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Afghan airmen to be trained by Pakistan Private Defense Contractors

I hope this sets a good precedent. But there is alot of opposition in Afghanistan against Pakistani involvement. How could Pakistani air force refuse the offer when General's Kyani himself made the proposal to the Afghan govt and later even divuldged it through the media. Didn't Pakistan make the proposal, remeber any one? Traning the Afghanistan army, in which a small number was to be dispatched to Pakistan - certainly didn't go well and created political storms in Afghanistan. Why would the Pakistani air force refuse such an offer?
May be there is a reason after all for this "private" company to train Afghan airmen.

I don't think Afghans should have any problem with Pakistan in coopertating in any area - but trusting Pakistan the difficult part, and more so as it attempts to intervene and subvert our stability.. and it is till going on. Ok, lets be positive.
How can you expect us to now to train and contain no hate when your Karzai keeps talking BS......

Love should come from Both sides.....If your President keeps BSting.....Such trust deficit will only increase.....
How can you expect us to now to train and contain no hate when your Karzai keeps talking BS......

Love should come from Both sides.....If your President keeps BSting.....Such trust deficit will only increase.....

you guys are no any saint either, have a look at yourself first to see what was your share for this trust deficit and hostility.
you guys are no any saint either, have a look at yourself first to see what was your share for this trust deficit and hostility.
I never said we are saint.......

Problem exist....But when a democratically selected president (BY THE US) will show his immature and unprofessional behavior...Things will go only worse.....In last few years more than enough is done from our side to reduce trust deficit. We even invited your President in our Presidents oath taking ceremony, Gave him huge respect. And what he did when he went back we all know....

We keep giving you respect and your Official start thinking they are some bigshots......Sorry then you are not worth the respect.
We even invited your President in our Presidents oath taking ceremony, Gave him huge respect. And what he did when he went back we all know....

We keep giving you respect and your Official start thinking they are some bigshots......Sorry then you are not worth the respect.

Thanks for the inviting, but he is not a kid to be happy for seeing a chocolate.
We even invited your President in our Presidents oath taking ceremony, Gave him huge respect.

Karzai came to celebrate the resignation of Musharraf with whom he had bad relations. Nobody invited him he got himself invited and just came to gloat. It is like going to bury your enemy.
I like Ahmed because he is a responsible Afghan, he sees the future of Afghanistan in accepting the mistakes made in the past and working to avoid making such mistakes in the future. Other Afghans on the other hand have a mentality similar to 60% of the Pakistani public and that is to blame the most conveniently placed party which in the Afghan's case is Pakistan and in our case is the US and act like we had no part to play in the stagnation of our country. Helping train Afghanistan's fighting arms will benefit us in many ways:
1) Interaction will help break the stereotype image of an evil nation that most Afghans carry.
2) They will feel at ease and realise we are not that different to them.
3) It will help us to reach the hearts and minds of the greater Afghan public, improving our image.
4) It's better that we train them rather than India doing the same, since it qualifies as a serious risk.
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