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Afghan envoy's daughter not abducted, it is an 'international racket' led by RAW: Sheikh Rashid


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Afghan envoy's daughter not abducted, it is an 'international racket' led by RAW: Sheikh Rashid

Dawn.comPublished July 18, 2021 - Updated about 2 hours ago
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Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid addresses a press conference in Islamabad. — DawnNewsTv

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid addresses a press conference in Islamabad. — DawnNewsTv

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid on Sunday denied the abduction of the daughter of Afghanistan's ambassador to Pakistan in Islamabad, saying it was an "international racket" led by Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) to defame Pakistan.

Ambassador Najibullah Alikhil’s daughter, Silsila Alikhil, was allegedly kidnapped on Friday from the federal capital’s commercial hub by unidentified persons, who also subjected her to torture.
She was returning home in the afternoon in a taxi after visiting a bakery in Islamabad's Blue Area when the driver picked up another man, who verbally abused and assaulted her. She was later dropped in an unconscious condition by the taxi driver on a roadside.
Speaking on Geo News programme Naya Pakistan, Rashid said the investigation carried out so far had not shown that the woman was abducted.

"There has been no kidnapping," he said. "I want to tell the entire nation, this is an international racket, an international conspiracy, this is the agenda of RAW," he added, saying the Indian intelligence agency had propagated the impression of her abduction across the world.
Rashid said the woman hired a taxi at Khadda Market, “then she heads to Daman-i-Koh in a second cab, and subsequently hires a third taxi from F-9 park, but she is refusing to accept that she visited Rawalpindi”.

He added that Silsila also used internet after reaching Daman-i-Koh.
“There is just one patch left in our investigation. We have found three taxis involved in the incident. The woman reached Daman-i-Koh from Rawalpindi but skipped stopping midway at her residence. We are just trying to find another footage of her movement from Rawalpindi,” he added.

The minister said this was the first incident of its kind in Pakistan. “Everything will be clear the moment we discover the fourth footage,” he added.
Rashid said the ambassador's daughter gave her mobile phone to authorities after erasing all records, but the government was extending all-out cooperation to her. “But some people are doing propaganda on directions of Indian agency RAW,” he added.

Taxi drivers questioned
Earlier in the day, Rashid said that the taxi drivers who drove the daughter of the Afghan ambassador before her alleged brief abduction have been interrogated and a first information report has been registered.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, the interior minister said: "I want to inform the international media that the police is investigating the report of the Afghan ambassador's daughter issue ... and we have registered a case on her request under [sections] 34 (common intent), 365 (kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine person), 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) and 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation) of the PPC (Pakistan Penal Code)."

He said the interviews of the trio of taxi drivers whose cars the ambassador's daughter had sat in have been recorded. Rashid said the first driver had driven the envoy's daughter to Khadda Market, a second had then driven her to Rawalpindi, and a third had driven her from Daman-i-Koh.

The interior minister said that footage of her trip from Rawalpindi to Daman-i-Koh was missing and the matter was under investigation. He said the "riddle" would be solved by the evening and all aspects of the case would be unearthed.
Rashid said the Afghan embassy was also in touch and cooperating in the investigation, which he said would be completed "maybe tomorrow or the day after ".

He said the Islamabad police, investigation agencies and the Foreign Office were working on the case, adding that it was their "top priority" as per the prime minister's directives to solve the case and arrest the culprits as soon as possible.

'China only asked for similarity of stance'
Regarding the investigation in the Dasu bus tragedy, which on Wednesday took the lives of 13 people, including nine Chinese, Rashid said the Ministry of Interior was hosting the 15 Chinese officials, who visited Dasu yesterday (July 17) and were added to the joint investigation team.

"They (the Chinese) just said one thing that our stance and yours should be the same because Pakistan and China's friendship is inexhaustible and taller than the Himalayas," the interior minister said.
He also said that despite contrary reports, work at the Dasu hydropower project was continuing, will continue and no hindrances will be allowed in the way of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor projects.

