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Advice to a younger you


Jul 31, 2009
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If you could send one piece of advice back to yourself ten or twenty years ago, what would it be?

Let's avoid obvious crap like lottery numbes, stock quotes, etc. I am talking about life philosophy type of advice.

Mine would be: appreciate your parents as individuals and the sacrifices they are making on your behalf.
ohhhhhh dont remember me
i advise dont leave pakistan and compleate your education imran.
Go talk to her before its too late..... apni parhai ki taraf dehan dey.. phutay na mara kar college sey .... Ali(Pak Nationalist).
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take care and respect your parents b4 it's too late,bcoz u r going to be parent at some day or u are already
Sada naa baghi bulbil bolay
sada naa bagh baharan
sada na maa-pay husn jawani
sada na sohbat yaran

So if you have your parents, take care of them as much as possible... Nothing is better than your parents and there is no short-cut to get Jannah cheaply than pleasing your parents and taking dua of them

If your parents are happy - your future, your hereafter and your everything will be like heaven
Take some time for urself as well. Think about things , pause a bit after a while.
Talent is simply not enough. Couple it with hard work and you can do wonders.
My school days were very violent, drugs/s3x/parties. Never respected my Teachers.

This resulted in 2yrs gap due to my dick behaviour.

I got completely changed after fight in cinema, reborn. Now people call me saad (saint).

I dont regret though, It was quite an experience. Its part of my life journey and I respect it and I dont blame others for unfortunate things in my life.

Take out the al qaeda on the slopes of tora bora on your side----better than that---strike at the residence of bin Laden in kandhahar before the invasion----execute them all---take them out.

Move back into iraq before the deadline arrived in 1991-----.
Always try to think outside the box, don't just do what other do try to be unique and do different in life.
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