. How can you speak for them? Or tell them what to feel and what not to feel? If they hate Pakistan now, that's a by product of what we did. Either what we did was moral or immoral is another debate. Not to forget USA's leaked videos on how their soldiers used to kill Afghni common citizens "for sport". It is natural that some of this anger would be directed towards us too. We better fix it or we will suffer.

"Bullshit - we supported them as our interest suited as well" who is "we" here? Do you represent Pakistani government or army? We did not want to indulge in this war but the field was all set, ISI and Army could see that USA would attack Afghanistan anyways. They decided to get involved so that they can manage national interests better as compared to not participating and being a spectator, having no control and say over the situation - This is General Hameed Gull's view that I have written. You can go and listen to interview of General Hameed Gull on this issue. He has spoken several times about this. I don't know what you think is "bullshit"? Do you mean to say Pakistani government and army wanted to destroy Afghanistan? No we didn't.

Secondly, you can't hate every one because of their governments.

Thirdly, you can't hate every new generations if you think their ancestors didn't act favorably towards you.

Fourthly, all I am seeing is loads of senseless racism here.
You can keep the the apologetic attitude for yourself - but if common Beghairat is so ungrateful that we fed and clothed him - when he uses Pakistani passport to gain refugee status in Western countries and then bad mouth Pakistan.

By we I mean Pakistan - the state of Pakistan - I totally and wholeheartedly support Pakistan's stance.

You're implying that we destroyed their country - whereas we protected and trained them against the reds back in 80s and against the blue in early 2001.

You can keep denying what they did to our previous generation that doesn't change reality one bit - if it were not for us no Kunduz airlift would have happened and aFaghan resistance would have evaporated in thin air- if common afghani cant see this- thats because he has no TV in his house thats because his country is backward and his people ungrateful - nothing to do with racism or anything -

we have lost thousand because of war in Afghan - we have had this Kalashnikov culture introduced to Pakistan because of then, they can keep jerking over durand line but the fact remains when youre ungrateful to those who asissted you then nature itself abandons you

so you may owe personally something to Aghanis - but we dont owe them anything.
Fourthly, all I am seeing is loads of senseless racism here.
perhaps you need to see a good eye doctor then

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