"The Chinese government fully thinks that we are fulfilling our responsibility more than our capability and has thanked us for [work by] Pakistan's agencies, investigation and hospitality of the interior ministry."
Adding India to the mix makes Afgnistan more complicated for Pakistan. If we look deep into the history of this region we see that it has always been under threat from the west, in contrast to the east.
Western borders for this region have always existed, despite eastern issues occurring after 1947
There has been big tussle between two superpowers in this endgame of Afghanistan, and Pakistan has again been severely pressured by the disinformation campaign against it. We are seeing new chessboards in this game of who will triumph.
With this indirect attack on China, pakistan's sources in dis information warfare are less deemed credible as compared to the adversaries' campaign against us.
During this disinformation campaign, I see our government officials narrative as completely bogus and setting foundations for Indian narratives in the future.
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I thought our authorities could read her internet traffic.. it should have been clear by now. Or are we purposefully saving her "izzat" by staying silent on her activity.
What skeletons was she hiding in her phone that she had to erase the phone content before giving it to authorities.
Looks like this 5th gen war against Pak is being waged at full throttle! Some positives for Pak:
  • The Taliban is the principal stakeholder in Afganistan. The UK is ready to accept them. The rest are garbage cases.
  • The Taliban is systematically destroying ANA if they dare to fight.
  • The most critical bordering areas in Afganistan have been liberated.
  • The successful connectivity meeting in Tashkent has resulted in putting Pak at the center. IK has put India in her place.
  • China looks serious to avenge the death of her construction workers in Pak.
  • This Ambassador's daughter drama has ended in a ridiculous fiasco with the removal of these proxy terrorist diplomats.
  • Even the USA is making another QUAD with Uzbekistan, Afganistan and Pak.
  • Turkey has also stated they won't operate the airport without the consent from the Taliban.
  • Etc.
Calling it as 'international racket' makes our arguement weak. Now no one gives a shit to this. Better said that the girl was never abducted and Afghan embassy knows about it. They need to answer it since as per the video photages she was buying time in Islamabad hills and market all alone. Labeling it as an international conspiracy is laughable. Bring proofs in media, end of story. Let them go, they were not welcome either.
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she was on date and things went wrong

Afghanistan Recalls Diplomats From Pakistan Over Kidnapping of Envoy's Daughter
By Ayaz Gul
Updated July 18, 2021 05:17 PM

Silsila Alikhil is seen an undated photo posted by her father, Ambassador Najibullah Alikhil, on his Twitter (@NajibAlikhil).
Silsila Alikhil is seen an undated photo posted by her father, Ambassador Najibullah Alikhil, on his Twitter (@NajibAlikhil).

ISLAMABAD - Afghanistan said Sunday it has asked all of its diplomats in Pakistan to return to Kabul until Islamabad addresses “all security risks” to them and brings to justice those behind last week’s brief abduction of the Afghan ambassador’s daughter.

The announcement came a day after the Afghan government said Silsila Alikhil, daughter of Afghan envoy Najibullah Alikhil, was taken hostage for several hours and “severely tortured” by unknown assailants in the Pakistani capital on Friday afternoon before being set free.

Islamabad said a high-level through investigation was launched into the “disturbing incident” immediately after the Afghan embassy reported to the Pakistani foreign ministry that Alikhil was “assaulted while riding a rented vehicle.”

A hospital medical report confirmed that Alikhil was physically assaulted.

“An Afghan delegation will visit Pakistan soon to assess and follow up on the (kidnapping) case and all related issues; subsequent actions will follow based on the findings,” the Afghan foreign ministry said Sunday.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack that has dealt a fresh blow to the fragile relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan that is marred by suspicion and acrimony.
Afghanistan's Ambassador to Pakistan Najibullah Alikhil is seen in an undated photo on his Twitter (@NajibAlikhil).
Afghanistan's Ambassador to Pakistan Najibullah Alikhil is seen in an undated photo from his Twitter (@NajibAlikhil).
The Pakistani Foreign Ministry, responding to Kabul’s recalling of its diplomats, described it as “unfortunate and regrettable.” The ministry said in a statement it hoped the Afghan government would reconsider the decision.

