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Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft [AMCA] Development | Updates & Discussions.

They are still thinking Kaveri? That alone will kill the project. :-( Run the two separately at least, with a backup plan for the engine.

Kaveri has exceeded the designed dry thrust. 51+ KN against designed 50 Kn. The problem is wet thrust. If we are able to develop a better metallurgy, we can certainly go for high compression ratio and high temperature parts operating 50 to 100 * centigrade higher and at a better pressure which will solve the problem. We should ensure that we continue to pursue the project and do not live it in between. We have to realize the engine. We can ask the Russia to provide the metallurgy of engine used in Sukhoi. we can use same mettle in K 10 to reach at 90 KN engine which we may use in AMCA also.

We are going to build F414 out of mettle provided by US. If the project is managed in a better way, We can have a very good working wngine by the end of current decade.
kaveri or domestic engine is a must

even for our own UAVs

nobody will give them as it falls under some MTCR like control regimes so even for

UACVs and UAV;s we will require domestic aero engines
hari is optimistic as ever :p:
i think 5 years from first prototype

5 years from 1st prototype


it wont take so much time 'coz
all basic systems are tested on mk1

all integration of weapons are carried out and issues ironed out in mk1

all tests points and redundant test points known in testing mk1


design is finalised for mk2

so from the word go - shouldnt take more that 3 years for prototypes + this time they will go for more prototypes for simultaneous testing and variations
hari is optimistic as ever

Yes may be.

We have seen a highly compressed time frame being attained in missile development which we witnessed in the case of A4, A5, Prahar etc. Since we have fair degree of experience in aircraft development and we gave seen development cycle running in top gears, I can reasonably expect that DRDO will be able to deliver the plane in stipulated time frame. Even they put little more effort and be generous in spending, they may get first prototype fly in the middle of 2016. It is not impossible.
Well it's clearly not stalled is it? Work is still going on simply, for now, more attention is being given (and rightfully so) to get the LCA Mk.2 in service and then more attention will go on the AMCA.

Concept work is going on by ADA, DRDO or NAL, but there is not AMCA project as such cleared by the forces or the MoD yet and the former MoD stalled fundings till LCA is ready.
Wrt to the new graphics, the air intakes looks strange and the wings less diamond shaped as before.

They are still thinking Kaveri? That alone will kill the project. :-( Run the two separately at least, with a backup plan for the engine.

No, at least here they made some progress in learning from mistakes and de-linked Kaveri development from the fighter developments. It still is aimed to power LCA or even AMCA at some point, but the initial idea for AMCA will be to select a foreign engine as the base.

first prototypes by 2018-19 seems fair enough 1-2 years testing 2020 series production

whats your take

Far too late! The official aim is to start series production by 2017/18 and start induction in 2019. That time line is also crucial, since N-LCA is based on the success of development and serial production of the MK2 version, so any delay of the MK2, will automatically delay N-LCA even further to a point of no logical sense.
India's stealth fighter dream AMCA takes firm shape. Super cruise requirements being fine-tuned now.
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