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Afghan Ambassador takes to social media rather than diplomacy. Closed borders is hurting so much.

http://bolobhi.org/ :o::o:

The biggest reason behind Biometric is the current security situation, but keeping DNA is just absolutely unnecessary because you never know when or if the gov becomes benign but using DNA as last resort........well I wouldn't want the wrath of bolo-bhi :woot:

Hey don't mock Bolo-Bhi they have plenty of clout you know. At least among the people who like to paint Pakistan in a negative light.
What purpose would that serve?
they financing terror in Baluchistan and they against Cepec which Pakistan's survival and don't you think this enough reason we should recognized our enemy and don't forget KULBHUSHAN YADEV
Afghan Ambassador Omar Zakhilwal on Saturday said Pakistan does not have a justification for the continued closure of crossing points on the Pak-Afghan border, and that his country might send in chartered flights to airlift stranded Afghans in case the border is not reopened soon.

In a message posted to his Facebook page, Zakhilwal said he had talked with Pakistan's de facto foreign minister, Sartaj Aziz, to convey that if an opening was not allowed for the return of stranded Afghans within two days, he would ask his government to send chartered flights to lift them.

“This, however, would reflect very poorly [for Pakistan],” he added.

Zakhilwal said the argument presented by Pakistan — that the border closure is intended to stop terrorists from crossing over — does not carry any weight, as “these points such as Torkham and Spin Boldak have been manned by hundreds of military and other security personnel” and have all the necessary equipment and infrastructure in place to prevent such a possibility.

“Continuous unreasonable closure of legal Pak-Afghan trade and transit routes cannot have any other explanation except to be aimed at hurting the common Afghan people,” the envoy said in his social media post, apparently in breach of diplomatic protocol.

Editorial: Torkham hostilities

The envoy emphasised that the closure of crossing points hurts bilateral trade between the two countries, with Pakistan losing more as a result of the closures.

“Pakistan's declining export share in Afghanistan is indicative of that,” Zakhilwal said.

He also said the closure is in direct contradiction to the theme, objectives and messages of the recently-held Economic Cooperation Organisation summit in Islamabad.

Afghanistan’s top envoy said he had raised the issue of at least 25,000 Afghan nationals who had been unable to return to their country due to the closure, and have not been able to return despite repeated assurances in the past few weeks.

He elaborated that he had been given assurances that a partial opening of border crossings will be allowed to facilitate his countrymen, who he claimed had come to Pakistan either for medical treatment or personal visits.

The government had decided to seal the Torkham border crossing for an indefinite period on February 16, in the aftermath of a suicide attack at the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar which killed 90.

The border was ordered closed for all kinds of communication due to 'security concerns'.
Lolzz he was always a pathetic loud mouth. Waiting for him to come up with a dramatic statement like " if Pakistan does not open the border, I will reveal a secret of the Durand line that will shock Pakistan". He said exactly that when we were building the gate torkham and the result was, he couldn't do squat, failed miserably, looked like a complete fool and the gate was built.

The fact is that his govt openly supports terrorism in Pakistan and at the same time bitches about how terrorists jump the border yet cry when we create controls. Hypocritic back stabbers.
Alot of corrupt people from Pakistani side also profit from border being open.

Some officers in security forces, politicians, local warlords/influentials are complicit in drugs and goods smuggling

Must watch out for those snakes too, who will try to open border prematurely
his country might send in chartered flights to airlift stranded Afghans in case the border is not reopened soon
would Afghanistan arrange charter flight for all of the Afghan residing in Pakistan ....
he would ask his government to send chartered flights to lift them.
so he posted a message without even asking from his government .... enough for his own credibility ....

I voted for Imran Khan and used to agree w/ PTI, but Imran Khan in recent time has shown how ch*ti** he is and should never be allowed to takeover civilian leadership. He works on advisers does'nt have a brain. Leadership is someone who speaks the truth to its populace. This is pathetic the civilian leadership, one fat ***** Panama Sharif stays quiet and does'nt utter the word kulbushan jadhav RAW hindu terrorism indian involvement to keep americans and indians happy. The other shoots off his stupidity with his loud mouth for political expediency. The walkout from assembly when PAkistan ally & brother Pres. Erdogan came into speak was to make shia librals in his party happy happy who believe Turkey is supporting sunni groups in Syria [is against Iran], then when he foolishly warned against PSL final in PAkistan to satisfy advisers as well as himself as blow to PML-N over national interest. Imran Khan pro-indian crap to earfn money in indi promoting indian cricketers on Pakistan's expense. Then these stupid tweets to satisfy his emotional pakhtun selfish jerks electorate trying to shield afghanis. His meeting with this Afghan enemy ambassador Zakhilwal made me cringe. Then came another stupid tweet the guy follows advises and does'nt have a brain.
try whatever you want but where we are right now is because of your daddy nawaz sharif
and he will get punished insha Allah
would Afghanistan arrange charter flight for all of the Afghan residing in Pakistan ....

so he posted a message without even asking from his government .... enough for his own credibility ....
Pakistani politicians number of time admitted a huge disconnect between Afghan President and people of lower ranks. They don't listen there elected President, specially MOD and intelligence chief.
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Atleast open the borders for common people who are stuck

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