“The reported abduction and assault of ambassador’s daughter in Islamabad is being investigated and followed-up at the highest level on the instructions of the prime minister (Imran Khan),” it said.

Pakistani officials said security for the Afghan ambassador, his family and personnel of other diplomatic missions of Afghanistan in the country has been further tightened.

Bilateral diplomatic tensions have deteriorated in the wake of stepped-up attacks by Taliban insurgents against Afghan government forces amid the drawdown of U.S.-led foreign forces from Afghanistan.

Kabul routinely accuses Islamabad of allowing the Taliban to use Pakistani soil for directing attacks on the Afghan side of the long border between the two countries.

Pakistan accuses authorities in Afghanistan of sheltering fugitive militants and allowing them to plot cross-border terrorist attacks.

Analysts said the rising diplomatic bilateral tensions do not bode well for peace efforts in Afghanistan.

The Taliban condemned the kidnapping, urging Pakistan to arrest and punish the perpetrators, the group’s spokesman Mohammad Naeem said via Twitter.

Pakistan is considered a key player in the Afghan peace process and has been acknowledged by the United States for helping bring the Taliban to the negotiating table for talks with Kabul’s representatives, though the process has failed to make any headway.

“Close Afghanistan-Pakistan collaboration is of utmost importance at this time of peace talks,” said Torek Farhadi, a former Afghan government adviser.

“Pakistan has promised to get to the bottom of this unfortunate affair within 48 hours. President [Ashraf] Ghani could have waited a few days and take such a decision in consultation with Afghan Parliament,” Farhadi said.

It could be NDS. If foreign agents can roam the capitol with such impunity then what chance does the rest of Pakistan have?
Seems like Afghans want to hush it up:-

Wisal Muhammad Khan


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Certain things must be kept confidential. Its for sure a personal activity of 26 years Silsila Alikhel, who returned recently from USA. The drama of kidnapping already busted. The honourable Ambassador now knows reality. So we better stop spilling further….

3:55 PM · Jul 18, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


ور پاکس


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they summoned their diplomats backs and it has become an international issue, either Ambassador has to come forward or our LEAs have to tell the world what really happened

A very interesting development and I'm surprised that the matter was caught onto so quickly. I'm even more pleasantly surprised that we actually decided to make it public.

Calling it as 'international racket' makes our arguement weak. Now no one gives a shit to this. Better said that the girl was never abducted and Afghan embassy knows about it. They need to answer it since as per the video photages she was buying time in Islamabad hills and market all alone. Labeling it as an international conspiracy is laughable. Bring proofs in media, end of story. Let them go, they were not welcome either.

Yeah that international racket terminology is Shiekh Rasheed's own choice imho. It's the same when used Typhoon instead of tycoon. Normally it's just a quirk, but I do think Sheikh saheb should be more careful in his choice of words when talking about such matters of international relations.

Shiekh saheb likes to sprinkle some English in his conversation, and I think it's so ingrained that he can't help it.

International racket gives it a different meaning then what seems to be intended here.

I do hope the situation is made clear soon once the investigation is done. I also hope they actually get a senior and eloquent person to give out the details in a calculated way for maximum impact.
They have found her footage in a Rwp mall but can't agencies track which communication tower was near her location during her stay in Rawalpindi, and trace it forward towards Daman-e-Koh? Its probable they may catch her in a CCTV entering Islamabad.

Nope, p*rn.
Well everything happens for good, and these afghan so called goons aka diplomat had to leave pAkistan in the name of security( in fact in the name of saving their asses). They will be replaced by the talibans reps anyway, so cares about these hashish traders.

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