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Aeronautics won a tender in India worth more than $ 200 million


Jul 10, 2017
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Aeronautics won a tender in India worth more than $ 200 million At the beginning of the year, Aeronautics, under the leadership of Moshe Elazar, won a tender from the Ministry of Defense for hundreds of millions of shekels; in 2019, Aeronautics was acquired by Rafael and businessman Avichai Stolro, for about a billion shekels. Golan Hazani 18:30, 24.09.21 Tags: Moshe Elazar Raphael Avichai Stolro Aeronautics The Government of India announced today that it has selected Aeronautics as the winner of an international tender to renew the Indian Navy's Maltese array. For Aeronautics this is a significant achievement of entering operations in a major country in the defense industries. Read more in Calcalist: The insurance certificate that Stolro received from Raphael for the purchase of Aeronautics Aeronautics will move to intelligence for a silent compound with mega light Aeronautics acquires Magal's projects division for $ 35 million The tender, valued at over $ 200 million, is intended to renew the Indian Navy's air force array, and the Maltese are required to have special capabilities in relation to activities in a marine environment and takeoff and landing on marine vessels. Moshe Elazar, CEO of Aeronautics Moshe Elazar CEO of Aeronautics (Photo: Amit Shaal) Aeronautics, managed by Moshe Elazar, will supply the Indian Navy with Orbiter 4 aircraft with electro-optical systems made by Controp,
which is a jointly owned company of Aeronautics and Raphael, and manufactures electro-optical systems for day and night use and in difficult visibility conditions. About two years ago (2019), Aeronautics was acquired by Rafael and businessman Avichai Stolero, for about NIS 1 billion, and the win in India is a continuation of the Ministry of Defense's tender for hundreds of millions of shekels earlier this year, and another East Asian win of a similar amount. In 2019, the Aeronautics share was delisted from the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. About six months ago, Aeronautics (which operates in the field of medium and small unmanned aerial vehicles) acquired Magal, a company engaged in the field of homeland defense (HLS), for $ 35 million, as part of expanding its activities to other fields. Calcalist has learned that contacts are currently being made to acquire additional companies. In conjunction with the profit line In light of the increase in activity, Aeronautics is currently establishing a campus in Modiin with an area of more than 40,000 square meters, where the company will move in the next two years, in addition to a plant of about 15,000 square meters that includes the runway inaugurated this year in Arizona. In the production of hardened assemblies for military use. The CEO of Aeronautics since its acquisition by Rafael Vestolero is Moshe Elazar, a Colonel (Res.) In the Navy who served in senior positions at Rafael until his appointment at Aeronautics. Yoav Haravan serves as chairman.
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